A Survey on Scheduling Approaches for Hard Real-Time Systems (original) (raw)

An Efficient Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm For Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems

IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 1998

Many time-critical applications require predictable performance and tasks in these applications have deadlines to be met. In this paper, we propose an efficient algorithm for nonpreemptive scheduling of dynamically arriving real-time tasks (aperiodic tasks) in multiprocessor systems. A real-time task is characterized by its deadline, resource requirements, and worst case computation time on p processors, where p is the degree of parallelization of the task. We use this parallelism in tasks to meet their deadlines and, thus, obtain better schedulability compared to nonparallelizable task scheduling algorithms. To study the effectiveness of the proposed scheduling algorithm, we have conducted extensive simulation studies and compared its performance with the myopic [8] scheduling algorithm. The simulation studies show that the schedulability of the proposed algorithm is always higher than that of the myopic algorithm for a wide variety of task parameters.


IJRCAR, 2014

The problem of real-time scheduling spans a broad spectrum of algorithms from simple uniprocessor to highly sophisticated multiprocessor scheduling algorithms. Real-time software must satisfy not only functional correctness requirements but also timeliness requirements. A lot of real-time researches were focused on analysis rather than testing recently, observes that real-time testing is still a “lost-world” compared to “civilization” developed in other areas of software, reflecting the little work done in the area. In this paper, we have studied the various scheduling algorithm of the real time system.

A Hybrid Real-Time Scheduling Approach on Multi-Core Architectures

Journal of Software, 2010

This paper proposes a hybrid scheduling approach for real-time system on homogeneous multi-core architecture. To make the best of the available parallelism in these systems, first an application is partitioned into some parallel tasks as much as possible. Then the parallel tasks are dispatched to different cores, so as to execute in parallel. In each core, real-time tasks can run concurrently with nonreal-time tasks. The hybrid scheduling approach uses a twolevel scheduling scheme. At the top level, a sporadic server is assigned to each scheduling policy. Each sporadic server is used to schedule the dispatched tasks according to its scheduling policy. At the bottom level, a rate-monotonic OS scheduler is adopted to maintain and schedule the top level sporadic servers. The schedulability test is also considered in this paper. The experimental results show that the hybrid scheme is an efficient scheduling scheme.

Comparative Study of Scheduling Algorithms for Real Time Environment

Scheduling is a technique which makes an arrangement of performing certain tasks at specified period. The intervals between each function have been clearly defined by the algorithm to avoid any overlapping. The real time computing systems are those in which there are strict timing constraints that have to be met to get the correct output i.e. the output not only depend on the correctness of the outcome but also on the time at which results are produced. Real time systems are expected to change its state in real time even after the controlling processor has stopped its execution. The bound in which real time applications are needed to respond to the stimuli is known as deadline. In order to achieve optimized results in a real rime operations the scheduling techniques has been used. In the paper we classify the various scheduling techniques based on different parameters. Also techniques used for scheduling in real time environment are analyzed and comparison between different techniques have been done. The various issues have been presented on which there is still a need to work.

Hybrid Multiprocessor Real-Time Scheduling Approach


Real-time scheduling is one of the most important aspects of a real-time system design. To achieve a real-time system’s requirement, especially to be fast, multiprocessor systems are used. Generally, multiprocessor real-time scheduling algorithms fall into one the two well-known approaches: Partitioning or Global. The partitioning approach has acceptable overhead for underlying system but can NOT guarantee to provide an optimal schedule. The global approach can provide this guarantee by holding some preconditions and considerable overheads. In this paper, an intermediate hybrid multiprocessor realtime scheduling approach is proposed in which optimality will be reached via the minimum overheads for underlying system. Presenting and analyzing different feasible paradigms for combination of the two existing approaches, the proposed hybrid approach satisfies the two major goals of this combination: optimality and lightweightness. Experimental results show that the hybrid approach outper...

Scheduling Algorithms Implementation for Real Time Operating Systems: A Review

Asian Journal of Research in Computer Science

The term "Real-Time Operating System (RTOS)" refers to systems wherein the time component is critical. For example, one or more of a computer's peripheral devices send a signal, and the computer must respond appropriately within a specified period of time. Examples include: the monitoring system in a hospital care unit, the autopilot in the aircraft, and the safety control system in the nuclear reactor. Scheduling is a method that ensures that jobs are performed at certain times. In the real-time systems, accuracy does not only rely on the outcomes of calculation, and also on the time it takes to provide the results. It must be completed within the specified time frame. The scheduling strategy is crucial in any real-time system, which is required to prevent overlapping execution in the system. The paper review classifies several previews works on many characteristics. Also, strategies utilized for scheduling in real time are examined and their features compared.

Scheduling in Real Time System

Scheduling of real time tasks are very important aspect in systems as processes should complete its task at a specific time. There is a need of high energy efficiency and low response time in large data stream so for this energy efficient resources and optimized frameworks are needed. Both hard real time and mixed critically systems are targeted. Soft deadline can be handled while hard deadlines are difficult to cater. Different algorithms are used to schedule tasks like rate monotonic, earliest deadline first, deadline monotonic etc.

Evaluation of the Proposed Hybrid Multiprocessor Real-Time Scheduling Approach with Partitioned and Global Approaches

MATEC Web of Conferences, 2019

Generally, multiprocessor real-time scheduling algorithm fall into two basic approaches, partitioned and global. The hybrid solution that we proposed applies the partitioned scheduling approach to the task set until all processors have been filled. The remaining tasks are then scheduled using the global scheduling approach. The idea of a hybrid scheduling approach to ameliorate limitations of partitioned and global approaches. Studies have shown that most prior research on hybrid multiprocessor real-time scheduling has been confined to hard and soft real-time tasks. In fact, the implementation of hybrid approach and the performance of such algorithms in comparison to partitioned and global approaches have not been fully answered by previous studies. This paper performs experimental evaluation of our proposed hybrid multiprocessor scheduling approach, R-BOUND-MP-NFRNS and RM-US (m/3m-2) with multiprocessor response time test, with one of the best scheduling approach from partitioned ...

A new approach for scheduling of parallelizable tasks in real-time multiprocessor systems


In a parallelizable task model, a task can be parallelized and the component tasks can be executed concurrently on multiple processors. We use this parallelism in tasks to meet their deadlines and also obtain better processor utilisation compared to non-parallelized tasks. Non-preemptive parallelizable task scheduling combines the advantages of higher schedulability and lower scheduling overhead o ered by the preemptive and non-preemptive task scheduling models, respectively. We propose a new approach to maximize the bene ts from task parallelization. It involves checking the schedulability of periodic tasks (if necessary, by parallelizing them) o-line and run-time scheduling of the schedulable periodic tasks together with dynamically arriving aperiodic tasks. To avoid the run-time anomaly that may occur when the actual computation time of a task is less than its worst case computation time, we propose e cient run-time mechanisms. We have carried out extensive simulation to study the e ectiveness of the proposed approach by comparing the schedulability o ered by it with that of dynamic scheduling using Earliest Deadline First (EDF), and by comparing its storage e ciency with that of the static table-driven approach. We found that the schedulability o ered by parallelizable task scheduling is always higher than that of the EDF algorithm for a wide variety of task parameters and the storage overhead incurred by it is less than 3.6% of the static table-driven approach even under heavy task loads.

Survey of Real Time Scheduling Algorithms

Real-Time systems are becoming pervasive. In a Real-Time System the correctness of the system behavior depends not only on the logical results of the computations, but also on the physical instant at which these results are produced. A missed deadline in hard real-time systems is catastrophic and in soft real-time systems it can lead to a significant loss .This work talks about static and dynamic scheduling algorithms for real time task. The problem of real-time scheduling spans a broad spectrum of algorithms from simple uniprocessor to highly sophisticated multiprocessor scheduling algorithms which are priority driven and divided into three classes fixed priority, dynamic priority and hybrid priority. Finally conclusion shows that Instantaneous utilization factor scheduling Algorithm gives better result in uniprocessor scheduling algorithms and Modified Instantaneous utilization factor scheduling Algorithm gives better context switching, response time and CPU utilization as compared to previous scheduling algorithms.