Portfolio decision with a quadratic utility and inflation risk (original) (raw)
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Portfolio Choice Under Inflation Risk: Martingale Approach
Journal of the Chungcheng Mathematical Society, 2013
The optimal portfolio selection problem under inflation risk is considered in this paper. There are three assets the economic agent can invest, which are a risk free bond, an index bond and a risky asset. By applying the martingale method, the optimal consumption rate and the optimal portfolios for each asset are obtained explicitly.
The Effect of Inflation Risk and Subsistence Constraints on Portfolio Choice
Journal of the Korean Society For Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2013
The optimal portfolio selection problem under inflation risk and subsistence constraints is considered. There are index bonds to invest in financial market and it helps to hedge the inflation risk. By applying the martingale method, the optimal consumption rate and the optimal portfolios are obtained explicitly. Furthermore, the quantitative effect of inflation risk and subsistence constraints on the optimal polices are also described.
Optimal Portfolio for Terminal Wealth Under Inflation
Social Science Research Network, 2014
In this study, the scheme of Dynamic Portfolio consisted of three assets (Stock, Bond and Money account) were generated for investor who want to maximize the discounted expected utility for terminal wealth along finite time horizon in complete market in which inflation rate, interest rate and stock price modeled as stochastic process. As stock prices had evolved with Constant Elasticity of Variance (CEV) process, interest rate and inflation rate had undergone Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) processes. The continuous time framework to solve the Stochastic Differential Equation (SDE) then to be adapted. In this paper, our aim is to maximize discounted utility for terminal wealth in the end of investment period. The above problem is known as stochastic optimal control problem. The wealth process, price level and interest rate had been modelled as state variable and asset portion had been appointed as control function. As Hamilton Jacobi Bellman (HJB) equation had been derived, we were assuming the corresponding Partial Differential Equation was separable. Hence, the closed form solution of optimal trading strategy can be obtained. Simulation was conducted to the real Indonesian financial time series data. Along with Merton's seminal work and Brennan and Xia (2002), our result of risky asset trading strategies were not presence as feedback form of wealth process. We've found that the terminal wealth as long as the asset proportion in the portfolio is depend on the investor's risk averse degree as well as asset characteristics.
Assets Selection Problem for a Defined Contribution Pension Management under a Market with Inflation
International Journal of computer science and Mathematical theory, 2019
In this paper, we investigate the optimal strategy for a pension member in a defined contribution pension scheme under a market with inflation and minimum guarantee. We assume the contribution process includes the mandatory contribution and a supplementary contribution to amortize the pension fund which is assumed to be stochastic. Next, the management of the pension considers investments in cash, stock and inflation-linked bond to maximize the expected return of his member at the time of retirement. Using stochastic optimal control method, we derived an optimized problem from the Hamilton Jacobi Bellman (HJB) equation for the value function. Furthermore, we obtain the closed form solution of the optimal strategy for the three assets using constant absolute risk aversion (CARA) utility function and observed that the supplementary contributions has a direct effect on the inflation-linked bond and cash only. Keyword: DC Pension scheme, HJB, optimal investment strategy, inflation, supp...
Intertemporal asset allocation strategies under inflationary risk
A(τ): the Duffie-Kan coefficient (level term) (p. 49) A n (τ): the Duffie-Kan coefficient for the nominal bond model (p. 62) A r (τ): the Duffie-Kan coefficient for the real bond mode (p. 63) B(τ): the Duffie-Kan coefficient (linear term) (p. 49) B nr (τ), B rr (τ): the Duffie-Kan coefficient for the nominal bond model (p. 62) B rr (τ) :the Duffie-Kan coefficient for the real bond mode (p. 63) C t : nominal consumption at t (p. 25) c t : real consumption at t (p.35) F (X t): the drift coefficient for X t (p. 32) F t : the augmented natural filtration at t (p. 31) G(X t): the diffusion coefficient for X t (p. 32) g r (g π): the volatility parameter for r t (π t) (p. 62) I t : the price index at t (p31) J 0 (V 0 , R 0): the value function in the initial example (p. 25) J 1 (V 1 , R 1): the value function in the initial example (p. 25) J(t, T, v t , X t): the value function for the intertemporal asset allocation problem (p. 27) I would like to thank my first supervisor Professor Willi Semmler, who suggested the topic of this thesis, the intertemporal asset allocation problem, and advised the consideration of macroeconomic impacts on this problem, which has formed the guiding line of this thesis. Professor Semmler's comprehensive and balanced treatment of theoretical and empirical macroeconomics has had a remarkable influence on the structure of this thesis. I also want to express my deep gratitude to my second supervisor Professor Carl Chiarella in the School of Finance and Economics, at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). Many crucial points in this thesis, such as, the solution approach under inflation risk in Chapter 3, the no-arbitrage principle under inflation risk in Chapter 4, the second term structure models for modelling inflation-indexed bonds in Chapter 4 and the consideration of short-sale constraints for the intertemporal asset allocation problems in Chapter 6 were developed based upon ideas obtained in discussions with him. Some parts in the thesis have already appeared as working papers and have been submitted to journals for publication. I would also like to thank the critiques and comments from anonymous referees of Computational Economics on papers arising out of Section 4.3 and Chapter 6, which helped a lot to improve this thesis. Further thanks must be given to my colleagues at Bielefeld University and those at UTS, especially Dr. Wolfgang Lemke for many important comments on Section 4.3.3, Dr. Hing Hung for the discussion on technical details of the Kalman filter technique in Section 4.4.2, Evan Shellshear for the English wording, also
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2019
We consider a discrete-time optimal consumption and investment problem of an investor who is interested in maximizing his utility from consumption and terminal wealth subject to a random inflation in the consumption basket price over time. We consider two cases: (i) when the investor observes the basket price and (ii) when he receives only noisy signals on the basket price. We derive the optimal policies and show that a modified Mutual Fund Theorem consisting of three funds holds in both cases, as it does in the continuous-time setting. The compositions of the funds in the two cases are the same but in general the investor's allocations of his wealth into these funds differ.
Journal of Mathematical Finance, 2013
This paper examines optimal variational Merton portfolios (OVMP) with inflation protection strategy for a defined contribution (DC) Pension scheme. The mean and variance of the expected value of wealth for a pension plan member (PPM) are also considered in this paper. The financial market is composed of a cash account, inflation-linked bond and stock. The effective salary of the plan member is assumed to be stochastic. It was assumed that the growth rate of PPM's salary depends on some macroeconomic factors over time. The present value of PPM's future contribution was obtained. The sensitivity analysis of the present value of the contribution was established. The OVMP processes with inter-temporal hedging terms and inflation protection that offset any shocks to the stochastic salary of a PPM were established. The expected values of PPM's terminal wealth, variance and efficient frontier of the three classes of assets are obtained. The efficient frontier was found to be nonlinear and parabolic in shape. In this paper, we allow the stock price to be correlated to inflation risk index, and the effective salary of the PPM is correlated to inflation and stock risks. This will enable PPMs to determine extents of the stock market returns and risks, which can influence their contributions to the scheme.