On the Origin of the Ten Paramitas Doctrine in the Yogacara School (original) (raw)

Concept Theory of Jnānasrīmitra


The Buddhist logicians hold that concepts do not refer to the real in a direct way. Jnānasrīmitra established the non-reference of the concepts to the real on the ground that the content of a concept is common to both the existence and non-existence (bhāvābhāvasādhāranya) of the real The term "bhāvābhāvasādhāranya" which entails the possibility of the affirmative and negative usage of the word has two meanings: one is the unreality of the object in ontological contexts, and the other the non-reference to the real in epistemological contexts

Ofdm の基礎 Principle of Ofdm 岡田 実


This paper focuses on a principle of OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex) technology. OFDM is an efficient technology capable of establishing high speed digital transmission in frequency selective multipath environments. The digital terrestrial television broadcasting standards in Japan and Europe employ OFDM as a transmission scheme. The high speed wireless LAN (Local Area Network) standards, IEEE 802.11a and 11g have also been standarized by making use of OFDM to overcome the degradation due to multipath propagation. This paper summarizes these systems. The related technologies for improving the performance of OFDM are then described. 1 まえがき 無線通信では,しばしば,送信アンテナからの信号 が複数の経路を通って受信アンテナに到来するマル チパス伝搬が生じる.マルチパス伝搬環境では,各伝 搬経路の伝搬遅延時間が異なっている.このマルチパ ス伝搬環境における伝搬遅延時間の広がりは,無線 LAN(Local Area Network)では,100ns程度以下,セ ル半径が数百mのマイクロセル移動通信で数百 ns,セ ル半径が数 kmの小ゾーンセルラー移動通信では,数 μs,サービスエリアが数十 km以上の大ゾーン移動通 信システムや地上波テレビ放送では,しばしば数十 μs に達する. このように伝搬遅延時間に広がりを有するマルチパ ス伝搬路において,高速ディジタル伝送を行うと,伝 搬遅延時間広がりが伝送パル...


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