Kültürü yapılan Karadeniz alabalığı (Salmo trutta labrax)’ndaki Gyrodactylus spp. Enfeksiyonlarının Tedavisi (original) (raw)
This study is based on the value-based theories among the various behavioural sciences as the focus, which have the common characteristics of suggesting a connection between the reasons why consumers choose various products or services and the consumers' value systems. The primary research activities have been inspired by this base concept to find connections between value systems and consumer behaviour on my own. The main aim of this study is to analyse the foodstuff consumption habits of the Z Generation, or to be more precise, healthy eating habits. The other pillar of the topic is generation marketing, which also states that value systems are the differentiators among the different generations. Considering the Z generation as the potential customer base creating a demand, who are willing and capable of paying, it is fruitful and vital to know the specific foodstuff consumption preferences and decisions of this generation. During the primary research the study focuses on on the Z Generation's members, collecting qualitative and quantitative data, and conducting analyses on this generation's value system, foodstuff consumption behaviour, and their ideas about healthy eating habits. Based on the results, we can see the value orientation of the future generation, and understand how important they consider their own health, and what they do to preserve it. Beyond this, research results also help outline the relevant foodstuff consumption habits of the generation, which may help define the target groups of healthy lifestyle, and organise health education campaigns better aimed at the Z Generation.
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