CMLBPIncoherent: a New Contextual Image Descriptor for Scene Classification (original) (raw)
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A New Bag of Words LBP (BoWL) Descriptor for Scene Image Classification
This paper explores a new Local Binary Patterns (LBP) based image descriptor that makes use of the bag-of-words model to significantly improve classification performance for scene images. Specifically, first, a novel multi-neighborhood LBP is introduced for small image patches. Second, this multi-neighborhood LBP is combined with frequency domain smoothing to extract features from an image. Third, the features extracted are used with spatial pyramid matching (SPM) and bag-of-words representation to propose an innovative Bag of Words LBP (BoWL) descriptor. Next, a comparative assessment is done of the proposed BoWL descriptor and the conventional LBP descriptor for scene image classification using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. Further , the classification performance of the new BoWL descriptor is compared with the performance achieved by other researchers in recent years using some popular methods. Experiments with three fairly challenging publicly available image datasets show that the proposed BoWL descriptor not only yields significantly higher classification performance than LBP, but also generates results better than or at par with some other popular image descriptors.
Neurocomputing, 2013
This paper presents new image descriptors based on color, texture, shape, and wavelets for object and scene image classification. First, a new three Dimensional Local Binary Patterns (3D-LBP) descriptor, which produces three new color images, is proposed for encoding both color and texture information of an image. The 3D-LBP images together with the original color image then undergo the Haar wavelet transform with further computation of the Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG) for encoding shape and local features. Second, a novel H-descriptor, which integrates the 3D-LBP and the HOG of its wavelet transform, is presented to encode color, texture, shape, as well as local information. Feature extraction for the H-descriptor is implemented by means of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Enhanced Fisher Model (EFM) and classification by the nearest neighbor rule for object and scene image classification. And finally, an innovative H-fusion descriptor is proposed by fusing the PCA features of the H-descriptors in seven color spaces in order to further incorporate color information. Experimental results using three datasets, the Caltech 256 object categories dataset, the UIUC Sports Event dataset, and the MIT Scene dataset, show that the proposed new image descriptors achieve better image classification performance than other popular image descriptors, such as the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT), the Pyramid Histograms of visual Words (PHOW), the Pyramid Histograms of Oriented Gradients (PHOG), Spatial Envelope, Color SIFT four Concentric Circles (C4CC), Object Bank, the Hierarchical Matching Pursuit, as well as LBP.
Novel Color, Shape and Texture-based Scene Image Descriptors
This paper introduces several novel color, shape and texture-based image descriptors for scene image classification with applications to image search and retrieval. Specifically, first, a new 3-Dimensional Local Binary Pattern (3D-LBP) descriptor is proposed for color image local feature extraction. Second, a new shape descriptor (HaarHOG) is introduced by combining Haar wavelet transformation and Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG). Third, these descriptors are fused using an optimal feature representation technique to generate a robust 3-Dimensional LBP-HaarHOG (3DLH) descriptor that can perform well on different scene image categories. Finally, the Enhanced Fisher Model (EFM) is applied for discriminatory feature extraction and the nearest neighbor classification rule is used for image classification. The proposed descriptors and fusion technique are evaluated using three grand challenge datasets: the MIT Scene dataset, the UIUC Sports Event dataset, and a part of the Caltech 256 dataset.
Object classification using a local texture descriptor and a support vector machine
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2016
Objects classification or object detection is one of the most challenging tasks in computer vision. Digital images taken of real-life scenes capture objects at different positions, rotations and scales. Furthermore, variations in lighting, shape, color and texture within the same class make object classification a huge obstacle for computer vision algorithms. The most robust methodologies related to variations in lighting, rotation, color and scale, are based on "key points" localization, followed by applying a local descriptor to each surrounding region. Researchers have used various methods for detecting key points and have applied various local descriptors. Of these, the Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT), Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) and Center-Symmetric Local Binary Pattern (CS-LBP) methods have obtained good performance and are associated with clustering algorithms or histogram representation based on independent features (Bag of Features (BoF)). In the BoF approach, the visual codebook extracted around the "key points" regions can effectively describe objects by their appearance based on local texture analysis. Recently, we proposed two new texture descriptors for object detection based on the Local Mapped Pattern (LMP) approach. The Mean-Local Mapped Pattern (M-LMP) and the Center Symmetric Local Mapped Pattern (CS-LMP) exhibit better performance than SIFT and CS-LBP, but prior results have shown that the size of descriptors could be reduced without loss of sensitivity. In this paper, we investigated reducing the size of the M-LMP descriptor and then evaluating its performance for object classification by a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. In our experiments, we implemented an object recognition system based on the M-LMP reduced descriptor, and compared our results against the SIFT, Local Intensity Order Pattern (LIOP) and CS-LMP descriptors. The object classification results were analyzed using a BoF model and a SVM classifier, with the result that performance using Adilson Gonzaga
Object and Scene Image Classification Using Unconventional Color Descriptors
This paper presents novel color, texture and shape descriptors for scene and object image classification and evaluates their performance in unconventional color spaces. First, a new three dimensional Local Binary Pattern (3D-LBP) descriptor is proposed for color and texture feature extraction. Second, a novel color HWML (HOG of Wavelet of Multiplanar LBP) descriptor is derived by computing the histogram of the orientation gradients (HOG) of the Haar wavelet transformation of the original image and the 3D-LBP images. Third, these descriptors are generated in the unconventional color spaces like oRGB, I1I2I3, uncorrelated and discriminating color spaces to improve performance over conventional color spaces like RGB and HSV. Fourth, the Enhanced Fisher Model (EFM) is applied for discriminatory feature extraction and the nearest neighbor classification rule is used for image classification. Finally, the Caltech 256 object categories database and the MIT scene dataset are used to demonst...
Pattern Recognition
Visual content description is a key issue for machine-based image analysis and understanding. A good visual descriptor should be both discriminative and computationally efficient while possessing some properties of robustness to viewpoint changes and lighting condition variations. In this paper, we propose a new operator called the orthogonal combination of local binary patterns (denoted as OC-LBP) and six new local descriptors based on OC-LBP enhanced with color information for image region description. The aim is to increase both discriminative power and photometric invariance properties of the original LBP operator while keeping its computational efficiency. The experiments in three different applications show that the proposed descriptors outperform the popular SIFT, CS-LBP, HOG and SURF, and achieve comparable or even better performances than the state-of-the-art color SIFT descriptors. Meanwhile, the proposed descriptors provide complementary information to color SIFT, because...
Chapter 10 LBP and Color Descriptors for Image Classification
Four novel color Local Binary Pattern (LBP) descriptors are presented in this chapter for scene image and image texture classification with applications to image search and retrieval. Specifically, the first color LBP descriptor, the oRGB-LBP descriptor, is derived by concatenating the LBP features of the component images in an opponent color space — the oRGB color space. The other three color LBP descriptors are obtained by the integration of the oRGB-LBP descriptor with some additional image features: the Color LBP Fusion (CLF) descriptor is constructed by integrating the RGB-LBP, the YCbCr-LBP, the HSV-LBP, the rgb-LBP, as well as the oRGB-LBP descriptor; the Color Grayscale LBP Fusion (CGLF) descriptor is derived by integrating the grayscale-LBP descriptor and the CLF descriptor; and the CGLF+PHOG descriptor is obtained by integrating the Pyramid of Histograms of Orientation Gradients (PHOG) and the CGLF descriptor. Feature extraction applies the Enhanced Fisher Model (EFM) and ...
Scene image classification using a wigner-based Local Binary Patterns descriptor
2014 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2014
This paper introduces a new local feature description method to categorize scene images. We encode local image information by exploring the pseudo-Wigner distribution of images and the Local Binary Patterns (LBP) technique and make four major contributions. In particular, we first define a multi-neighborhood LBP for small image blocks. Second, we combine the multi-neighborhood LBP with the pseudo-Wigner distribution of images for feature extraction. Third, we derive the innovative WLBP feature vector by utilizing the frequency domain smoothing, the bag-of-words model and spatial pyramid representations of an image. Finally, we perform extensive experiments to evaluate the performance of the proposed WLBP descriptor. Specifically, we test our descriptor for classification performance using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier on three fairly challenging publicly available image datasets, namely the UIUC Sports Event dataset, the Fifteen Scene Categories dataset and the MIT Scene dataset. Experimental results reveal that the proposed WLBP descriptor outperforms the traditional LBP technique and yields results better than some other popular image descriptors.
Multi-scale Color Local Binary Patterns for Visual Object Classes Recognition
2010 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2010
The Local Binary Pattern (LBP) operator is a computationally efficient yet powerful feature for analyzing local texture structures. While the LBP operator has been successfully applied to tasks as diverse as texture classification, texture segmentation, face recognition and facial expression recognition, etc., it has been rarely used in the domain of Visual Object Classes (VOC) recognition mainly due to its deficiency of power for dealing with various changes in lighting and viewing conditions in real-world scenes. In this paper, we propose six novel multi-scale color LBP operators in order to increase photometric invariance property and discriminative power of the original LBP operator. The experimental results on the PASCAL VOC 2007 image benchmark show significant accuracy improvement by the proposed operators as compared with both the original LBP and other popular texture descriptors such as Gabor filter.