Pengaruh Tingkat Kesehatan Bank Terhadap Return Saham Bank Bumn Periode 2009-2018 (original) (raw)

Pengaruh Kesehatan Bank Terhadap Return Saham

Fair Value : Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Keuangan, 2018

This research aims to know and study the influence of bank health is represented by the variable Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), the Non-Performing Loan (NPL), and Loan To Deposit Ratio (LDR) towards the stock return bank State-Owned Enterprises which listings in Indonesia stock exchange (IDX). The data used are secondary data in the form of annual data from the year 2013-2017. The dependent variables used stock return as for its independent variable is the variable CAR, NPL, and LDR. Data analysis using multiple regression in panel data (fixed effect model). The results of this research show that there is a significant influence of the simultaneous independent variables the dependent variables against. While partially only variables that influence the NPL negative and significantly to the stock return, while variable CAR and LDR have no effect against the stock return bank State-Owned Enterprises listed at the IDX.

Pengaruh Tingkat Kesehatan Bank Terhadap Return Saham Perbankan di Indonesia

Konferensi Riset Nasional Ekonomi Manajemen dan Akuntansi, 2021

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa kesehatan bank terhadap return saham perbankan. Objek penelitian 39 perusahaan bank umum yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2015-2019 dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling, analisis data menggunakan program Microsoft Office Excel 2010 dan EViews versi 10.0. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah (1) risiko likuiditas yang diproksikan dengan Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) berpengaruh positif terhadap return saham, (2) good corporate governance tidak berpengaruh terhadap return saham, (3) earnings yang diproksikan dengan Return on Asset (ROE) tidak berpengaruh terhadap return saham, (4) capital yang diproksikan dengan Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) berpengaruh positif terhadap return saham. Kata kunci : risiko likuiditas; good corporate governance; earnings; capital; dan return saham.

Pengaruh Tingkat Kesehatan Bank Terhadap Volume Perdagangan Saham Perusahaan Perbankan yang Listing Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

NUANSA: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Sosial dan Keagamaan Islam, 2021

Tingkat kesehatan bank merupakan aspek yangsangat penting untuk mengetahui sehat atau tidak sehat suatu bank. Bank yang sehat merupakan bank yang dapat menjalankan fungsi-fungsinya dengan baik, dengan mengetahui tingkat kesehatan bank investor akan mendapatkan gambaran pasti dalam pengambilan keputusan investasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel tingkat kesehatan bank yang diukur dengan Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Return On Asset (ROA), Non Performing Loan(NPL), Beban Operasional terhadap Pendapatan Operasional (BOPO), dan Loan to Deposit Ratio(LDR) terhadap volume perdagangansahamperusahaanperban yang listing di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) periode 2016-2017. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode dokumentasi. Populasi penelitian ini adalah Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua perusahaan perbankan yang listing di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) periode 2016 dan 2017. Metode pemilihan sampel dilakukan secara random sebanyak 23 sampel. Teknik analisis ...

Pengaruh Return on Assets, Return on Equity Dan Net Interest Margin Terhadap Return Saham Bank Bumn Yang Terdaftar DI Bursa Efek Indonesia Pada Tahun 2015-2019

Ekonam: Jurnal Ekonomi, Akuntansi & Manajemen

ABSTRACT: From this research aims to find out return on assets, return on equity and net interest margin that affect simultaneously or in part against the share price on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This research is a comparative causal data source used from bank aunual reports 2015 to 2019 from the Indonesia Stock Exchange. According to the criteria in this study, the sample is 4 i.e. state-owned banks. To analyze models and test research hypotheses, we used several statistical methods of linear regression analysis. Based on the results of hypothetical research and tests, we can conclude as follows: 1) ROA, ROE and NIM have a significant effect on stock returns. 2) ROA and ROE ratios, partially affecting stock returns, while NIM ratios have been shown to have no affect. Keywords : Return On Assets (ROA), Return On Equity (ROE), Net Interest Margin (NIM), return shares.

Pengaruh Tingkat Kesehatan Bank Terhadappertumbuhan Laba Pada Perusahaan Sektorperbankan Yang Terdaftar DI Bursa Efekindonesia


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat apakah ada pengaruh tingkat kesehatan bank terhadap pertumbuhan laba pada tahun 2012 – 2016 yang dinilai dengan metode RGEC yang menggunakan aspek penilaian Non Performing Loan (NPL) pada Resiko Kredit, Good Corporate Governance , BOPO pada Earning, dan Capital Adequacy Rasio (CAR) pada Capital. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan Bank di Indonesia yang terdaftar pada Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) periode tahun 2012 sampai dengan tahun 2016 yang berjumlah 30 bank. Data dari penelitian ini merupakan data kuantitatif yang diperoleh dari Bursa Efek Indonesia. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi linear. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel resiko kredit yang diukur dengan NPL tidak berpengaruh signifikan pada pertumbuhan laba, GCG tidak berpengaruh signifikan pada pertumbuhan laba, Earning yang diukur dengan BOPO berpengaruh signifikan pada pertumbuhan laba, dan pada Capital yang diukur dengan CAR tidak berpengaruh signi...

Analisis Rgec Untuk Menilai Tingkat Kesehatan Bank Pada Perusahaan Perbankan Bumn Yang Terdaftar DI Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2013-2015

JEM17: Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen, 2018

State-Owned Bank (BNI, BRI, Bank Mandiri, and BTN) listed on BEI in terms of RGEC (Risk Profile, Good Corporate Governance, Earnings, Capital) in 2013-2015.This research method using descriptive with quantitative approach. The population of this study is all state banks listed in the directory of Bank Indonesia, which has an annual report period 2013 to 2015. The number of samples as many as four banks by passing through the purposive sample stage. Data collection techniques used are techniques of documentation and literature techniques. Data analysis method using RGEC method is by collecting the required data and then assess the risk profile factor that is calculate credit risk with NPL ratio and liquidity risk with LDR ratio. Then the GCG assessment conducted by self assessment by Bank. Assessment of earning factors by calculating ROA and NIM ratios and capital valuation factors using CAR ratios. The results of the analysis show that in the period 2013-2015 almost all the banks studied have a very healthy predicate except the BTN Bank is healthy. Risk Profile Factor shows the majority of bank NPLs below 5% and the majority of LDR predicated banks are quite healthy. Good Corporate Governance factor shows the bank gets very good and good predicate. Earning factor shows bank ROA more than 1.5% and NIM bank more than 3%. Capital Factor shows that bank CAR is more than 12% so it can fulfill the minimum capital requirement requirement of 8%. The general conclusion of soundness of BUMN Bank consisting of BNI, BRI, Bank Mandiri in the period of 2013-2015 using RGEC method that is Risk Profile, Good Corporate Governance, Earnings, Capital predicate VERY HEALTHY in composite rank 1, although one of the predicate of SEHAT at composite rank 2 is BTN. It is suggested for further research to expand the scope of research on bank soundness rating by using other financial ratio indicator with the latest method in accordance with Bank Indonesia Circular Letter. And for a bank that has been predicated very healthy to maintain it in the coming year.

Pengaruh Tingkat Kesehatan Bank Terhadap Harga Saham Perbankan Umum Konvensional Terdaftar DI Bei 2014-2018

Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis Krisnadwipayana

This research purpose is to analyze the impact of bank soundness on stock price both simultaneously and partially. This research conducted on several indicators which represented by each ratio. There are Good Corporate Governance (GCG), risk profile represented by Non Performing Loan (NPL), capital represented by Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), and earning represented by Return on Asset (ROA). The population was conventional banking companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2014-2018. Sampling method used in this research was purposive sampling and obtained 32 banking companies as a sample. This research using quantitative method. Analysis technique used in this reseach was panel data regression. The result shows that simultaneously NPL, ROA, CAR have insignificant effect on stock price. However, partially there was a significant effect between GCG and stock price. While the others variable have insignificant effect on stock price.

Pengaruh Tingkat Kesehatan Bank Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Perbankan Negara Asean

Widya Cipta: Jurnal Sekretari dan Manajemen

Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh tingkat kesehatan bank terhadap nilai perusahaan menggunakan RGEC. Penilaian pada metode RGEC meliputi faktor Risk Profile (profil risiko), Good Corporate Governance (GCG), Earnings (rentabilitas), dan Capital (permodalan). Penelitian ini dilakukan dilakukan di delapanpuluh empat perusahaan perbankan negara ASEAN. Sampel yang digunakan yaitu perusahaan perbankaan negara ASEAN yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek masing-masing negara tahun 2020, yang diambil menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Negara yang digunakan dalam sampel meliputi negara Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapura, Thailand, Filipina, Vietanam dan Kamboja. Metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data yakni pendekatan kuantitatif melalui analisis regresi Cross-Section dengan menggunakan bantuan program Eviews 12. Hasil penelitian ini yakni risk profile secara parsial berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan perbankan Negara ASEAN. Good Corporate ...

Pengaruh Tingkat Kesehatan Bank Terhadap Respon Investor

Jurnal Ilmu dan Riset Akuntansi (JIRA), 2019

This research aimed to examine the effect of banking health measurement on the investors response. The research was quantitative. While, the population was some banking companies which were listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange 2013-2017. The sampling collection technique used purposive sampling. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regression. In line with the research result, it concluded as follows: (a) Non-Performing Loan did not affect on the investors response. It meant, this aspect was not considered since it did not influence the profit decline, (b) Good Corporate Governance did not affect on the investors response. It meant, Good Corporate Governance could not guarantee the inverstors with the expected return, (c) Return On Asset had positive effect on the investors response. It meant, the higher the Return On Asset, the higher profit the investors would get, (d) Net Interest Margin did not affect on the investors response. It meant, as the company was not afficient of spending, the investors would not have the expected return, and (d) Capital Adequecy Ratio did not affect on the investors response. It meant, the increase of Capital Adequecy Ratio, which was acquired by the bank, could not influence the amount of shares return.