Climate change and crop production: contributions, impacts, and adaptations (original) (raw)

Assessing the effects of climate change on crop production and GHG emissions in Canada

Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2013

Regions in northern latitudes are likely to be strongly affected by climate change with shifts in weather that may be conducive to increased agricultural productivity. In this study the DNDC model was used to assess the effect of climate change on crop production and GHG emissions at long-term experimental sites in Canada. Crop production in the model was parameterized using measured data, and then simulations were performed using historical weather and future IPCC SRES climate scenarios (2040-2069). The DNDC model predicted that for western Canada under the SRES scenarios and no change in cultivar, yields of spring wheat would increase by 37% and winter wheat by 70%. Corn responded favorably to an increase in heat units at the eastern site with a 60% increase in yields. At all locations, yields were projected to increase further when new cultivars with higher GDD requirements were assumed. These increases were notable considering that the estimated soil water deficit indices indicated that there could be less water available for crop growth in the future. However, when accounting for increased water use efficiency under elevated CO 2 , DNDC predicted less crop water stress. Nitrous oxide emissions per ton of wheat were projected to increase across most of western Canada by about 60% on average for the A1b and A2 SRES scenarios and by about 30% for the B1 scenario. Nitrous oxide emissions per unit area were predicted to increase under corn production at the eastern location but to remain stable per ton of grain. Model results indicated that climate change in Canada will favor increased crop production but this may be accompanied by an increase in net GHG emissions for small grain production.



Global climate change has emerged as one of the major threat to agriculture in recent times. Climate is changing at a very faster rate resulting in increase in temperature, melting of ice, rise in sea level, extreme weather conditions etc. which directly or indirectly affects agriculture. Crop productivity, irrigation demand, water availability, soil fertility, incidence of pest disease and weed etc. are affected significantly as the climate changes. Climate change threatens to enhance the potential for soil erosion, reduce soil fertility and lower agricultural productivity thus enhancing the severity of challenges that we are facing in 21 st century. Agriculture and climate change are interrelated. A significant amount of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide are emitted by agriculture and allied sectors, thus accelerating the process of climate change. Principle agricultural process emitting GHGs are deforestation, livestock and fertilizer application. Agricultural productivity under changing climate can be sustained by following adaptation and mitigation strategies through adoption of several agronomic practices such as organic farming, agroforestry, manure application etc.

Adapting agriculture to climate change

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2007

Cover: World agriculture faces the dual challenges of increasing crop production and addressing climate change. Increasing population, diets inclusive of more animal-based foods, and increased manufacture of biobased industrial products will require an increase in crop production of at least 50% by 2050. Agriculture produces approximately 10% of greenhouse gasses (GHGs) (CO 2 , CH 4 , N 2 O). Our plant and animal agricultural systems will need to both mitigate production of GHGs and adapt to the stresses of climate change as well as take advantage of the benefits. Research, modeling, policy, ethics and education-as discussed in this volume-will be key to meeting these challenges.

National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) Measurement of Greenhouse Gas Emission from Crop, Livestock and Aquaculture

Global warming, caused by the increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere, has emerged as the most prominent global environmental issue. These GHGs i.e., carbon dioxide (CO 2), methane (CH 4) and nitrous oxide (N 2 O) trap the outgoing infrared radiation from the earth's surface and thus raise the temperature. The global mean annual temperatures at the end of the 20th century, as a result of GHG accumulation in the atmosphere, has increased by 0.4-0.76 o C above that recorded at the end of the 19th century (IPCC 2007). The last 50 years show an increasing trend of 0.13°C/decade whereas the trend of the last one and half decades has been much higher. The InterGovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2007) projected a temperature increase between 1.1 and 6.4°C by the end of the 21st Century. Global warming also leads to other regional and global changes in climate-related parameters such as rainfall, soil moisture and sea level. Global climatic changes can affect agriculture through their direct and indirect effects on the crops, soils, livestock and pests. An increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide level will have a fertilization effect on crops with C 3 photosynthetic pathway and thus will promote their growth and productivity. The increase in temperature, depending upon the current ambient temperature, can reduce crop duration, increase crop respiration rates, alter photosynthate partitioning to economic products, affect the survival and distribution of pest populations, hasten nutrient mineralization in soils, decrease fertilizer-use efficiencies, and increase evapo-transpiration rate. Indirectly, there may be considerable effects on land use due to snow melt, availability of irrigation water, frequency and intensity of inter-and intra-seasonal droughts and floods, soil organic matter transformations, soil erosion, changes in pest profiles, decline in arable areas due to submergence of coastal lands, and availability of energy. Therefore, concerted efforts are required for mitigation and adaptation to reduce the vulnerability of

Climate Change Mitigation: The Role of Agriculture

Journal of Agricultural Extension, 2013

The paper examined available information on the contribution of agriculture toward climate change, the effect of climate change on agriculture and the mitigation potentials of agriculture on climate change. Findings reveal that agriculture contributes to climate change majorly by the emission of methane, nitrous oxide and carbon (iv) oxide. Climate change affects agriculture through temperature rises which affect both crop and animal production, rising sea levels which causes farm land salinization and flooding and pests/diseases infestation. The mitigation potential of agriculture relies on sustainable agricultural practices which include organic farming, agro biodiversity, better land and water management practices, composting, vermicomposting, integrated pest management, cover cropping, mulching, use of bio fuel/bio energy, reduction of fertilizer use, crop rotations and soil conserving tillage which reduce soil erosion. For effective climate change mitigation through agriculture, the following recommendations were made (i) there is need for a systematic redirection of investment, funding, research and policy focus towards sustainable agriculture (ii) agricultural policies that encourage farming by subsidizing safe and sustainable farm inputs should be encouraged (iii) extension services should promote awareness-raising about sustainable agriculture and (iv) sustainable agriculture should be integrated into all level of the education system.

Climate change and critical research needs regarding climate, carbon-dioxide and crop production

The Pharma Innovation Journal, 2018

Climate change is the most important issue at national as well as at global level. The climate changing due to many reasons which directly change in the concentration of many gases specially carbon dioxide and increase in the intensity of precipitation and also increase in the global temperature. These changes in the levels of carbon oxide and temperature leads to change in our production and productivity of crops plants special reference to agricultural crops which are very sensitive to change in temperature and concentration of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide. So to take a sustainable production from agricultural crops under changing climate scenario, we have to focus on new techniques of crop production. These new techniques are like changing in the research. The critical research on agricultural crops related to impacts of high temperature and carbon dioxide concentration. These are some important sector of research which are sustainability of crop production, water supply, input supply, food safety, plant varieties etc. all the above sectors of research require a new research techniques of experiment to suit accordingly changing climate. Those all sectors need a new experiment to maintain our sustainable food production to supply food for increasing global population especially for Asian countries under changing climatic. So, we have to focus on such new research area under high levels of CO2 to get higher production in both the sense of quality and quantity.

Effect of Global Warming on Agricultural Systems


Climate change and agriculture are interrelated processes, both of which take place on a global scale. The overall effect of climate change on agriculture will depend on the balance of these effects. Due to global warming, the frequency of droughts in several tropical countries has increased whereas flooding in several countries severely disrupted the food production and the carrying capacity of the biosphere. Assessment of the effects of global climate changes on agriculture might help to properly anticipate and adapt farming to maximize agricultural production. This paper emphasizes how agricultural growth and sustainability has to be achieved,while coping with the climate change phenomenon. Climate change is likely to reduce yields of most crops in long-term. In short-term effects may be small. Increased climatic variability could cause significant fluctuations in production even in short-term. Adaptation strategies can help minimize negative impacts. These need greater research,...

Global Climate Change Causes and Impacts on Agroecosystems and Food Security

Earth's climate has experienced notable changes during the past 50-70 years when globalsurface temperature has risen by 0.8⁰C duringthe 20th century that madethis period the warmest in 1000 years . This phenomenon was a consequence of the dramatic rise in the concentration of biogenic gases [carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) , methane (CH 4 ), nitrous oxide (N 2 O), chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) , and ozone ( O 3 )] in the atmosphere that contribute, along with water vapor, to the so-called ‗greenhouse effect',or global climate warming. Most of the emissionsof greenhouse gaseshave been, and still are, the product of human activities, namely,the excessive use of fossil energy, deforestations in the humid tropics with associated poor land use-management, and wide-scale degradation of soils under crop cultivation and animal/pasture ecosystems. General Circulation Models predict that atmospheric CO 2 will probably be near 700 ppm resulting in extra rise in Earth's temperature from 1.5 to over 5 ⁰C by the end of this century. Adding to that trend is the probability of methane releases from Nordic region permafrost (frozen lands). This may instigate 60 to 100 cm rise in sea levelwith contributions from thermal expansion, melting glaciers and ice caps, and the polar ice sheets, with adverse effects on coastal lowlands across continents. Crop modeling predicts also significant changes in agricultural ecosystems, with the mid-and high-latitude temperate regions (highly industrialized) might reap the benefits of warming and CO 2 fertilization effects that will increase total production and yield of C 3 plant systems coupled with greater water use efficiencies. The tropical/subtropical regions, inhabited mostly by developing countries, will probably suffer the worst impact of global climate changes in the 21 st century as their current climate is near the maximum thermal limits of agro-ecosystems. These impacts include, among other adverse consequences, wide-scale socioeconomic changes such as degradation and losses of natural resources, low agricultural production and lower crop yields, increased risks of hunger and insecure food and feed resources, and above all waves of human migration and dislocation that will propagate civil unrests.Because the tropical root crop cassava is highly tolerant to heat, water stress and poor soils, it showed high level of adaptability and suitability under warming