FAST: A channel access protocol for wireless video (and non-video) traffic (original) (raw)

Near optimal fair delay based resource allocation for video traffic over wireless multimedia system

Computer Communications, 2008

The major issue related to the realization of wireless multimedia system is the design of suitable medium access control (MAC) protocol. The design challenge is to maximize the utilization of the limited wireless resources while guaranteeing the various quality of service requirements for all traffic classes especially for the stringent real-time constraint of real-time variable bit rate (rt-VBR) video service. In this paper a novel resource allocation algorithm for video traffic is proposed. The proposed allocation algorithm aims to provide fair delay for video packets by minimizing the delay difference among transmitted video packets. At the same time it adaptively controls the allocated resources (bandwidth) for video traffic around the corresponding average bit rate, and has the ability of controlling the quality of service (QoS) offered for video traffic in terms of packet loss probability and average delay. A minimized control overhead of only two bits is needed to increase the utilization efficiency. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm achieves very high utilization and provides nearly fair delay among video packets. Its efficiency is also investigated under traffic integration condition with voice and data traffic to show that the QoS offered to video traffic does not change in the presence of the highest priority voice traffic while data traffic increases the channel utilization to 98% by using the remaining bandwidth after voice and video traffic while a good QoS is offered to voice and data traffic.

Fair Delay Optimization-based Resource Allocation Algorithm for Video Traffic over Wireless Multimedia System

Wireless Personal Communications, 2009

The major issue related to the realization of wireless multimedia system is the design of suitable medium access control (MAC) protocol. The design challenge is to maximize the utilization of the limited wireless resources while guaranteeing the various quality of service (QoS) requirements for all traffic classes especially for the stringent real-time constraint of real time variable bit rate (rt-VBR) video service. In this paper a novel resource allocation algorithm for video traffic is proposed. The proposed allocation algorithm aims to provide fair delay for video packets by minimizing the delay difference among transmitted video packets. At the same time it adaptively controls the allocated resources (bandwidth) for video traffic around the corresponding average bit rate, and has the ability of controlling the QoS offered for video traffic in terms of packet loss probability and average delay. A minimized control overhead of only two bits is needed to increase the utilization efficiency. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm achieves very high utilization and provides nearly fair delay among video packets. Its efficiency is also investigated under traffic integration condition with voice and data traffic. Under traffic integration condition the data traffic increases the utilization while a good QoS is achieved for all traffic classes.

Scalable Video Streaming for Single-Hop Wireless Networks Using a Contention-Based Access MAC Protocol

Advances in Multimedia, 2008

Limited bandwidth and high packet loss rate pose a serious challenge for video streaming applications over wireless networks. Even when packet loss is not present, the bandwidth fluctuation, as a result of an arbitrary number of active flows in an IEEE 802.11 network, can significantly degrade the video quality. This paper aims to enhance the quality of video streaming applications in wireless home networks via a joint optimization of video layer-allocation technique, admission control algorithm, and medium access control (MAC) protocol. Using an Aloha-like MAC protocol, we propose a novel admission control framework, which can be viewed as an optimization problem that maximizes the average quality of admitted videos, given a specified minimum video quality for each flow. We present some hardness results for the optimization problem under various conditions and propose some heuristic algorithms for finding a good solution. In particular, we show that a simple greedy layer-allocation...

Application-Layer QoS Fairness in Wireless Video Scheduling


In mobile video transmission systems, the initial delay for pre-fetching video at the client buffer needs to be short due to buffer limitations and application-layer user convenience. Therefore, an effective cross-layer wireless design is required that considers both physical and application layer aspects of such a system. We present a cross-layer optimized multiuser video adaptation and scheduling scheme for wireless video communication, where Quality-of-Service (QoS) fairness among users is provided while maximizing user convenience and video throughput. Application and physical layer aspects are jointly optimized using a Multi-Objective Optimization (MOO) framework that tries to schedule the user with the least remaining playback time and the highest video throughput (delivered video seconds per transmission slot) with maximum video quality. Experiments with the IS-856 (1xEV-DO) standard and ITU Pedestrian A and Vehicular B environments show the improvements over today's schedulers in terms of QoS fairness and user utility. 1

Content-aware resource allocation and packet scheduling for video transmission over wireless networks


Abstract A cross-layer packet scheduling scheme that streams pre-encoded video over wireless downlink packet access networks to multiple users is presented. The scheme can be used with the emerging wireless standards such as HSDPA and IEEE 802.16. A gradient based scheduling scheme is used in which user data rates are dynamically adjusted based on channel quality as well as the gradients of a utility function. The user utilities are designed as a function of the distortion of the received video.

Exploiting Multimedia Frame Semantics and MAC-layer Enhancements for QoS Provisioning in IEEE 802.11 e Congested Networks

Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) supporting modern streaming multimedia applications constitute a very challenging and rapidly changing field of research. Towards implementing effective multimedia wireless networks, the IEEE has published the "state of the art" IEEE 802.11e standard, which introduced a QoS-aware MAC-layer along with a series of efficiency enhancements. However, it has been proven inadequate in handling multimedia traffic optimally in periods of congestion. For the efficient support of multimedia applications in high load situations, numerous mechanisms have emerged, most of them focusing on altering the static nature of resource allocation specified in IEEE 802.11e. Nevertheless, traffic characteristics must be taken into consideration in order to achieve the highest gains. In this paper, an application-aware MAC-layer mechanism is developed that exploits multimedia frame semantics and existing MAC-layer enhancements to adequately cope with high congestion situations in IEEE 802.11e infrastructure networks. The proposed algorithm makes use of existing acknowledgment policies and adaptive resource allocation techniques depending on multimedia frame significance. The effectiveness of the algorithm is proven by means of simulations, where its functionality is evaluated and compared with other existing schemes.

Video Traffic Prioritization in WLANs Using Single Queue Priority Scheduler

2015 17th UKSim-AMSS International Conference on Modelling and Simulation (UKSim), 2015

Mobile video transmission poses many challenges in standard wireless networks like Wireless Local Area Network. Some challenges including handover, delay, packet loss, jitter, fading and signal loss may be attributed to network congestion. Several studies have suggested increasing network resources as a way to cater for huge demands and reduce congestion in the network, while others suggest optimizing the available resources. In line with the optimization approach, a solution to improving video transmission in IEEE 802.11 networks is discussed that uses the Single-Queue Priority Scheduler (SQPS) to rearrange video frames according to their importance. In the presented simulation performed using the OPNET 14.5 modeler, an MPEG video (trace file) was rearranged by assigning weights to the video frames I, B and P, which, were then prioritized and arranged in a single queue for transmission. A parameter (Sn) was deduced from three metrics- deadline, priority and cost and used to activel...

Controlling Contention Window to Ensure QoS for Multimedia Data in Wireless Network

Journal of Research and Development on Information and Communication Technology, 2020

The IEEE-802.11e standard was published withthe goal of ensuring quality of service, especially with mul-timedia data. However, this standard only assigns differentpriorities for different types of data but does not controlthe sharing of bandwidth among different data flows. In thispaper, we will propose a method of sharing bandwidth forproportional data flows and controlling Contention Windowof each priority flow to achieve that ratio.

Inter-flow fairness support and enhanced video quality delivery over multi-hop wireless networks

Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2016

Due to intra-flow and inter-flow interference problems, the throughput performance decreases dramatically in a multi-hop wireless network. These two kinds of bandwidth unfair sharing problems could cause serious collisions and congestion, hence affecting the performance of multi-hop wireless networks. That is to say, data packets that need to traverse more hops to arrive at the destination will get lower throughput and result in the interflow fairness problem. Furthermore, the quality of video transmission is especially poor in traditional multi-hop wireless network environments. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a virtual queue management scheme that does not require the modification of any communication protocol. According to the number of flows, it adjusts the queue management scheme to achieve each flow's fair sharing of channel resource. It also improves the quality of video transmission. Through NS2 simulations, the results show that our proposed scheme can mitigate the inter-flow fairness problem and effectively improves the quality of video transmission.

An Adaptive Scheduling Algorithm for Video Transmission over Wireless Packet Networks

Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 2010

In this paper, we propose an adaptive and fair-scheduling algorithm for video streaming over wireless links. The algorithm selects the client to be served based on the instantaneous occupancy of the decoder buffers of the wireless clients as well as the channel states as seen by these clients in addition to the sensitivity of video frames. We consider a two-tier nonlinear predictor that helps in the selection process of the clients. When compared to other commonly-used scheduling algorithms, the proposed algorithm achieves better performance in terms of the individual and average buffer occupancies of the decoder buffers of the wireless clients as well as the end-to-end delay experienced by the video frames.