This study seeks to establish the impact of extension services on agricultural development in Bay and Bakool regions, Somalia. The Specific Objectives of the study were To determine the relationship between the level of extension services and agricultural development among farmers in Bay and Bakol region, To determine the different types and scale of extension services delivered to farmers in Bay and Bakool communities and To investigate the challenges affecting extensive service supplies and agricultural development in Bay and Bakol communities. This study was descriptive in design because it going to describe the impact of extension services on agricultural development of Bay and Bakol rural communities. Descriptive research design is a scientific method which involves observing and describing the behavior of a subject without influencing it in any way. The targeted research population from which the sample was selected were 100 respondents including farmers, SCI (FSL) Extensions working in the regions, Ministry of Agriculture of South West State staffs with a sample size of 80 respondents. The findings on the relationship between the level of extension services and agricultural development among farmers in Bay and Bakol region revealed that Extensionists access different information needed by farmers in terms of production, cultural practices, markets and marketing. Followed by (20)50% who agreed, (30)60% disagreed while the rest of respondents (03)10% strongly disagreed. Responses to the question as to whether Extensionists usually persuade farmers to adopt new practices mainly because they have access to research and its results 13% strongly agreed, 18% agreed with the statement, while 17% disagree and majority of respondents strongly disagreed with 42% response. The findings revealed that Community-based extension approaches is their ability to deliver messages at relatively low cost to a large number of beneficiaries, the larger percentage (21%) of the respondents strongly agreed, 62% agreed and 14% disagreed while only 3% strongly disagreed with the statement. The findings on the different types and scale of extension services delivered to farmers in Bay and Bakool communities revealed that Economical extension service are among the major types and scale of extension services delivered to farmers in Bay and Bakool communities as this type of extension work is possible in market conditions and uses economical incentives for realization of its goals, and its efficiency is demonstrated in capital deficiency; 11(18.3%) Strongly agreed, 30(50%) agreed, 03(5%) were uncertain, 09(15%) disagreed, 07(11.6%) strongly disagreed with the statement, Findings on the challenges affecting extensive service supplies and agricultural development in Bay and Bakol communities revealed that Average Somalia Farm- ers in Bay and Bakol regions is still making use of only the same outdated manual farm tools - like cutlass and hoe - as their Fore- fathers used since many Centuries ago; 16 (26.6%) strongly agreed with the state- ment, 21% (35%) agreed with the statement, 04(6.66%) were uncertain about the statement, 05 (8.33%) disagreed with the statement, 14 (23.33%) strongly disagreed with the statement with a mean = 4.46 and standard deviation of 1.31 The findings also revealed that there is high level of Ignorance among rural farmers in Bay and Bakol region and thus agriculture is still greatly and relatively undermined and even over-looked as a mere back-yard business in Bay and Bakool 25 (42%) strongly agreed with the statement, 30(50%) agreed with the statement, 00(-) were not certain with the statement, 02 (3.33%) disagreed with the statement, 03(5%) strongly disagreed with the statement, with a mean = 44.40 and standard deviation of 0.491. The study concludes that there is a positive significant relationship between extension services and agricultural development because Extensionists access different information needed by farmers in terms of production, cultural practices, markets and marketing, Farmers and communities have little urge to conserve resources unless they are forced by legislation, One of the tasks of extension is the emphasis on developing the human capital, enhancing his or her capacity to make decisions, to learn and manage the communication process with others, to analyze the environment, to be a leader, to stand up to oppression and to organize. The study concludes that the different types and scale of extension services delivered to farmers include; Technical extension. Agricultural and rural extension is the responsibility of various technical and service units, and serves many purposes, Educational extension service provides, offers opportunities for learning through educational materials, publications, organizing of short courses, study trips, etc. The study concludes that the major challenges affecting extensive service and agricultural development in Bay and Bakol region are Lack of food storage or processing facilities; Many delicious and juicy fruits, vegetables, and cash-crops are largely produced from, Lack of road, water and electricity; the study recommends that farmer groups should be encouraged in order to help the extension staff make wider coverage andtake advantage of interper- sonal communication. It is important for the extension staff to understandthe purpose of the various extension methods and techniques, and the way in which these particularextension methods and technique is carried out, There is need to create appropriate information channels among the farmers.