Expedition of the USSR Academy of Sciences to the Vodny Radium Deposit of the Komi ASSR in 1940 (original) (raw)

Formation of the Library of the Ural Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1932—1940

Библиотековедение, 2020

Становление библиотеки Уральского филиала Академии наук СССР (1932-1940 гг.) Реферат. Статья посвящена организации информационно-библиотечного обслуживания ученых Уральского филиала Академии наук СССР (УФАН) в период становления академической науки на Урале (1932-1940 гг.). Рассматривается деятельность библиотеки УФАН (ныне Центральная научная библиотека Уральского отделения Российской академии наук-ЦНБ УрО РАН) на фоне развития Филиала, пережившего в первые годы своего существования неоднократные попытки реформирования и ликвидации. Финансовые и кадровые сложности тех лет отразились как на деятельности УФАН в целом, так и на развитии библиотеки. Поворотным моментом в истории УФАН стало включение в 1939 г. в его состав Уральского физико-технического института, обладавшего хорошей материальной базой и кадровым потенциалом. На основании библиотечных и неизвестных ранее архивных документов делается вывод о параллельном формировании двух фондов-библиотеки Филиала и библиотеки института, из которых впоследствии был сформирован единый фонд библиотеки УФАН. Исследуется развитие каждого из этих фондов на протяжении 1932-1940 годов. Описывается вклад отдельных ученых в развитие библиотеки, история появления в фонде некоторых частных коллекций. Приведены сведения о первых сотрудниках учреждения.

Activities of the Bibliographic Commission of the USSR Academy of Sciences during the Great Patriotic War

Bibliotekovedenie [Russian Journal of Library Science], 2020

On the eve of anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the authors turned to the previously unexplored subject, namely, the work of bibliographers of the USSR Academy of Sciences for the defence of the country. Before, the professional work of bibliographers during the War was not studied in this aspect that determines the relevance and scientific novelty of the topic under consideration. The purpose of the article is to show that during the War bibliography turned from ideological tool of the Party to form a new type of person into the only reliable information tool for solving the most important warfare and national economic problems in the wartime conditions.The article describes the work of the Commission for compilation of bibliography by countries, which was formed under the Section of the special libraries network of the USSR Academy of Sciences in May 1942. Based on the unique archival documents, the authors show for the first time how bibliographers of the lib...

Archives of the academy of sciences as repository of the historical memory of Russia


The paper presents a brief history and description of collections of the oldest archives formed by the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) in St. Petersburg for almost 300 years of its history. Attention is focused on the main problems of the archives, which emerged after the reform of the RAS in 2013, and prospects for their solution are outlined.

The Founder of the Decameter Radio Astronomy in Ukraine Academician of Nas of Ukraine Semen Yakovych Braude is 110 Years Old: History of Creation and Development of the National Experimental Base for the Last Half Century

Radio physics and radio astronomy, 2021

Purpose: A historical review of the experimental baselopment of low-frequency radio astronomy in Ukraine, its foundation half a century ago by an outstanding scientist S.Ya. Braude to the current state. Design/methodology/approach: The constant progress of electronic, computer and digital technologies, information and telecommunication technologies, theory and practice of antenna and receiving systems design, which introduction enriched the hardware and methodological ideology of construction and usage of the UTR-2, URAN, and GURT radio telescopes, have been used. Findings: The worldwide most effective national experimental radio astronomy means, the UTR-2, URAN, and GURT decameter-meter wave radiotelescopes, have been created and improved. The best combination of the systems main parameters: sensitivity; frequency band; spatial, frequency and temporal resolutions; noise immunity; uniformity of amplitude-frequency and space-frequency characteristics and multifunctionality has been p...

V. F. Smolin in Kazan (1909–1929): letters to academician V. V. Bartold (1921–1925). Arkheologiya Evraziyskikh stepey No 1 2024


Field archaeologist, museologist and art historian V.F. Smolin (1890–1932) was a prominent representative of the Kazan scientific community and its memorable generation of scholars who demonstrated outstanding research and educational efforts in Russia at the beginning of the XX century and the first decades of the post-revolutionary period. In 1909–1920s, his research topics and areas of interest in Kazan included ancient and Scythian history and archaeology, field archaeological excavations of Bronze Age mounds and centers of Bulgar civilization, archaeology and culture of Volga Bulgaria, university teaching of archaeology, protection of archaeological sites, and ancient and medieval culture of the Middle Volga region. He was at the origins of systematic field archaeological expeditions and excavations and became the discoverer of the Abashevo culture. In V.F. Smolin’s activity one can witness the continuation of the traditions of pre–revolutionary archaeology and the formation of new trends, the Kama-Volga archaeology. Letters from V.F. Smolin, an associate of numerous Kazan scientific and cultural centers, to academician V.V. Bartold include a variety of information about scientific life, crucial social and cultural changes in Tatarstan and Chuvashia, a personal assessment of the role of a number of scientists, and his activities and legacy in 1921–1925. The key topic of the letters was the dialogue between the young scientist and V.V. Bartold, an outstanding orientalist, about the studies, directions and results of archaeological and museological research. The personal communication of the Kazan professor is a vivid example of the organic relationship of a regional center of the Russian science with central academic institutions and their prominent scientists. V.F. Smolin's epistolary communication became an important factor and impetus for his research development and professional growth during the Soviet period in Kazan and in the south of Russia in 1929-1935 (Chersonesos, Pyatigorsk). The article presents a brief overview of the archaeologist’s legacy during his Kazan period and his letters to academician V.V. Bartold from V.F. Smolin’s personal fund in the St. Petersburg branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPbB ARAS).

Mineralogy at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (on the 100th Anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)

Mineralogical Journal

МІНЕРАЛОГІя у НАцІОНАЛьНІЙ АКАДЕМІї НАуК уКРАїНИ (до 100-річчя НАН уКРАїНИ) статтю присвячено історії розвитку мінералогічних знань в україні з часу створення в 1918 р. української академії наук, найдетальніше за останні десять років. стисло висвітлено роль академіка в.І. вернадського у розвит ку мінералогії в україні. розглянуто основні досягнення вчених нан україни у різних галузях цієї фундаментальної дисципліни з циклу наук про Землю-регіональній, систематичній та генетичній мінералогії, кристалохімії та фізиці мінералів, мінералогічній кристалографії, біо-і наномінералогії, експериментальній, космічній та прикладній мінералогії, музейній справі тощо. акцентовано увагу на головних проблемах та окреслено по даль ші завдання мінералогії в україні. оцінено внесок українських вчених у розвиток світової мінералогічної науки. Ключові слова: в.І. вернадський, регіональна і генетична мінералогія, кристалохімія та фізика мінералів, мінералогічна кристалографія, біомінералогія, наномінералогія, експериментальна, космічна і прикладна мінералогія.