Effects of biology project studies on gifted and talented students’ motivation toward learning biology (original) (raw)
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Differentiated instruction is a method of teaching approach that meets the learning needs of gifted students as it provides the same learning opportunities for each student. Due to the emphasis on diversity of teaching, teachers at Pusat PERMATApintar ® Negara, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia have applied this method in the classroom. Gifted students differ in terms of their readiness, interest and learning profile. Teachers apply Different Teaching based on the needs and needs of gifted student's learning to engage every student in the teaching and learning process in the classroom. The results of the previous study found that differentiated instruction has contributed to student motivation. In this study, the student motivation questionnaire was distributed to 60 gifted students in the final year of the academic session Semester 2, 2017. The data were collected and analyzed using inference analysis involving t-test and ANOVA. This analysis reveals the motivation of the gifted students' learning experience towards differentiated Biology lessons.
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Science Education International, 2018
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Factors Affecting Biology Lesson Motivation in Secondary School Students
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Relationship between Learning Motivation and Biology Learning Outcomes
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 2021
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Investigating Correlates of Gifted Students’ Motivation towards Science Learning
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Action Research and Innovation in Science Education, 2018
Students' attitudes and motivations affect their learning process and their academic success. The purpose of the present study is to examine the influence of the use of Project-Based Learning (PBL) on Arab sector middle-school students' attitudes and motivation towards biology. The study was conducted using a mixed design, quantitative as well as qualitative. The quantitative part took the form of questionnaires and the qualitative part consisted of a semi-structured interview with students. In this quasi experimental study, the research population consisted of 178 7th grade students of the Arab sector in northern Israel. The study's findings indicate that an intervention program consisting mainly of combining the teaching of biology with PBL resulted in both increased motivation among students and more positive attitudes towards biology. Students reported greater pleasure, curiosity, interest and cooperation as a result of using PBL in learning about the cell in biology...
This study aimed to reveal the motivational styles of biology students and to find out the gender difference regarding motivational styles. Students' motivational styles were explored by a questionnaire whose items were written to correspond to four motivational pattern: achievement, curiosity, conscientious and sociability. A total of 164 university students who were studying biology in the faculty of science participated in this study. The results showed that i) for the whole sample, the numbers of curious and social students are fairly higher than the achiever and the conscientious students however, there are differences for each level, ii) more boys than girls appeared as achiever, on the other hand, more girls than boys appeared as conscientious. The implication of the results for teaching and learning biology as well as for instructional materials is discussed in the light of findings of other studies given in the literature.
In this study, comparison of academically advanced science students and gifted students in terms of attitude toward science and motivation toward science learning is aimed. The survey method was used for the data collection by the help of two different instruments: “Attitude Toward Science” scale and “motivation toward science learning”. Examination of reliability and validity of the scores on the instruments was conducted by using the “principle component analysis” with “varimax rotation” due to existence of a new group for validation of the instruments. The study involved 93 advanced science students and 12 gifted students who had higher IQ scores than 130 on WISC-R. The results of the study showed that the adapted instrument was valid and reliable to use for the measurements of motivation toward science learning in the context of advanced science classrooms. The comparisons of the groups in terms of the variables of the study showed that there is no statistically significant difference between the groups whereas there is significant difference between the groups in terms of the scores on the national examination.