The Effect of Using Crossword Puzzle Towards Students’ Vocabulary Mastery in the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Bandar Lampung in Academic Year 2017-2018 (original) (raw)
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The researchers’ aim for this research was to determine the significance of using crossword puzzles in developing students' vocabulary at Pangeran Antasari Medan's seventh grade. The quantitative design was used in this study. This study's population consisted of 50 students. Furthermore, the researchers used 50 students as a sample and divided them into two different groups, experimental and control groups. The study's instrument was a fill-in-the-blanks (Pre-test and Post-test) or crossword puzzle. Based on the clarification over, the author analyzed the score utilizing the T-test equation, and the result was T-observed was 2.92 and t-table was 1,684, indicating that T-observed was more prominent than T-table. At the critical level, p= 0.05 and df= nx=ny-2 = 48. This implies that Crossword Puzzle Strategy features a noteworthy affect on students' learning.
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The Use of Crossword Puzzle towards the Students Vocabulary
INTERACTION: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa, 2019
Vocabulary is an important one of the language components that should be learnt by students, so they can master the English well. This research is conducted to know the student vocabulary improving after taught using crossword puzzles. The research used pre-experimental design which is need an experimental class. The sample of this research is the first grade of SMAN 5 Makassar which consist of 20 students. In collecting the data, the researcher used vocabulary test that has administered in pretest and posttest. The result showed that the mean score in posttest was 76.75 that is higher than the mean score in pre-test was 55.5. The score of t-test was 0.02 was smaller than α (0.05). It can be said that using puzzles can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery.
This study is aimed to measure the effect of crossword puzzle in vocabulary mastery of the eighth year students of MTs An-Nur Palangka Raya. The writer used quantitative approach. The design of the study was quasi-experimental design. The population of the study was the whole students of the eighth year students at MTs An-Nur Palangka Raya with the total number of the students were 81 students. The sample of study namely VIII-A as experimental group (taught by using crossword puzzle) with the total number of 30 students and VIII-B as control group (taught without using crossword puzzle) with the total number of 33 students. The sample of study was determined using cluster sampling technique. The result of t test using manual calculation showed that the calculated value (tobserved) was greater than ttable at 5% and 1% significance level or 2.000 2.660. The result of t-test using SPSS 16.0 calculation indicated that the calculated value (tobserved) was also greater than ttable at 5% a...
Education, Language, and Culture Journal, 2023
The objective of this study is to find out the influence of crossword puzzle method to improve the students' vocabulary mastery. This research is quasi-experimental as the design that used two group pretest and posttest. It means that there were an experimental class and a controlled class which were given pretest and posttest. There were 40 students of class VII of SMPN 4 Pujananting of Barru as the sample in this study. The instrument of this research was a written test, to score the students' vocabulary mastery on pretest and posttest. The result of this research showed that there was a positive effect of the result of students' vocabulary mastery after using crossword puzzle method. Based on the result of the calculation process the researcher gained that in pretest had a mean of 59,05 and the posttest had a mean of 82,20 of experimental class. Based on the finding of this study, it can be concluded that using of crossword puzzle method in improving students' vocabulary mastery is quite success. And after conducting the research and calculating the data, it could be stated that it was effective of using crossword puzzle method on students' of improving vocabulary mastery. Students' vocabulary mastery got a higher score.
Improving English Vocabulary Mastery by Using Crossword Puzzle
PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education)
Vocabulary is important in English language. Because, to make a sentence an adequate vocabulary is needed. So, the researcher apply a method in the classroom which can make students motivated to learn vocabulary. The aim of the research is to know that the crossword puzzle is effective to improve students’ vocabulary or not through the use of crossword puzzles among seventh-grade students of MTs At-Taqwa Cihampelas in the academic year of 2018/2019. The method used in this research is quantitative technique and the pre-experimental research design conducted in one class. The population in this research is seventh-grade students of MTs At-Taqwa Cihampelas with the total number of the population are 104 students consisting of 3 classes, and the sample is class VII.A that consist of 30 students. The data is collected with the pretest and posttest as an instrument. The researcher conducted the tests before (pre-test) and after (post-test). After that the researcher give students a treat...
ETERNAL (English, Teaching, Learning and Research Journal), 2016
This research design Crossword Puzzle in the Third Semester of English Education Department at UIN Alauddin Makassar. The objective of this research was to design crossword puzzle to improve students' vocabulary mastery. It was conducted in the third semester students in the English Education Department of UIN Alauddin. The significance of this research were for students, teachers, and other research. For students with their research will facilitate the student in improving their vocabulary. In addition, this study was designed to produce teaching materials, especially in vocabulary lesson used crossword puzzle. For teachers, this research can be useful to produce media that can facilitate teachers in presenting the lesson. For other researchers, the results of this study can be used as a comparison, especially in terms of the development of teaching materials in vocabulary. The research design of this research was Research & Development (R&D). It applied model R&D adapted from Borg & Gall model. The steps of the model were needed assessment, designing the product, validating product, revising initial product, trying out product, final revising product, and the last final product. The types of data of this research were quantitative and qualitative data. The research instruments were questionnaire and research judgments.
Students Vocabulary Mastery toward Crossword Puzzle Games
Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen Sosial Humaniora (JIMSH)
This research investigated the improvement of students’ participation and vocabulary achievement by using crossword puzzles in the classroom. The research design was Classroom Action Research (CAR) conducted in two cycles. The research subjects were the seventh-grade students and the research area was at a private Islamic Junior High School in Kendari. The data were collected by using observation and vocabulary achievement tests. The collected data were analyzed statistically by using a percentage formula. The students’ activity improved from 78,66% in cycle 1 to 97,66% in cycle 2. Meanwhile, the students’ vocabulary mastery improved from 54% in cycle 1 to 90% in cycle 2. In conclusion, using crossword puzzles improved the students’ vocabulary achievement and students' participation in the teaching and learning English.
This research is about teaching vocabulary by using crossword puzzle at the first semester of the seventh grade students of MTs Ma’arif Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) 08 Mataram Baru in East Lampung in the academic year of 2016/2017. The objective of this research are to describe process of teaching vocabulary by using crossword puzzle, to describe the teacher’s problems and students’ problem in teaching and learning proces. In this research, the researcher used descriptive qualitative research. The researcher used purposive sampling technique to determine the sample. The researcher chose class VII C as sample which consisted of 30 students. In collecting the data, the researcher used three kinds of instruments, they are: observation, interview, and questionnaire. The researcher used three major of data analysis: they were data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing or verification. From the data analysis, the researcher found in teaching vocabulary by using crossword puzzle at MTs Ma...