Business Feasibility Test and Community-Based Waste Management Model in Kutasari Village, Banyumas District (original) (raw)

Business Analysis Of Waste Banks Connecting Perpres Number 6 In 2015 On Creative Economic Agency (Feasibility Study On KSM Ngudi Kamulyan In Semarang City)


Community effort in creating to increase the benefits of resources is one of the concepts of creative economy which is currently an important issue in Indonesia. Evidently the issuance of PERPRES No. 6 of 2015 concerning the Creative Economy Agency, needs to be encouraged, strengthened and promoted as an effort to increase national economic growth. The emergence of KSM Ngudi Kamulyan which is engaged in the processing of waste into various handicraft products, is concrete evidence in supporting the regulation. The business will certainly experience ups and downs, in 2005-2008 it was not operating because it suffered losses and was active again in late 2008 until now. Organizations that are profit motive must be oriented to the feasibility of business sustainability, so that a study of economic feasibility studies is needed. The study of the response of creative industries and the public regarding the strategic plan of the regulation is also an important part. This research was condu...

Study of community-based waste management strategy determination in Magelang City

Community Empowerment

The city of Magelang is having trouble providing Final Disposal Sites (TPA), as the Banyuurip TPA's storage capacity has reached its limit and expansion is no longer possible. The only approach to reduce garbage production and residue transferred to landfills is to engage the community and all other stakeholders in waste management. This program intends to develop a waste management strategy in Magelang City starting with the smallest units, namely RT and RW. According to the findings, waste management solutions for the community of RW 02, Magelang Village, Central Magelang District may be classified as socialization strategies, work plans or regulations, resource procurement, cooperation, and empowerment. Furthermore, the study's findings reveal that an effective strategy must include multiple activities that operate concurrently, progressively, and sustainably, as well as the participation of various parties (community, local government, and universities) in assuring effec...

Analysis Policy Application a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of PT. KITADIN on Embalut Village Community Sub-district of Tenggarong Seberang District of Kutai Kartanegara

Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Fisipol Unmul, 2021

The company is here not only to achieve a goal, to get profit and to sustain a business but also to be responsible for the real growth af community welfare (stakeholders), espencially in communities around the company that have a direct or indirect impact on the company’s operational activities as outlined in the corporate sosial responsibility program. The implementation of the CSR program polic is stated more clearly in the Limited Liability Company Law (UUPT) Article 74 No. 40 of 2007. This study aims to identifity and describe the implementation of the corporate sosial responsibility polic of PT. KITADIN in the community if Embalut village can provide social, economic, and environmental benefits for the company. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, with a research focus: the application of CSR policies in sosial development, economic development, environmental protection, and the suitability of planinning and implementing CSR The results of resea...

Community Empowerment in the Management and Business Opportunities of Waste Banks in Griya Permata Asri Housing Serang City

Indonesian Journal of Engagement, Community Services, Empowerment and Development

Departing from concern for waste, which in its management faces various obstacles, generally in the city of Serang and especially in the Griya Permata Asri housing complex, all of this is a result of the increasing number of residents living in Griya Permata Asri, through community service we strive to make waste more valuable. higher economic value in terms of management, therefore we provide an alternative in waste management by establishing a waste bank which in its management can improve the economy of residents in Griya Permata Asri. The method and approach used in this community service is the Short Learning by Doing method, namely by using the Discussion and Practice method in its implementation, the results we hope for in this Community Service Program are: 1. Residents of Griya Permata Asri are increasingly aware of the dangers of waste. 2. Residents of Griya Permata Asri know how to sort organic and non-organic waste and know which waste can have economic value if it is re...

Pengembangan Usaha Pengelolaan Sampah Pada Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) Sinergi Kabupaten Purwakarta dengan Business Road Map

Eqien, 2023

Waste is an environmental problem which has been urgent to solve, including in Purwakarta District which are implementing several programs to overcome it. One of the programs is waste bank which is implemented by community organizations. This article analyses a business plan for waste management managed by Village-Owned Enterprise (BUMDes) Sinergi, Purwakarta District. Data collection methods were interviews, field observations, comparative study, and literature studies. Data analysis for business development strategy was using Business Road Map (BRM). Research succeeded to identify fifteen elements of BRM. BUMDes Sinergy in the early steps is advised to focus on collecting and sorting inorganic waste, especially plastic waste which is more expensive, by implementing waste to charity and waste bank mechanisms. In the medium term, business could be developed by processing organic waste to fertilizer and inorganic waste to plastic ore or upscaling waste to recycled products which have higher value added.

Pengembangan Bisnis Pengelolaan Sampah Berbasis Website DI Desa Kalibagor Banyumas

Jurnal Abdimas Mandiri

Menurut data Statistik Lingkungan Hidup di Indonesia pada tahun 2018, diperkirakan menghasilkan 64 juta ton sampah di tiap tahunnya. Namun, merujuk data Sustainable Waste Indonesia (SWI) tahun 2017, dari angka tersebut baru 7% yang didaur ulang, sementara 69% di antaranya menumpuk di tempat pembuangan akhir (TPA). Pengelolaan sampah di kota-kota di Indonesia sampai saat ini belum mencapai hasil yang optimal. Berbagai kendala masih banyak dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan pengelolaan sampah baik kendala ekonomi, sosial budaya maupun penerapan teknologi. Inovasi dalam penanganan sampah harus mampu mengubah nilai ekonomi dari sampah. Nilai sampah yang awalnya tidak bernilai menjadi nilai ekonomi adalah salah satu harapan baru dalam mengatasi permasalahan sampah. Desa Kalibagor merupakan salah satu Desa yang memanfaatkan sampah untuk membuat berbagai macam karya yang dapat dijual. Pembuatan Aplikasi PickyTrash untuk pengelolaan sampah merupakan salah satu upaya untuk membantu warga dalam menge...

Socialization of Waste Management on Household Waste Sorting in Undrusbinangun Village, Sukabumi Regency

Formosa Journal of Sustainable Research

The waste problem in Sukabumi Regency, especially in Undrusbinangun Village, Kadudampit District, Sukabumi Regency has not been completely resolved, as there is still a lack of knowledge about how to process household waste. The handling of waste problems in Undrusbinangun Village must start from the source, namely the household by involving the active participation of the community. Awareness and concern for handling waste by the village community is still lacking. This is marked by the habit of burning waste that is still inherent in the community in managing waste. The purpose of this activity is for the community to have self-awareness not to throw garbage indiscriminately, let alone throw it into rivers and into ravines, and for the community to be able to sort household waste according to the types of waste, how dangerous it is to dispose of waste carelessly, how to implement it. waste management with the 3R concept and so on. Descriptive qualitative research method with an in...

Bumdes Business Planning with Canvas Business Model in the Village Agreed Kutai Kartanegara

Indonesian Journal of Engagement, Community Services, Empowerment and Development

Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMdes) are business entities who’s entire or most of the capital is owned through direct participation originating from separated village assets to manage service assets and other businesses for the most excellent welfare of the village community. However, usually, BUMdes administrators tend to experience uncertainty when starting their business. Therefore, we need a work plan made by BUMdes in the field of entrepreneurship. These activities must be written and official to run their business because BUMdes is like a company, so planning and mapping are needed and later will require an evaluation process of the business model they have established. One way to simplify business model mapping and analysis is to use the Business Model Canvas by drawing nine canvas blocks. The nine blocks are interrelated with each other so that companies can design and evaluate strategies in each of the canvas blocks. This service is carried out in the village of Sepakat Loa ...

Analisis Kelayakan Unit Usaha Pengelolaan Sampah Pada Bumdesa "Sido Makmur", Desa - Kecamatan Getasan, Kabupaten Semarang

Jurnal Riset Entrepreneurship, 2022

This article aims to analyze the feasibility of "Sido Makmur" Village-Owned Enterprise (Badan Usaha Milik Desa/ BUMDesa), especially the Waste Management Business Unit. This unit has two stages of activities: Phase I is Waste Collection, and Phase II is Waste Segregation which includes converting the waste into goods with economic value. The Phase I program has been running since 2020 in one of the hamlets, and Phase II will soon be implemented. The feasibility analysis covers the aspects of Legal, Market and Marketing, Human Resource Management, Technical and Technology, Environments (Business, Economical, Socio-Cultural, Political, and Ecological), and Finance. Primary and secondary data in qualitative and quantitative data were analyzed using business feasibility analysis. More specifically, in Financial Aspect, the data were analyzed to determine the investment feasibility in terms of the Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Average Rate of Return, Profitability Index, and Payback Period. The study results show that the Waste Management Business Unit in BUMDesa "Sido Makmur" is feasible. However, this business unit must maintain professionalism in providing its services to maintain customer loyalty. In addition, it is necessary to expand business units' operations, not only in one hamlet but also in other hamlets.

Kajian Potensi Pengolahan Sampah (Studi Kasus : Kampung Banjarsari )

Jurnal Metris, 2014

Garbage are the result of human activity, whether in the form of solid, liquid and gas. Garbage are a common problem faced by the Government. Up to now, a heap of trash becomes a problem which cannot be resolved by the Government. There are some common activity in managing waste such as reuse, composting and landfill. The result obtained from this waste management study in kampung banjarsari are divided by two criteria, priority and weighted. In the priority aspect was found that social aspect has priority of 0,203, economical aspect has priority of 0,106, on the other hand, in the weighted aspect was found that environmental aspects having weight of 0,597 and the technical aspects having weight of 0,094. The results obtained from the calculation of alternative waste treatment technologies reuse equal to 0,485, composting equal to 0,278, and landfill equal to 0,237. From the above, the best waste treatment is reuse