Cerebral palsy in Children(OCR, RUS) (original) (raw)
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Kinesitherapeutic Approach in Child Cerebral Palsy
Knowledge International Journal
Child Cerebral Palsy (CCP) is a non-progressive, chronic brain injury that can occur during pregnancy - prenatal period, during childbirth - perinatal period or postnatal period. It is characterized by a disorder of muscle tone, disturbance of balance, coordination, speech, hearing, etc. Also, some children may experience some degree of cognitive and intellectual deficiency. Damage mainly occurs at the upper motor neuron affecting the cerebellum. This disorder of the central nervous system leads to disruption of the normal development of motor functions, muscle tone, and coordination. Children's cerebral palsy is a disease that very often leads to severe disability, and to successfully battle with the consequences and serious disabilities, early detection, and the onset of treatment is needed from the first days of the child's life. The treatment of CCP is complex in which, besides medical, pedagogical and social rehabilitation, kinesitherapy is included. The aim of the stud...
Engagement of children with cerebral palsy in daily life
Pons, 2017
Cilj. Aktivno učestvovanje dece sa cerebralnom paralizom u svakodnevnim aktivnostima je prediktor ukupne socijalne participacije i od ključnog značaja za njihov kvalitet života. Cilj ovog istaživanja jeste utvrditi stepen učestvovanja dece sa cerebralnom paralizom u porodičnim aktivnostima, rekreativnim aktivnostima i brizi o sebi, kao i nivo zadovoljstva u tim aktivnostima.
Cerebral Palsy: The State of Knowledge of the Problem (Review)
Matʹ i ditâ v Kuzbasse, 2019
The aim of the research – to carry out an analytical review of modern sources of scientific literature covering the issues of risk factors associated with the development of cerebral palsy, modern approaches to the classification and diagnosis of this pathology. Materials and methods. The analysis of 34 domestic and 12 foreign sources of literature on this topic. Results. Based on the results of the analysis of scientific data, the view of the prevalence of cerebral palsy both in Russia and abroad has been updated. The review describes the risk factors for the development of this pathology, the main approaches to the classification of cerebral palsy, the characteristic clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment. Despite the presence of a large number of studies on this issue, at this stage there is no consensus about the etiology and the issues of early diagnosis remain unresolved until the end. Conclusion. Cerebral palsy is still an urgent problem for modern society. Our analysis sh...
Biomechanical Principles Physical Rehabilitation of Children with Cerebral Palsy
Bulletin of Siberian Medicine, 2016
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Feldenkrais method for cerebral palsy - a case report
Varna Medical Forum, 2017
През април 2006 г. група консултанти към изпълнителния комитет на създадената в САЩ секция по Церебрална парализа (ЦП) с председател-професора по педиатрия д-р Питър Росенбаум определят Церебралната парализа като: "…група от постоянни нарушения на развитието на движенията и позата, причиняващи ограничения в дейностите, който са свързани с непрогресиращи увреждания, възникнали по време на развитието на мозъка на фетуса или периода на детството. Двигателните нарушения често се съпровождат от нарушения на усета, познавателните процеси, поведението и връзката с околните, епилепсия и вторични мускуло-скелетни проблеми". Тъй като абнормните промени на грубите и фини двигателни функции са в основата на клиничните прояви, свързани с ЦП, повечето терапевтични подходи са насочени към оптимизация на двигателните функции на болните. Новите методи за рехабилитация са насочени към стимулиране на мозъчната невропалстичност. Теорията за невропластичност се основава на непрекъснатата приспособимост и реорганизация на мозъчните функционални системи като по принцип липсват възрастови ограничения за осъществяването на тези промени. Ме-ABSTRACT Introduction: Cerebral palsy refers to a group of non-progressive neurological disorders that appear in infancy or early childhood and permanently affect body movement and muscle coordination. Cerebral palsy (CP) is caused by damage to or abnormalities inside the developing brain that disrupt the brain's ability to control movement and maintain posture and balance. CP is often accompanied by seizures and/or impairment in perception, cognition, behavior as well as other medical disorders. The majority of the therapeutic approaches for cerebral palsy aim at optimization of the movements. Neuroplasticity theory is based on the idea of continuous development and remodeling of the nervous system. Application of the Feldenkrais method for patients with cerebral palsy contributes to the reorganization of the motor elements and helps the patients to control their movements better. Aim: The present study is aimed to evaluate the improvement in the clinical condition of a patient diagnosed with CP through application of basic principles of the neuroplasticity theory. Materials and Methods: We present clinical case of an 18-year-old patient with CP (spastic diplegia), who had undergone classical rehabilitation, including physical therapy and physiotherapy for 16 years. For this patient we applied neuroplasticity approach with two methods included: neuromuscular therapy