Morfología Histórica del Territorio de Tarraco (ss. III-I A.C.) (original) (raw)

Arrayás Morales, I. ( 2005 ) Morfología histórica del territorio de Tarraco (ss. III-I a.C.) Instrumenta, 19.

English The aim of this book is to present an ‘archaeomorphological’ and historical study of the rural hinterland of the ancient civitas of Tarraco during the Late Republican or Late Iberian period. Geographically called Camp de Tarragona, this plain runs between a chain of mountains and the Mediterranean coastline, drained by the rivers Francolí and Gaià. A wide range of historical sources (literature, epigraphy, numismatics and archaeology) have been considered, suggesting several changes in this landscape in many respects. Especially significant are the variations in the ‘settlement pattern’ from the Middle Iberian Period to the Early Empire, as shown from our archaeological data, listing sites and their chronology. The latter half of the Second Century BC becomes crucial in order to explain these changes as severe transformations in the ‘settlement pattern’ may be attached to it. Probably, they were related to a Roman cadaster, whose objective was to settle down indigenous populations in new locations, according to Rome’s main policy, at the time, on provincial exploitation. Equally important is how Tarraco consolidated itself as a real Roman civitas. From the second half of the First Century BC to the time of Augustus, pottery production (esp. wine amphorae) and new rural settlements started to develop increasing. This development was the result of the implementation of the wine industry, clearly supported by a widespread expansion of the new ‘villae system’ in Tarraco’s territorium. As soon as the archaeological material had been studied and related to the rest of our historical information, the attention focused on the morphological patterns of this region in Antiquity, from the evidence available in the present landscape (the so called ‘archaeomorphologic study’). Following the methodology established by the Centre de Recherches d’Histoire Ancienne de l’Université de Franche-Comté (Besançon, France), a main orientation (27º E to the North) has been detected in the landscape. This seems to correspond to a theoretical ‘orthogonal net’ of a centuriatio measuring 20 X 20 actus and 710 m. However, another modulation of the same centuriatio and even other orientations corresponding to other cadasters might be traced on the same landscape. I believe that this cadaster should be dated to the latter half of the Second Century BC Unfortunately, we cannot fix such a date due to the modulation of the cadaster itself, because this kind of limitatio (20 X 20 actus) does not provide a precise chronology. Thus, our dating has to take into account the changes in the ‘settlement pattern’, namely the establishment of a cadaster, produced by the Roman intervention in the area.

Las ánforas de Tarraco de los siglos II y I a. C

Amphorae ex Hispania: paisajes de producción y consumo. Monografías Ex Officina Hispana III, 2016

Estudio de las ánforas del período tardorepublicano en la ciudad de Tarraco, a través del análisis de contextos cerámicos de los siglos II y I a.C.

Les àrees funeràrIes de l’ager Tarraconensis (segles I-III dC)

This is a case study aimed at analyzing the funerary practices and rituals of the Roman necropolises in the ager Tarraconensis during the Roman period (1 st – 3 rd centuries AD).The aim of this article is to identify and analyze the rituals performed in agro. In the territorium of Tarraco, funerary areas were an important part of rural settlements. Some were placed on the borders between fundi, others next to the coast overlooking the sea. Each funerary area is a particular case, so it is necessary to study its evolution together with rural landscape. The dynamics of the spatial relationship between burials, roads and rural settlements, such as uillae and farms, are very clearly reflected in funerary monumenta. Through them, major landowners strengthened the relationship between land and family. We also propose an overall picture of funerary rituals. We have studied the objects related to them and ritual practices such as libations and food offerings.

Tarraco, una base de operaciones de los ejércitos imperiales (ca. 420-470 d.C.)

Carneiro, André; Christie, Neil; and Diarte-Blasco, Pilar (eds) 2020: Urban Transformations in the Late Antique West. Coimbra University Press, Coimbra, 2020

This paper focuses on the connection between Tarraco’s urban and economic growth during the 5th century AD and the recovery of its geostrategic role as the base for the late Roman army which aimed to regain control over Hispania. Tarraconensis was the last province of Hispania under imperial control after the arrival of the Germanic peoples and the agreed occupation of the most of the Iberian Peninsula. The written sources also refer to the presence of many high officials in the town, both civil and military. This event certaintly marked the historical evolu- tion of the city. The archaeological work of the past decades has indeed emphasized the recovery and development from the 5th century onwards of the main entry gate and economic hub of Tarraco, its harbour and the adjacent area known as the ‘port suburb’, contrasting with the urban and economic recession which characterized the preceding centuries.

Las ánforas tardo-antiguas en Tarraco (Hispania tarraconesis). Siglos IV-VII. Text


Este volumen está dedicado al estudio de las ánforas recuperadas en contextos estratigráficos de época tardo-antigua (siglos IV-VII dC) excavados en los últimos veinte años en Tarraco, principal centro portuario del nordeste peninsular. En el primer capítulo se describe la documentación arqueológica disponible hasta 1999, mientras que en el segundo se analizan los tipos anfóricos ordenados geográficamente. Se incluye, también, una breve relación de los principales contextos de referencia del Mediterráneo occidental utilizados. Todo ello sirve de base a un capítulo conclusivo que recoge la evolución del aprovisionamiento externo de la ciudad en época tardo-antigua. Aquest volum està dedicat a l’estudi de les ánfores recuperadas en contextos d’època tardoantiga (segles IV-VII dC) excavats en els darrers vint anys a Tarraco, principal centre portuari del norest peninsular. En el primer capítol es descriu la documentació existent fins 1999, mentre que en el segon s’analitzen els tipus anfòrics ordenats geogràficament. S’inclou, també, una breu relació dels principals contextos de referència de la Mediterrània occidental utilitzats. Tot això serveix de base a un capítol conclusiu on es recull l’evolució de l’aprovisionament extern de la ciutat en època tardoantiga. Using the archaeological evidence available in Tarraco (Diocesis Hispaniarum) and paying special attention to the containers used for transportation by sea, we have attempted to establish the pattern of external supplies to the city during the late antiquity period (4th to the 7th century AD). We have organized the text into two main sections: an initial documentary section, in which we describe as objectively as possible the archaeological contexts from which amphorae came, and a second section dedicated to the typological analyses.

El ambiente epigráfico del foro "colonial" de Tarraco durante las épocas augustea y julio-claudia

Lucentum, 2019

Resumen La reciente actualización del corpus epigráfico de Tarraco por Géza Alföldy es un excelente punto de partida para desarrollar planteamientos como el que aquí se presenta. Este estudio se basa en un análisis de las inscripciones, poniendo especial atención a sus contextos topográficos originales y a la manufactura de sus soportes monumentales, siguiendo la hipótesis original de G. C. Susini. Por lo tanto, se presenta una perspectiva de los monumentos epigráficos erigidos en el foro de la colonia Tarraco en la época augustea y julio-claudia, un período trascendental en la configuración de la imagen pública de la ciudad. Los principales objetivos de esta contribución son determinar las tipologías, los comitentes y los usuarios de la epigrafía forense en la ciudad a comienzos del siglo I d. C. Palabras clave. Ambiente epigráfico; culto imperial; estatuas; monumentos honoríficos. Abstract The recent update of the epigraphic corpus of Tarraco by Géza Alföldy is an excellent starting point for developing this proposal. It is based on an analysis of the inscriptions, paying special attention to their original topographic contexts and the manufacture of their monumental supports, following G. C. Susini’s original hypothesis. Thus, we aim to present a perspective of the epigraphic monuments erected in the forum of the colonia Tarraco in the Augustan era, a transcendental period in the configuration of the town’s public image. The main objectives of this contribution are to determine the typologies, who was responsible for commissioning the pieces, and who were the users of forum epigraphy in the town at the beginning of the 1st century AD. Key words. Epigraphic environment; imperial cult; statues; honorific monuments.