Chapter Title: The Quality of Life in Prisons: Do Educational Programs Reduce In-Prison Conflicts? (original) (raw)
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The Quality of Life in Prisons: Do Educational Programs Reduce In-prison Conflicts
The harshness of punishment society chooses to impose on crime o¤enders is mandated by law. However, the quality of life in prison can make this punishment harsher. This creates a variation in the severity of punishment which is not legislated and may di¤er from society's taste for penalties. Indicators of in prison violence and con ‡icts seem to be appropriate proxy variables for prison conditions. Using indicators of in prison violent behavior, we use an exogenous source in education participation in educational programs in order to asses the e¤ect of education on such measures of con ‡ict. Applying instrumental variables techniques to census data for Argentine prisons, we …nd that educational programs signi…cantly reduce indicators of property damages in prison. Such reductions amounts to a 60 percent decrease relative to the mean level of property damages.
An Evaluation of a Prison Education Program
Canadian Journal of Criminology, 1984
A thesis submitted to trre Factrrty of Graduate studies of the u¡riversity of Manitoba in partial fulfilhnent of the requirements of the degree of MASTER OF ARTS @ 1982 Permission has been gra'ted to the LIBRARY oF THE UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA ro lend or selì copies of this thesis. to the NATIONAL LIBRARy oF CANADA ro nricrofiim this thesis ard to lend or seil copies of the firnr, and UNIVERSITY MICROFILMS to publisir a¡r abstract of this thesis. The author reserves other publicatiori rights, and neither tile thesis nor extensive extracts from it may be printed or other_ wise reproduced wjthout the author's w¡itten permission.
Prospects for Improvement in Prison Education
This essay argues that prisoners, being a minority group and displaced are entitled to receive education through a well-designed alternative learning system specifically through prison education which has to be both the responsibility of prison managers, the Department of Education in collaboration with private entities. This work tries to uncover the problems besetting the prison education system that make it difficult if not impossible to attain the ends to which the program was culled. The work would not be complete without suggesting enhancements in the prison education system by critically analyzing trends in prison education system.
Mediating Role of Quality of Life in the Relationship between Prison Climate and Life Satisfaction
The Journal of Management Theory and Practice (JMTP), 2021
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International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 2020
The aim of the present study was to identify and analyze the determinants of prison inmates' psychosocial quality of life (PQol) as a positive and negative correlates. Three hundred ninety prison inmates were recruited from the correctional facilities administered by the Warsaw District Inspectorate of Prisons. Data were collected by means of the SQLQ, SOC-29, SWS, SPI/TPI, SIPR, COPE, GSES questionnaires and analyzed by means of SEM. The positive correlates for prison inmates' PQol are: sense of coherence, self-efficacy, intensity of religious attitude, social support, and trait curiosity. Among the strategies of coping with stress, only seeking social support for emotional reasons is a significant factor that directly predicts PQol. Substance use and planning play only a mediating role in PQol prediction. The negative correlate for inmates' PQol is trait depression. Contrary to predictions, anxiety is not a negative correlate-as noted above, it is associated with a positive score on PQol. Keywords determinants of quality of life, psychosocial quality of life, quality of life in prison, positive correlates for prison inmates' qol, negative correlates for prison inmates' qol
Quality of Life and Its Correlates in People Serving Prison Sentences in Penitentiary Institutions
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
Background: The aim of the study was to analyze the determinants of prison inmates’ quality of life (QoL). Methods: 390 men imprisoned in penitentiary institutions were assessed. Data were collected by means of the Sense of Quality of Life Questionnaire (SQLQ), general self-efficacy scale (GSES), resilience assessment scale (RAS-25), social support scale (SSS), intensity of religious attitude scale (IRA), SPI/TPI, and COPE Inventory, measures that have high validity and reliability. All models were specified in a path analysis using Mplus version 8.2. Results: The positive correlates of QoL are: self-efficacy, social support, intensity of religious attitude, trait and state depression, resilience, and the following coping strategies, which are at the same time mediators between the variables mentioned above and QoL: behavioral disengagement, turning to religion, planning, and seeking social support for instrumental reasons. Conclusions: In penitentiary practice, attention should be devoted to depressive individuals, and support should be provided to them in the first place because depressiveness is the strongest negative correlate of important aspects of prisoners’ QoL. All the remaining significant factors, namely: self-efficacy, social support, intensity of religious attitude, and the following coping strategies: turning to religion, planning, and seeking social support for instrumental reasons, should be taken into account in rehabilitation programs.
Education in Prisons: Politics or Progress
Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 1998
Imagine a hypothetical correctional system in which the delivery of education and vocational training courses to inmates were accepted and valued as a key responsibility in the planning of a correctional service. Imagine that this responsibility was included in the accountabilities and performance requirements of prison managers to the same degree as the focus upon security and the prevention of escapes. Imagine a system which respected the value of freedom, and the responsibilities which flow from it such as open debate, freedom o f speech, freedom o f information, transparency o f process, etc, since, through its being the agency engaged in punishing offenders through the deprivation of liberty, it understood the nature o f liberty and freedom. Imagine a system in which there was a high level o f cooperation between custodial and non-custodial staff, where resourcing was adequate and not under contest. Imagine a system in which reports generated on it from within and without where circulated for discussion, comment and then acted upon. Imagine a system which was progressive in its evolution, that recognised and built upon its successes, and that wasn't being tugged at by industrial posturing, ideological pressure, law and order campaigns, manipulation for political advantage, only to crumble and to fail again. Sometimes one can imagine that this hypothetical correctional system could be brought to exist in reality as the NSW Department of Corrective Services. If one were to mistake the sample of positive articles contained in the Corrective Services Bulletin or occasional human interest story in the mass media for the total reality, then one could be mistaken for thinking that the imaginary already exists.