On the Complexity of Computing Values of Restricted Games (original) (raw)
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Algorithms for computing the Shapley value of cooperative games on lattices
Discrete Applied Mathematics
We study algorithms to compute the Shapley value for a cooperative game on a lattice L Σ = (F Σ , ⊆) where F Σ is the family of closed sets given by an implicational system Σ on a set N of players. The first algorithm is based on the generation of the maximal chains of the lattice L Σ and computes the Shapley value in O(|N | 3 .|Σ|.|Ch|) time complexity using polynomial space, where Ch is the set of maximal chains of L Σ. The second algorithm proceeds by building the lattice L Σ and computes the Shapley value in O(|N | 3 .|Σ|.|F Σ |) time and space complexity. Our main contribution is to show that the Shapley value of weighted graph games on a product of chains with the same fixed length is computable in polynomial time. We do this by partitioning the set of feasible coalitions relevant to the computation of the Shapley value into equivalence classes in such a way that we need to consider only one element of each class in the computation.
Axiomatizations of the Shapley value for games on augmenting systems
European Journal of Operational Research, 2009
This paper deals with cooperative games in which only certain coalitions are allowed to form. There have been previous models developed to confront the problem of unallowable coalitions. Games restricted by a communication graph were introduced by Myerson and Owen. In their model, the feasible coalitions are those that induce connected subgraphs. Another type of model is introduced in Gilles, Owen and van den Brink. In their model, the possibilities of coalition formation are determined by the positions of the players in a so-called permission structure. Faigle proposed another model for cooperative games defined on lattice structures. We introduce a combinatorial structure called augmenting system which is a generalization of the antimatroid structure and the system of connected subgraphs of a graph. In this framework, the Shapley value of games on augmenting systems is introduced and two axiomatizations of this value are showed.
Cooperative games on antimatroids
Discrete Mathematics, 2004
The aim of this paper is to introduce cooperative games with a feasible coalition system which is called antimatroid. These combinatorial structures generalize the permission structures, which have nice economical applications. With this goal, we …rst characterize the approaches from a permission structure with special classes of antimatroids. Next, we use the concept of interior operator in an antimatroid and we de…ne the restricted game taking into account the limited possibilities of cooperation determined by the antimatroid. These games extend the restricted games obtained by permission structures. Finally, we provide a computational method to obtain the Shapley and Banzhaf values of the players in the restricted game, by using the worths of the original game.
Interaction indices for games on combinatorial structures with forbidden coalitions
European Journal of Operational Research, 2011
The notion of interaction among a set of players has been defined on the Boolean lattice and Cartesian products of lattices. The aim of this paper is to extend this concept to combinatorial structures with forbidden coalitions. The set of feasible coalitions is supposed to fulfil some general conditions. This general representation encompasses convex geometries, antimatroids, augmenting systems and distributive lattices. Two axiomatic characterizations are obtained. They both assume that the Shapley value is already defined on the combinatorial structures. The first one is restricted to pairs of players and is based on a generalization of a recursivity axiom that uniquely specifies the interaction index from the Shapley value when all coalitions are permitted. This unique correspondence cannot be maintained when some coalitions are forbidden. From this, a weak recursivity axiom is defined. We show that this axiom together with linearity and dummy player are sufficient to specify the interaction index. The second axiomatic characterization is obtained from the linearity, dummy player and partnership axioms. An interpretation of the interaction index in the context of surplus sharing is also proposed. Finally, our interaction index is instantiated to the case of games under precedence constraints.
Axiomatizations of the Shapley value for cooperative games on antimatroids
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (ZOR), 2003
Games on antimatroids are cooperative games restricted by a combinatorial structure which generalize the permission structure. So, cooperative games on antimatroids group several well-known families of games which have important applications in economic and politic. Therefore, the study of the rectricted games by antimatroids allows to unify criteria of various lines of research. The current paper establishes axioms that determine the restricted Shapley value on antimatroids by conditions on the cooperative game v and the structure determined by the antimatroid. This axiomatization generalizes the axiomatizations of both the conjunctive and disjunctive permission value for games with a permission structure. We also provide an axiomatization of the Shapley value restricted to the smaller class of poset antimatroids.
Complexity in Cooperative Game Theory
We introduce cooperative games (N, v) with a description polynomial in n, where n is the number of players. In order to study the complexity of cooperative game problems, we assume that a cooperative game v : 2 N → Q is given by an oracle returning v (S) for each query S ⊆ N. Finally, we consider several cooperative game problems and we give a list of complexity results.
On the complexity of compact coalitional games
A significantly complete account of the complexity underlying the computation of relevant solution concepts in compact coalitional games is provided. The starting investigation point is the setting of graph games, about which various long-standing open problems were stated in the literature. The paper gives an answer to most of them, and in addition provides new insights on this setting, by stating a number of complexity results about some relevant generalizations and specializations. The presented results also pave the way towards precisely carving the tractability frontier characterizing computation problems on compact coalitional games.
Structural Tractability of Shapley and Banzhaf Values in Allocation Games
Allocation games are coalitional games defined in the literature as a way to analyze fair division problems of indivisible goods. The prototypical solution concepts for them are the Shapley value and the Banzhaf value. Unfortunately, their computation is intractable, formally #P-hard. Motivated by this bad news, structural requirements are investigated which can be used to identify islands of tractability. The main result is that, over the class of allocation games, the Shapley value and the Banzhaf value can be computed in polynomial time when interactions among agents can be formalized as graphs of bounded treewidth. This is shown by means of technical tools that are of interest in their own and that can be used for analyzing different kinds of coalitional games. Tractability is also shown for games where each good can be assigned to at most two agents, independently of their interactions.
The core and the Weber set of games on augmenting systems
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2010
This paper deals with cooperative games in which only certain coalitions are allowed to form. There have been previous models developed to confront the problem of unallowable coalitions. Games restricted by a communication graph were introduced by Myerson and Owen. In their model, the feasible coalitions are those that induce connected subgraphs. Another type of model is introduced in Gilles, Owen and van den Brink. In their model, the possibilities of coalition formation are determined by the positions of the players in a so-called permission structure. Faigle proposed a general model for cooperative games defined on lattice structures. In this paper, the restrictions to the cooperation are given by a combinatorial structure called augmenting system which generalizes antimatroid structure and the system of connected subgraphs of a graph. In this framework, the core and the Weber set of games on augmenting systems are introduced and it is proved that monotone convex games have a non-empty core. Moreover, we obtain a characterization of the convexity of these games in terms of the core of the game and the Weber set of the extended game.