Presentation of the foreign exchange market in Serbia (original) (raw)
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Bankarstvo, 2021
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the following aspects of the Republic of Serbia repo market: legislative frame in order to identify all documents related to repo market, the main repo market features and its role, institutional frame and participants, determination of the scope of the domestic repo market, the way of negotiating, processing and settlement of repo transaction, acceptable collaterals in the securities form, price aspects of repo transactions, transaction costs of completing repo transaction and suggestions for the improvement of this market. After analysing the facts, it is to be expected to gain ability to project future development trends of this segment of financial markets which has already become international.
Serbian foreign trade financing
Companies engaged in foreign trade, financial resources are needed for the organization of production for export and to finance the sale of goods and services to foreign partners. The economic and financial theory, trade and banking practice, the legislation of individual countries have developed different modes of financing. The choice of financing options, which are present in the financial market in the first place depends on: size of company, type and stage of company development, access to financing and funding costs, the conditions of international payments, risk management and stable macroeconomic environment.
Status and prospects of Serbia’s accession to the world trade organization
Medjunarodni problemi, 2015
For many years now Serbia is persistent in its attempt to become a full member of the World Trade Organization. Countries that are not yet members represent a tiny minority of the total world trade, and Serbia is one of them. Membership in the WTO is de facto requirement for accession to the European Union. This paper explains how far Serbia traveled in her way to this international organization, whose agreements are governing the global rules of trade between nations. Special attention was paid to the question why it is important that Serbia joins this organization, and what can be concluded from the accession experiences of countries in the region. The authors of this study will try to explain the importance of the WTO accession, and the manner in which membership in this organization will affect Serbia?s existing foreign trade relations.
Časopis za suvremenu povijest, 2023
U radu je analizirana ekonomska suradnja Socijalističke Republike Crne Gore i Savezne Republike Njemačke, odnosno njezinih saveznih pokrajina. Savezna Republika Njemačka bila je među najvažnijim ekonomskim partnerima Jugoslavije, odnosno jugoslavenskih republika krajem 70-ih godina XX. stoljeća. Tada je po vrijednosti trgovinske razmjene bila drugi vanjskotrgovinski partner Crne Gore. Cilj Crne Gore bio je povećanjem izvoza smanjiti trgovinski deficit, zatim privući njemačke investitore i proširiti suradnju na druge oblasti. Taj je cilj zahtijevao uspostavu izravnih političkih i ekonomskih odnosa. Sredinom 70-ih jugoslavenske republike uspostavile su neposredne odnose s njemačkim saveznim pokrajinama. Krajem 70-ih i početkom 80-ih uspostavljeni su odnosi Izvršnoga vijeća (vlade) Crne Gore s vladama pokrajina Ham
The world trade organization accession as one of the Serbian foreign policy goals
Medjunarodni problemi
Accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), among other things, can be viewed as one of Serbia's foreign policy goals. Observed in this way, the successful completion of the accession process will bring easier market access to the all WTO member countries, but also fulfills one of the key conditions in the negotiations for Serbia's accession to the European Union (Chapter 30). Serbia is an import-dependent country and therefore has a high foreign trade deficit. Our country trades mostly with those countries with which has been signed some kind of trade agreement (EU, CEFTA, Russia, Turkey). That indicates that its entry into the WTO would be beneficial and would facilitate the establishment of trade flows with new partners. Accession would also be useful for an export-oriented model of economic growth. The World Trade Organization is the only global international organization dealing with trade rules between countries. The WTO is the result of multiannual international ...
Ekonomski aspekti pandemije COVID-19: slučaj Republike Srbije
Ecologica, 2021
Pandemija COVID-19, pored zdravstvene krize svetskih razmera, snažno je ugrozila globalni ekonomski rast i razvoj. Danas, u drugoj godini pandemije, još uvek su velike nepoznanice dužina i dubina ekonomskih posledica koje nas čekaju, ali i trajanje ekonomskog oporavka. Neizostavno se postavlja pitanje kakve su ekonomske posledice pandemije COVID-19 na malu, otvorenu i zavisnu privredu kakva je Srbija? Uprkos pandemiji, kako bi se ostvarili planirani ekonomski rezultati Srbija zadržava kontinuitet i posvećenost ključnim nacionalnim prioritetima-povećanje javnih investicija u zdravstveni sistem, saobraćajnu, energetsku i komunalnu infrastrukturu. Obzirom da je cilj ekonomskog razvoja stvaranje uslova za širenje materijalne baze celog društva radi obezbeđenja društvenog blagostanja, ovaj rad je posvećen analizi ekonomskih aspekata pandemije COVID-19 u slučaju Republike Srbije. U radu su predstavljeni prioriteti ekonomskog razvoja Srbije, osvrt na uspešnost sprovođenja razvojne strategije usled vanrednih okolnosti, kao i priprema za buduće izazove u cilju bolje ekonomske perspektive i očuvanja privredne aktivnosti na što višem nivou. Takođe, prezentovani su i relevantni makroekonomski pokazatelji, kao merila aktuelnog stanja privrede pogođene pandemijom, zajedno sa predlozima za brži ekonomski razvoj Srbije u postpandemijskom periodu.