Zero-shot Text Classification With Generative Language Models (original) (raw)

Zero-Shot Text Classification via Self-Supervised Tuning

arXiv (Cornell University), 2023

Existing solutions to zero-shot text classification either conduct prompting with pre-trained language models, which is sensitive to the choices of templates, or rely on large-scale annotated data of relevant tasks for meta-tuning. In this work, we propose a new paradigm based on self-supervised learning to solve zeroshot text classification tasks by tuning the language models with unlabeled data, called selfsupervised tuning. By exploring the inherent structure of free texts, we propose a new learning objective called first sentence prediction to bridge the gap between unlabeled data and text classification tasks. After tuning the model to learn to predict the first sentence in a paragraph based on the rest, the model is able to conduct zero-shot inference on unseen tasks such as topic classification and sentiment analysis. Experimental results show that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines on 7 out of 10 tasks. Moreover, the analysis reveals that our model is less sensitive to the prompt design. Our code and pretrained models are publicly available at https:

Zero-Shot Text Classification with Self-Training

Cornell University - arXiv, 2022

Recent advances in large pretrained language models have increased attention to zero-shot text classification. In particular, models finetuned on natural language inference datasets have been widely adopted as zero-shot classifiers due to their promising results and offthe-shelf availability. However, the fact that such models are unfamiliar with the target task can lead to instability and performance issues. We propose a plug-and-play method to bridge this gap using a simple self-training approach, requiring only the class names along with an unlabeled dataset, and without the need for domain expertise or trial and error. We show that fine-tuning the zero-shot classifier on its most confident predictions leads to significant performance gains across a wide range of text classification tasks, presumably since self-training adapts the zero-shot model to the task at hand.

ZeroBERTo: Leveraging Zero-Shot Text Classification by Topic Modeling

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2022

Traditional text classification approaches often require a good amount of labeled data, which is difficult to obtain, especially in restricted domains or less widespread languages. This lack of labeled data has led to the rise of low-resource methods, that assume low data availability in natural language processing. Among them, zero-shot learning stands out, which consists of learning a classifier without any previously labeled data. The best results reported with this approach use language models such as Transformers, but fall into two problems: high execution time and inability to handle long texts as input. This paper proposes a new model, ZeroBERTo, which leverages an unsupervised clustering step to obtain a compressed data representation before the classification task. We show that ZeroBERTo has better performance for long inputs and shorter execution time, outperforming XLM-R by about 12 % in the F1 score in the FolhaUOL dataset.

Generating Training Data with Language Models: Towards Zero-Shot Language Understanding

arXiv (Cornell University), 2022

Pretrained language models (PLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance in various natural language processing tasks: Unidirectional PLMs (e.g., GPT) are well known for their superior text generation capabilities; bidirectional PLMs (e.g., BERT) have been the prominent choice for natural language understanding (NLU) tasks. While both types of models have achieved promising few-shot learning performance, their potential for zero-shot learning has been underexplored. In this paper, we present a simple approach that uses both types of PLMs for fully zero-shot learning of NLU tasks without requiring any task-specific data: A unidirectional PLM generates class-conditioned texts guided by prompts, which are used as the training data for fine-tuning a bidirectional PLM. With quality training data selected based on the generation probability and regularization techniques (label smoothing and temporal ensembling) applied to the fine-tuning stage for better generalization and stability, our approach demonstrates strong performance across seven classification tasks of the GLUE benchmark (e.g., 72.3/73.8 on MNLI-m/mm and 92.8 on SST-2), significantly outperforming zero-shot prompting methods and achieving even comparable results to strong few-shot approaches using 32 training samples per class 1 .

Zero-shot Text Classification via Knowledge Graph Embedding for Social Media Data

IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021

The idea of ‘citizen sensing’and ‘human as sensors’is crucial for social Internet of Things, an integral part of cyber-physical-social systems (CPSS). Social media data, which can be easily collected from the social world, has become a valuable resource for research in many different disciplines, e.g. crisis/disaster assessment, social event detection, or the recent COVID-19 analysis. Useful information, or knowledge derived from social data, could better serve the public if it could be processed and analyzed in more efficient and reliable ways. Advances in deep neural networks have significantly improved the performance of many social media analysis tasks. However, deep learning models typically require a large amount of labeled data for model training, while most CPSS data is not labeled, making it impractical to build effective learning models using traditional approaches. In addition, the current state-of-the-art, pre-trained Natural Language Processing (NLP) models do not make ...

ALP: Data Augmentation using Lexicalized PCFGs for Few-Shot Text Classification

ArXiv, 2021

Data augmentation has been an important ingredient for boosting performances of learned models. Prior data augmentation methods for few-shot text classification have led to great performance boosts. However, they have not been designed to capture the intricate compositional structure of natural language. As a result, they fail to generate samples with plausible and diverse sentence structures. Motivated by this, we present the data Augmentation using Lexicalized Probabilistic context-free grammars (ALP) that generates augmented samples with diverse syntactic structures with plausible grammar. The lexicalized PCFG parse trees consider both the constituents and dependencies to produce a syntactic frame that maximizes a variety of word choices in a syntactically preservable manner without specific domain experts. Experiments on few-shot text classification tasks demonstrate that ALP enhances many state-of-the-art classification methods. As a second contribution, we delve into the train...

SALNet: Semi-supervised Few-Shot Text Classification with Attention-based Lexicon Construction


We propose a semi-supervised bootstrap learning framework for few-shot text classification. From a small number of the initial data, our framework obtains a larger set of reliable training data by using the attention weights from an LSTMbased trained classifier. We first train an LSTM-based text classifier from a given labeled dataset using the attention mechanism. Then, we collect a set of words for each class called a lexicon, which is supposed to be a representative set of words for each class based on the attention weights calculated for the classification task. We bootstrap the classifier using the new data that are labeled by the combination of the classifier and the constructed lexicons to improve the prediction accuracy. As a result, our approach outperforms the previous state-of-the-art methods including semisupervised learning algorithms and pretraining algorithms for few-shot text classification task on four publicly available benchmark datasets. Moreover, we empirically ...

Metadata-Induced Contrastive Learning for Zero-Shot Multi-Label Text Classification

Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2022

Large-scale multi-label text classification (LMTC) aims to associate a document with its relevant labels from a large candidate set. Most existing LMTC approaches rely on massive human-annotated training data, which are often costly to obtain and suffer from a long-tailed label distribution (i.e., many labels occur only a few times in the training set). In this paper, we study LMTC under the zero-shot setting, which does not require any annotated documents with labels and only relies on label surface names and descriptions. To train a classifier that calculates the similarity score between a document and a label, we propose a novel metadata-induced contrastive learning (MICoL) method. Different from previous textbased contrastive learning techniques, MICoL exploits document metadata (e.g., authors, venues, and references of research papers), which are widely available on the Web, to derive similar documentdocument pairs. Experimental results on two large-scale datasets show that: (1) MICoL significantly outperforms strong zero-shot text classification and contrastive learning baselines; (2) MICoL is on par with the state-of-the-art supervised metadata-aware LMTC method trained on 10K-200K labeled documents; and (3) MICoL tends to predict more infrequent labels than supervised methods, thus alleviates the deteriorated performance on long-tailed labels. CCS CONCEPTS • Information systems → Data mining; • Computing methodologies → Classification and regression trees.

Understanding Class Representations: An Intrinsic Evaluation of Zero-Shot Text Classification


Frequently, Text Classification is limited by insufficient training data. This problem is addressed by ZeroShot Classification through the inclusion of external class definitions and then exploiting the relations between classes seen during training and unseen classes (Zero-shot). However, it requires a class embedding space capable of accurately representing the semantic relatedness between classes. This work defines an intrinsic evaluation based on greater-than constraints to provide a better understanding of this relatedness. The results imply that textual embeddings are able to capture more semantics than Knowledge Graph embeddings, but combining both modalities yields the best performance.

Attention is Not Always What You Need: Towards Efficient Classification of Domain-Specific Text

arXiv (Cornell University), 2023

For large-scale IT corpora with hundreds of classes organized in a hierarchy, the task of accurate classification of classes at the higher level in the hierarchies is crucial to avoid errors propagating to the lower levels. In the business world, an efficient and explainable ML model is preferred over an expensive black-box model, especially if the performance increase is marginal. A current trend in the Natural Language Processing (NLP) community is towards employing huge pre-trained language models (PLMs) or what is known as selfattention models (e.g., BERT) for almost any kind of NLP task (e.g., question-answering, sentiment analysis, text classification). Despite the widespread use of PLMs and the impressive performance in a broad range of NLP tasks, there is a lack of a clear and well-justified need to as why these models are being employed for domain-specific text classification (TC) tasks, given the monosemic nature of specialized words (i.e., jargon) found in domain-specific text which renders the purpose of contextualized embeddings (e.g., PLMs) futile. In this paper, we compare the accuracies of some state-of-the-art (SOTA) models reported in the literature against a Linear SVM classifier and TFIDF vectorization model on three TC datasets. Results show a comparable performance for the LinearSVM. The findings of this study show that for domain-specific TC tasks, a linear model can provide a comparable, cheap, reproducible, and interpretable alternative to attention-based models.