Cephalopod associations and palaeoecology of the Cretaceous (Barremian–Cenomanian) succession of the Alpstein, northeastern Switzerland (original) (raw)

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Field guide to the excursions “Fossillagerstätten of the southern German Jurassic” and “Mesozoic ammonoid localities of Switzerland and eastern France”. Cover Page

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Upper Cenomanian–Lower Turonian ammonoids from the Saxonian Cretaceous (lower Elbtal Group, Saxony, Germany) Cover Page

Calpionellid and ammonite biostratigraphy of uppermost Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous sedimentary rocks from the Leube quarry (Northern Calcareous Alps, Salzburg, Austria)

New calpionellid and ammonite data from the Leube quarry in combination with microfacies and lithology analyses allow a new and precise biostratigraphy in Upper Tithonian and Lower Cretaceous hemipelagic sedimentary rocks of the Northern Calcareous Alps south of Salzburg (Austria). The Upper Tithonian Oberalm Formation is dated by the first occurrence of Calpionella alpina (Lorenz, 1902), Crassicollaria massutiniana (Colom, 1948) and Crassicollaria intermedia (Durand-Delga, 1957) (Crassicollaria intermedia Subzone). In the Upper Tithonian hemipelagic radiolarian wackestones several clastic cycles are intercalated, consisting of breccia beds (mass-flow deposits) and turbidites with resedimented litho-and bioclastic material from nearby carbonate platforms (Barmstein Limestone). The change from white, hemipelagic limestones to greenish, marly limestones with marl intercalations takes place in between the Upper Tithonian and Lower Berriasian part of the Oberalm Formation and is dated b...

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Calpionellid and ammonite biostratigraphy of uppermost Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous sedimentary rocks from the Leube quarry (Northern Calcareous Alps, Salzburg, Austria) Cover Page

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Taxonomy and palaeoecology of brachiopods from the South-Helvetic zone of the Fäneren region (Lutetian, Eocene, NE Switzerland) Cover Page

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Revision of Hamites wernickei Wollemann, 1902 (Cephalopoda, Ancyloceratina) from the classic Lüneburg section (Upper Cretaceous, northern Germany) Cover Page

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Cenomanian (Early Late Cretaceous) Ammonoid Faunas of Western Europe. Part I: Biochronology (Unitary Associations) and Diachronism of Datums Cover Page

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First record of the leptonectid ichthyosaur Eurhinosaurus longirostris from the Early Jurassic of Switzerland and its stratigraphic framework Cover Page

Jaws of a large belemnite and an ammonite from the Aalenian (Middle Jurassic) of Switzerland

Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, 2020

Although belemnite rostra can be quite abundant in Jurassic and Cretaceous strata, the record of belemnite jaws was limited to a few specimens from Germany and Russia. Here, we describe and figure three cephalopod jaws from the Middle Jurassic Opalinus Clay of northern Switzerland. Although flattened, the carbonaceous fossils display enough morphological information to rule out an ammonoid, nautiloid or octobrachian origin of the two larger jaws. Their similarities to belemnite jaws from Germany and Russia conforms with our interpretation of these specimens as belemnite jaws. Based on their rather large size, we tentatively assign these two jaws to the megateuthidid Acrocoelites conoideus . The third jaw is a rather small upper jaw of an ammonoid. Since Leioceras opalinum is by far the most common ammonite in this unit in northern Switzerland, we tentatively suggest that the upper jaw belongs to this species.

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Jaws of a large belemnite and an ammonite from the Aalenian (Middle Jurassic) of Switzerland Cover Page

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On the oldest Jurassic ammonites of Europe (Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria) and their global significance Cover Page

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Vertebrate tracksites in the Obernkirchen Sandstone (late Berriasian, Early Cretaceous) of northwest Germany— their stratigraphical, palaeogeographical, palaeoecological, and historical context Cover Page