Metode Bernyanyi Dalam Pembelajaran Asma’Ul Husna Anak Kelas B1 TK Pesantenan Pati Jawa Tengah (original) (raw)
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Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk membentuk siswa SD Plus Muhammadiyah Subulussalam Kota Subulussalam agar memiliki akhlak atau sifat seperti yang terdapat dalam makna yang terkandung dalam Asmaul Husna, bukan berarti memiliki sifat yang persis dengan sifat Allah. Akan tetapi dapat mencontoh, sebatas memiliki akhlak atau sifat yang memiliki kesamaan dengan bobot yang berbeda dengan sifat pengasih Allah, meski memiliki nama yang sama. Metode bernyanyi dapat meningkatkan prestasi tersebut karena siswa kreatif dan merasa senang dalam belajar, serta ikut bertanggungjawab akan suksesnya pembelajaran. Bahwa penerapan startegi bernyanyi dalam pembelajaran memiliki dampak positif dalam meningkatkan motivasi dan minat siswa terhadap pelajaran karena kegiatan berpuat kepada siswa (student oriented) dan bukan bersifat pada guru (teacher oriented). Hasil penelitian meninjukkan bahwa strategi bernyanyi dalam pembelajaran dalam Asmaul Husna memiliki peningkatan hafalan siswa dibuktikan pada pra siklu...
Metode Bernyanyi dalam Pembelajaran Mufradat di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurul Hikmah Haurgeulis
Journal on Education, 2023
Variations in teacher methods and flexibility in the learning process will be able to create more effective learning, because it can reduce boredom during learning, one of which is the singing method. This study aims to find out and understand the application of the singing method in the mufradat learning of madrasah students in Haurgeulis, Indramayu. Qualitative research with this descriptive method describes a state of the object under study. The population is teachers and students of class VII, with a sample of Arabic language teachers and students of class VII B. The data will be collected using observation, interview and documentation techniques. The results of this study are that the application of the singing method in learning Arabic mufradat in class VII MTs Nurul Hikmah Haurgeulis Indramayu can be said to be good, because the educators carry out three stages of learning, namely main activities, core activities and closing activities. The application of this singing method also has advantages and disadvantages, the advantage is that it can cause a feeling of joy and delight in students and increases a sense of enthusiasm, students more easily understand and memorize the material presented. While the drawback is that this method is not suitable for upper class students because the material presented is different and broader and not suitable for quiet students.
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TA'LIM : Jurnal Studi Pendidikan Islam
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JIIP - Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan
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Multimedia is one way to facilitate conveying information in the form of audio or video. Multimedia is also able to produce something more lively and interesting, one of the multimedia application is to visualize the introduction of Husna Beautiful Names. The problem is how to make an interesting visualization using a computer-based multimedia? Primary School 1 Punung Sooka country is a school that has a mission to improve the religious values of their students.Islamic religious teaching in SD Negeri 1 Punung Less Sooka maximum due to limited time in the learning process in schools other than that in the class had difficulty in attracting students' enthusiasm for learning when studying the Islamic religious lessons, especially regarding the introduction of the Beautiful Names and Attributes that a high level of concentration required to memorize and memaknainya well The purpose of this research is to design an attractive media and interactive learning for students excited about ...