Diet pattern and variations of Ocellated Lizard Timon lepidus in a Mediterranean steppe area (Crau plain, France) (original) (raw)
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Composition et variation saisonniÈre du rÉgime alimentaire du lÉzard oCellÉ Timon lepidus sur l'Île d'olÉron (FranCe) À partir des FÈCes. Jean-marc Thirion 1 , pierre GrilleT 1,2 & marc Cheylan 2 Summary.— Composition and seasonal variation of the diet of the ocellated lizard timon lepidus on oleron island (France) through scat analysis.— the diet of the ocellated lizard was studied by analysis of scats collected during an annual activity cycle in the population of oleron island (Charente-maritime, France). scats were collected after ten days from april to october 2002. the study was carried out on a sample of 102 scats. We identified 927 prey items which consisted for more than 60 % of insects, 20 % fruit and 11 % molluscs. temporal variations consisted in 3 main periods : one at the beginning of spring (april) dominated by the consumption of Coleoptera and arachnids, the second in the middle of summer (July and august) characterized by the consumption of ephedra fruit and ...
The diet of Ocellated Lizard, a reptile considered as vulnerable in Europe, was studied in a protected area containing one of the most important French populations of the species. It aims to describe diet composition and its temporal variation but also to identify differences between age classes. A sample of 221 scats was collected from May to September 2010 in seven different sites of the studied area (Crau plain, France). From the 4029 items analysed, 156 taxa were identified. The diet is composed by Coleoptera (26.7 %), Orthoptera (23 %), Hymenoptera (19.3 %) and fruits (17.1 %). Dung beetles represent only 2.1 % of Coleoptera prey, which is surprising for such a heavily grazed area. The diet composition is different from one month to another (χ2 = 943.173, df = 20, p < 0.001) and differences between age classes exist (V = 572, p < 0.001). Adult lizards eat more fruits than juveniles in August (χ2 = 80.349, df = 1, p < 0.001). The prey richness is not different between a...
Revue d Ecologie
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Are elevated sites’ occurrences of Ocellated lizard Timon lepidus (Daudin, 1802) sporadic events? A case study in the southeastern French Alps Species distribution knowledge is a major issue for conservation, especially in times drive by global changes. However, common assumptions and non-standardized distribution of sample or data set often result in distorted representation because they do not take into account species detection probability. Th e natural range of the Ocellated lizard Timon lepidus (Daudin, 1802) (Lacertidae) seems well described in the literature and is known to occur very sporadically in habitats above 600-700 m elevation. However, both historic regional data retrieval (Silene-PACA regional database) and recent data collected in higher elevated sites of the south-eastern French Alps (Hautes-Alpes, Alpes-de-HauteProvence and Alpes-Maritimes) drive to diff erent conclusion. Before 2005 (included), 37.5% of the opportunistic observations were made above 750 m (11.1%...
A long-term monitoring program of the Ocellated Lizard (Timon lepidus) population on Oleron Island
A long-term monitoring program of the Ocellated Lizard (Timon lepidus) population on Oléron Island.-The Ocellated Lizard Timon lepidus (Sauria ; Lacertidae) has declined throughout most of its range. Today it is difficult to assess the extent of this decline. The Ocellated Lizard population of Oléron Island (Charente-Maritime, France) is the subject of a long-term monitoring study established in 2007. This study is repeated every 3 years to follow the population evolution. The population is confined to a long-shore dune of 140 ha. The monitoring method consists of 70 plots (50 x 50 m) randomly placed within a study area divided into six distinct zones. Three surveys were conducted in the study area over the spring season (April, May and June). Results were analysed with PRESENCE 3.0 (Beta) and R 2.8.1. The Ocellated Lizard has a highly heterogeneous distribution on Oléron Island. The site-occupancy model allows us to conclude that the probability of detecting the species in the plots increases over the field. In 2010, this probability was 0.78 in April and 0.97 in May and June. The estimated proportion of occupied sites was 0.83 in 2010 and 0.76 in 2007. Colonization and local extinction are the consequences of the evolution of available shelters (colonization if this resource increases and extinction if it disappears) and of the coastal erosion (habitat loss). The relative abundance of Ocellated Lizards on the island (modeling with the N-mixture model) can be principally explained by the presence of permanent shelters (used both during winter and the lizards' active period), including rabbit and rodent burrows and artificial shelters. Rabbits are essential and their maintaining is crucial for the Ocellated Lizard conservation. The Ocellated Lizard population size was estimated to be 1025 individuals (95 % CI: 695-1355) in 2010. This monitoring survey will be replicated in 2013. Results will help us in evaluating and guiding management and conservation measures.
RESUME L'étude du régime alimentaire du Lézard ocellé dans la Réserve Naturelle Nationale des Coussouls de Crau (Bouches-du-Rhône, France) a révélé la présence dans les feces, de fragments d'insectes remarquables. Il s'agit de Coléoptères considérés comme ayant une valeur patrimoniale : Sphenoptera gemmata (Olivier 1790), Zabrus ignavus Csiki 1907, Amphimallon ruficorne (Fabricius 1775) et Vesperus luridus (Rossi 1794). Une fourmi nouvelle pour la plaine de la Crau a également été identifiée : Goniomma hispanicum (Andre 1883). Ces résultats soulignent la pertinence des analyses de régimes alimentaires de vertébrés insectivores dans la détection d'insectes cryptiques, nocturnes, ou à période d'apparition très limitée.