Verifying LTL Properties of Bytecode with Symbolic Execution} (original) (raw)
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A local approach for temporal model checking of Java bytecode
Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 2005
Modern computing applications require highly reliable software systems, but current validation techniques, like testing, fail to assure an adequate level of correctness. We present a model checking procedure to verify a subset of the Java virtual machine language (JVML) with respect to properties expressed by a temporal logic. A tableau-based method is developed to prove the satisfaction of a formula: by this local approach a program computation is checked only if involved in the goal of the property verification. A special symbol ⊥ is introduced to represent "unknown'' values, and computations are performed in a symbolic way exploiting the set of guards present in the formulae to refine possible unknown values. This kind of abstraction cuts the state explosion of the programs and it is applicable to check arbitrary formulae, but the result of the verification has an imprecision degree depending on the number of unknown values manipulated during each symbolic computation.
found at the ENTCS Macro Home Page. Verifying LTL Properties of Bytecode with Symbolic Execution 1
Bytecode languages are at a very desirable degree of abstraction for performing formal analysis of programs, but at the same time pose new challenges when compared with traditional languages. This paper proposes a methodology for bytecode analysis which harmonizes two well-known formal verification techniques, model checking and symbolic execution. Model checking is a property-guided exploration of the system state space until the property is proved or disproved, producing in the latter case a counterexample execution trace. Symbolic execution emulates program execution by replacing concrete variable values with symbolic ones, so that the symbolic execution along a path represents the potentially infinite numeric executions that may occur along that path. We propose an approach where symbolic execution is used for building a possibly partial model of the program state space, and on-the-fly model checking is exploited for verifying temporal properties on it. The synergy of the two techniques yields considerable potential advantages: symbolic execution allows for modeling the state space of infinite-state software systems, limits the state explosion, and fosters modular verification; model checking provides fully automated verification of reachability properties of a program. To assess these potential advantages, we report our preliminary experience with the analysis of a safety-critical software system.
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IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2000
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Software & Systems Modeling, 2013
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