Analisis Pendapatan dan Kesejahteraan Petani Karet Rakyat Desa Batu Merah Kecamatan Lampihong Kabupaten Balangan (original) (raw)

Faktor-Faktor Sosial Ekonomi yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Petani Karet di Desa Layuh Kecamatan Batu Benawa Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Tengah


Rubber is an export commodity that is able to contribute to efforts to increase Indonesia's foreign exchange. Rubber plants are one of the plantation commodities that occupies a quite outstanding position as a source of non-oil foreign exchange for Indonesia so that it has bright prospects. This study aims to determine how much influence the rubber farmers' income has on age, education, family dependence, and the number of trees and which factors have the most significant control. The time of the study was carried out from March to May 2018. The data used in this study were primary data and secondary data. Primary data obtained by direct interview census, at the research location on the respondents of rubber farmers as a whole amounting to 61 people. Adjusted R2 value is 0.422, and this indicates that 42.2% of income can be explained by the variables of age, education, dependents of the family, number of trees while 57.8% is influenced by other variables which may not...

Dampak Pandemi COVID-19 Terhadap Pendapatan Petani Karet DI Desa Ambawang Kecamatan Batu Ampar

Jurnal Sylva Scienteae

The rubber plant (Hevea bransiliensis) is one of the plants that has a high enough economic value so that it can meet the living needs of most Indonesian people, but a virus was detected from Wuhan, China which then entered Indonesia in March 2020, which was identified as Covid-19. Pandemi of Covid-19 has an impact on various sectors in Indonesia, one of them is the economic sector. Ambawang village was the first village detected the Covid-19 virus in Tanah Laut Regency, thus causing little impact on the village. The purpose of this study is to compare farmers' income from rubber productivity before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used is proportional stratified random sampling it uses 3 classes in the study and obtained a total sample of 165 as respondents. Data analysis used a statistical approach, namely the paired T-test. The results of this study indicate the average cost of each class in Ambawang village, namely for class 1 the average cost of rubber farmers i...

Analisis Produktivitas, Pendapatan dan Kesejahteraan Petani Karet Eks Upp Tcsdp di Desa Semelinang Darat Kecamatan Peranap Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu


This study aims to analyze the productivity, to analyze the revenue, to analyze of the households income structure, to analyze the pattern of households expenditure, and to analyze the welfare of households of the smallholder rubber plantation of ex-TCSDP development. Research was done by survey at Gumanti Village. Analyzing the structure of household expenditure Ex-UPP rubber farmers in the village TCSDP Gumanti District of Peranap, Analyzing household welfare level of Ex-UPP rubber farmers in the village TCSDP Gumanti District of Peranap. This Research with survey method and sampling of 30 samples. Analysis of the results showed that the productivity of smallholder rubber plantation as 3.047 ton/ha/year, equivalent in the form of revenue latex and rubber plantations ex TCSDP Rp. 902 977 / pc / month. The structure of household income derived from agriculture is 51.08 percent and 48.92 percent for non-agricultural income. The pattern of household expenditure shown that the food exp...

Dampak Penurunan Harga Karet Terhadap Kondisi Ekonomi Petani di Desa Lesung Batu Muda Kecamatan Rawas Ulu Kabupaten Musi Rawas Utara

Jurnal Media Agribisnis, 2022

Rubber commodity is one of the plantation commodities which has played an important role for the economy in Indonesia since ancient times. The success of rubber plantations is not only seen from its production and productivity, it can also be seen from the income received by the farmers. The purpose of this study was to describe the income, food consumption, and non-food consumption of rubber farmers before and after the decrease in rubber prices and to analyze the differences in income, food consumption, and non-food consumption of rubber farmers before and after the decrease in rubber prices in Lesung Village. Batu Muda, Rawas Ulu District. The number of samples of farmers in this study were 35 people. Methods of collecting data using the survey method. The results of this study indicated that income, food consumption and non-food consumption of farmers in Lesung Batu Muda Village, Rawas Ulu District, experienced a change of 38.37 into the Good category at the time before the decrease in rubber prices and after the decrease in rubber prices it decreased by 28.26 in the Poor category. Based on the results of the Wilcoxon test calculation, Z count (-5.26) < Z table (-1.65) with α = 0.05 so Ho was rejected and H1 was accepted. Thus it could be concluded that the decrease in rubber prices had a significant effect on changes in income conditions, food consumption and non-food consumption of farmers in Lesung Batu Muda Village.

Analisis Pendapatan Dan Nilai Tukar Petani Karet Rakyat DI Desa Air Sekamanak Kecamatan Ketahun Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara


This research was aimed to estimate income from rubber farming folk and envistige rubber farmer buying power through term of trade indicators. This research is conducted at Village Air Sekamanak District Ketahun North Bengkulu. Eighty nine labourfarmers were selected using Stratified Random Sampling method. The result of this research found that the farmers terms of trade is 1.43 in May and 1.45 in June. These results indicate that in the month May and June of rubber farmers in the study area during the month were categorized into levels of prosperity.Average farm income of smallholder rubber farmers in the study area is Rp 1,945,690.37 Ut in May, while the average income in June amounted to Rp 1,945,117.34 Ut. Keywords: terms of Trade, Smallholder labours, rubber

Analisis Produktivitas, Pendapatan Dan Kesejahteraan Petani Karet Eks Upp TCSDP Penghidupan DI Desa Bina Baru Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Tengah Kabupaten Kampar


This study aims to analyze the productivity, revenue, households income structure, pattern of households expenditure, and welfare of households of the smallholder rubber plantation of ex-TCSDP development. Research was done by survey at Bina Baru Village. Data were collected from 30 small-holders rubber farmers using purposive sampling. Analysis of the results showed that the productivity of smallholder rubber plantation as 2.39 ton/ha/yearequivalent lump, the revenues of samallholder rubber plantation as Rp. 22.602.447/ha/year. The structure of household income derived from agriculture is 87,59 percent and 12,41 percent for non-agricultural income. The pattern of household expenditure shown that the food expenditure as 38,58percent and non-food expenditures as 61,42 percent. Result also show that the household of the smallholder rubber plantation at Bina Baru Village have the total expenditure more than 320 kg of rice equivalent. The household of small-holders rubber plantation hav...

Analisis Perbedaan Pendapatan Petani Karet Desa Sungai Bungin KecamatanPangkalan Lampam Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir Selama Pandemi Covid-19

Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Perbankan Syariah (JIMPA)

Peneliti membahas Pendapatan Petani Karet Desa Sungai Bungin Kecamatan Pangkalan Lampam Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir. Pokok masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana tingkat Bagaimana tingkat pendapatan petani karet sebelum terkena dampak pandemi covid-19, Bagaimana tingkat pendapatan petani karet sesudah terkena dampak pandemi covid-19 dan Apakah terdapat perbedaan pendapatan petani karet sebelum pandemi dan saat mengalami situasi pandemi covid-19. Penelitian ini menggukan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan menggunakan field Research. Jenis penelitian ini adalah metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan secara langsung di lapangan (objek penelitian). Sampel yang di ambil sebagai Dengan jumlah responden 25 orang petani karet. Tujuan dari penelitiaan ini adalah untuk menganalisis dampak Pandemi Covid-19 pada Pendapatan Petani Karet Desa Sungai Bungin Kecamatan Pangkalan Lampam Kabupaten Ogan Komering ilir. Data...

Distribusi Pendapatan Petani Karet DI Desa Sei. Tonang Kecamatan Kampar Utara Kabupaten Kampar

Photon: Jurnal Sain dan Kesehatan

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui distribusi pendapatan rumah tangga dan ketimpangan pendapatan rumah tangga petani karet di Desa Sei. Tonang Kecamatan Kampar Utara Kabupaten Kampar. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dari bulan Desember 2012 sampai dengan Juni 2013. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan purposive sampling terhadap 38 petani karet yang luas lahan 1-6 hektar dengan umur tanaman 20-25 tahun.Hasil Penelitian menunujukkan bahwa pendapatan petani karet di Desa Sei. Tonang dengan pendapatan diantara Rp. 2.095.913 – Rp. 15.429.336. Dengan rata-rata pendapatan Rp.6.042.585. yang terdiri dari pendapatan sektor pertanian 97,26 % dan di luar sektor pertanian 2,74 %. Angka Indeks Gini Rasio sebesar 0,20 menunjukkan distribusi pendapatan rumah tangga petani karet sudah cukup merata dengan tingkat ketimpangan pendapatan rendah dan Kurva Lorenz mendekati garis kemerataan sempurna

Pendapatan Petani Karet DI Gampong Paya Lumpat Kecamatan Samatiga Kabupaten Aceh Barat


Rubber is one of the leading plantation commodities in Aceh Barat besides palm oil, cocoa and patchouli. In addition to natural factors, the willingness of farmers is also one of the most important capital in the development of this commodity. The purpose of this research is to analyze the income of rubber farmers, especially in gampong Paya Lumpat Samatiga District, Aceh Barat. The method used is quantitative descriptive method. The resuls showed that based on the age classification of rubber plants owned by farmers there is a difference in the amount of rubber production and it affects the income received by each farmer.

Analisis Pendapatan, Risiko Dan Tingkat Kesejahteraan Rumah Tangga Petani Karet DI Kecamatan Pakuan Ratu Kabupaten Way Kanan

Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Agribisnis

The study aims to analyze the amount of household income, the risk of rubber selling prices and the level of household welfare of rubber farmers in Pakuan Ratu Sub-District, Way Kanan Regency. The research method used was survey method. The number of the respondent in this study is 56 rubber farming households obtained using proportional random sampling. The results show that the average total income of rubber farmer households is Rp31,580,310.71 where the largest income is derived from income from rubber farming. The price risk on rubber farming is relatively small that can be seen from the variation coefficient value (CV) is 0.17. The level of household welfare based on Sajogyo's indicators shows that 100% rubber farming households are in the living groupworthy. Key words: farmers, income, risk, rubber, welfare.