Development of Motivation Studies: The Chronicles (original) (raw)
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Motivation and its Basic Theories
Journal of Physical Fitness, Medicine & Treatment in Sports
The course that behavior takes is a function of the person's essential needs, goals, wants, personality etc. There is a general consensus that motivation is goal directed, outlines the achievement and pursuit of goals and that motivation in environmentally dependent. Motivation causes the initiation, direction, intensity and persistence of behavior. In that respect motivation involve the biological, emotional, social, and cognitive forces that activate behavior. In our review, we look into goal-directed behavior aspect of motivation. In that respect, there are two basic approaches to explaining motivation as goal directed behavior. Achievement motivation (AM) theory and the attribution theory (AT). We will examine achievement motivation and attribution motivation apart, mainly because their theoretical constructs are dissimilar. We can conclude that motivation is multifactorial in nature and heading to the maintenance of a state of physiological and psychological homeostasis.
Scientific and Theoretical Aspects of the Motivation Process
The article focuses on the use of motivation as a personnel management task. A characteristic feature of personnel management in the current conditions of management is the growing role of employees. The article identified the need for the incentive system to move forward, rather than the changing incentives and needs ratio. In order to motivate employees in organizations, material and intangible methods of rewarding for the work done today are used. It is advisable to use in practice different types of motivational methods in human resource management in any field.
Management researchers have long believed that organisational goals are unattainable without effective use of motivational concepts. One key element of leadership is the ability to get others to do something, creating an influence. This paper is designed to help familiarise readers with the concepts related to motivation. Some popular theories will be reviewed and discussed. A leader must be able to motivate others to achieve goals, accomplish tasks, and complete objectives. Motivation is one key indicator of behaviour. We behave in a way that will satisfy motive based on a need. However, we don’t always have the luxury of knowing what our needs or motives are. Knowing potential areas of motivation, like the ones discussed in this module, can provide guidance in working with and discussing concerns with others.
A literature review on motivation
Global Business Perspectives, 2013
Research on motivation has attracted academic and corporate entities over the last two decades. In the present study, authors have reviewed the intense literature to extract all possible dimensions of motivation, having direct and indirect impact on motivation techniques. This has examined the multidimensionality of motivation from the existing literature and present a conceptual framework based on it, and it is experienced that various motivation techniques (discussed in this study) are having a positive impact on both employee satisfaction and the quality of performance in the organization; however, the model needs to be validated using quantitative measures. In order to study the various issues highlighted in this paper related to employee motivation, a large body of literature mainly from different journals have been incorporated. To make the study more current only those studies were included which were published in the last two decades. In past research papers few dimensions of motivation were used to explain the different models motivation theory which has direct influence on employee motivation. The novelty of this study lies in its theoretical framework where authors have made an attempt to come up with a construct having dimensions that directly or indirectly influences employee motivation.
We present six recommendations for building theories of work motivation that are more valid, more complete, broader in scope, and more useful to practitioners than existing theories. (1) Integrate extant theories by using existing meta-analyses to build a megatheory of work motivation. (2) Create a boundaryless science of work motivation. (3) Study the various types of relationships that could hold between general (trait) and situationally specific motivation. (4) Study subconscious as well as conscious motivation. (5) Use introspection explicitly in theory building. (6) Acknowledge the role of volition in human action when formulating theories.
A Few Aspects of Motivation: An Overview of Concepts, Theories and Techniques
Khulna University Studies, 1999
This paper examines the concepts, theories, and techniques of motivation, which are important aspects of managerial and administrative people in business and industry. rhe perrormance of any organization depends on the efficiency ofindividuals, and that could be achieved wtren trrey a.e motivatea with their works. Motivation is the inner force or drive of individuals constituted through feelinis, "*p..i"n"", realization ofjob, work, and behavior of management that directs them to accomplish theii work assignments. Definitions pertaining to motivation also disclosed rhat this force is directed toiatisfy or fulfil needs, wants, expectations, and desires This force could be made favorable by making change ofneeds una *unt, sutirrying factors that are *idely known as means of motivation. The motivarionaimeans might broadly be of two types financial and non-financial By adapting the means of motivation, company can create motivational and well-disciplined uork environment that are essential for the piesent complex business world.
A Few Aspect of Motivation: An Overview of Concepts, Theories and Techniques
Khulna University Studies, 1999
This paper examines the concepts, theories, and techniques of motivation, which are important aspects of managerial and administrative people in business and industry. The performance of any organization depends on the efficiency of individuals, and that could be achieved when they are motivated with their works. Motivation is the inner force or drive of individuals constituted through feelings, experience, realization of job, work, and behavior of management that directs them to accomplish their work assignments. Definitions pertaining to motivation also disclosed that this force is directed to satisfy or fulfill needs, wants, expectations, and desires This force could be made favorable by making change of needs and wants satisfying factors that are widely known as means of motivation. The motivational means might broadly be of two types financial and non-financial By adapting the means of motivation, company can create motivational and well-disciplined work environment that are essential for the present complex business world.
10th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 2018
In this article the authors introduce the development of a hierarchical theory of self-determination and the theory of target orientations, showing their explanatory potential on to motivate students. The article presents the theoretical provisions of different approaches, and gives some examples of their use for the analysis of student motivation. The theory of self-determination in its expanded version proved to be more productive when studying and explaining the motivation of students due to the existence of a well-developed typology of reasons that motivate the learning activity, universal needs, and the levels of functioning of motivation. At the same time, the theories under consideration are essentially complementary, since they focus on different aspects of the educational motivation: the theory of target orientations focuses on the goals of students' participation in educational activities, while the hierarchical theory of self-determination refers to the analysis of the reasons for involvement in the learning process. The study of motivation occupies an important place in the studies of education, since it allows to explain the behavior of students in educational institutions. Empirical studies have shown that the level of educational motivation is one of the key factors affecting the involvement of students in academic activities and their academic achievements. Motivation is defined through the behavior exercised by the individual, considering it as a source and regulator of activity. The outcome of the article can be of interest both for humanities and arts as well as for science teachers and researchers. The authors see the advantage of hierarchical theory of self-determination that explains the dynamics and genesis of various types of motivation through the isolation of its three levels - situational, contextual and global. The choice of the theoretical framework of the research depends on what aspects of the learning motivation are to be studied.
Motivation: A Literature Review Research Report MOTIVATION
Motivation refers to reasons that underlie behavior that is characterized by willingness and volition. Intrinsic motivation is animated by personal enjoyment, interest, or pleasure, whereas extrinsic motivation is governed by reinforcement contingencies. Motivation involves a constellation of closely related beliefs, perceptions, values, interests, and actions. Motivation within individuals tends to vary across subject areas, and this domain specificity increases with age. Motivation in children predicts motivation later in life, and the stability of this relationship strengthens with age. Traditionally, educators consider intrinsic motivation to be more desirable and to result in better learning outcomes than extrinsic motivation. In general, children appear to enter school with high levels of intrinsic motivation, although motivation tends to decline as children progress through school. Research suggests that motivation can be manipulated through certain instructional practices, although studies demonstrate both positive and negative effects.