Completeness of root functions of the simplest strongly irregular differential operators with two-point two-term boundary conditions (original) (raw)

On the basisness in L 2 (0, 1) of the root functions in not strongly regular boundary value problems


In the present article we consider the non-self adjoint Sturm-Liouville operators with periodic and anti-periodic boundary conditions which are not strongly regular. We obtain the asymptotic formulas for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of these boundary value problems, when the potential q(x) is a complexvalued function. Then using these asymptotic formulas, the Riesz basisness in L 2 (0, 1) of the root functions are proved.

Multiple Completeness of the Root Functions for a Certain Class of Pencils of Ordinary Differential Operators

Results in Mathematics, 2016

A class of polynomial pencils of ordinary differential operators with constant coefficients is considered in the article. The pencils from this class are generated by the n-th order ordinary differential expression and two-point boundary conditions. Coefficients of the differential expression are supposed to be polynomials of the spectral parameter with constant coefficients. The boundary conditions are supposed to depend on the spectral parameter polynomially. It is assumed that the roots of the characteristic equation of the pencils from this class are simple, non-zero and lie on two rays emanating from the origin. The author investigates n-fold completeness of the root functions of the pencils from this class in the space of summable with square functions on the main segment. Sufficient conditions of the n-fold completeness of the root functions are obtained. The main idea of the method of the proof of the theorem is a new asymptotics of the characteristic determinant of the pencil. The presented results supplement previous results of the author.

Spectral properties of some regular boundary value problems for fourth order differential operators

Central European Journal of Mathematics, 2012

In this paper we consider the problem ıv + 2 () + 1 () + 0 () = λ 0 < < 1 () (1) − (−1) σ () (0) + −1 =0 α () (0) = 0 = 1 2 3 (1) − (−1) σ (0) = 0 where λ is a spectral parameter; () ∈ L 1 (0 1), = 0 1 2, are complex-valued functions; α , = 1 2 3, = 0 − 1, are arbitrary complex constants; and σ = 0 1. The boundary conditions of this problem are regular, but not strongly regular. Asymptotic formulae for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the considered boundary value problem are established in the case α 3 2 + α 1 0 = α 2 1. It is proved that the system of root functions of this spectral problem forms a basis in the space L (0 1), 1 < < ∞, when α 3 2 + α 1 0 = α 2 1 , () ∈ W 1 (0 1), = 1 2, and 0 () ∈ L 1 (0 1); moreover, this basis is unconditional for = 2.

Characterization of the spectrum of irregular boundary value problem for the


We consider the spectral problem generated by the Sturm-Liouville equation with an arbitrary complex-valued potential q(x) ∈ L 2 (0, π) and irregular boundary conditions. We establish necessary and sufficient conditions for a set of complex numbers to be the spectrum of such an operator. In the present paper, we consider the eigenvalue problem for the Sturm-Liouvulle equation u ′′ − q(x)u + λu = 0 (1) on the interval (0, π) with the boundary conditions u ′ (0) + (−1) θ u ′ (π) + bu(π) = 0, u(0) + (−1) θ+1 u(π) = 0, (2) where b is a complex number, θ = 0, 1, and the function q(x) is an arbitrary complex-valued function of the class L 2 (0, π). Denote by c(x, µ), s(x, µ) (λ = µ 2) the fundamental system of solutions to (1) with the initial conditions c(0, µ) = s ′ (0, µ) = 1, c ′ (0, µ) = s(0, µ) = 0. The following identity is well known c(x, µ)s ′ (x, µ) − c ′ (x, µ)s(x, µ) = 1. (3) Simple calculations show that the characteristic equation of (1), (2) can be reduced to the form ∆(µ) = 0, where

On an eigenvalue problem of Ahmad and Lazer for ordinary differential equations

Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 1987

Lazer, we show the existence of a class of nonselfadjoint eigenvalue problems related to the equation y(n) + Xp(x)y = 0 for which the general eigenvalues comparison is not true. We use a comparison principle for the zeros of the corresponding Cauchy problem. This paper provides a contribution to the understanding of a problem raised by S. Ahmad and A. C. Lazer [1] in connection with the comparison of the eigenvalues for some multi-point boundary value problems which are not selfadjoint. One is given the equation (1) Lny + Xp(x)y = 0, where p(x) is a continuous function of constant sign on an interval /, A is a parameter, and Lny is a linear differential disconjugate operator of order n, that is, the only solution of Lny = 0 with n zeros on I (counting multiplicity) is y = 0. Let us consider the eigenvalue problem given by equation (1) and the system of boundary conditions ,, Lzy(a)=0, iG{ii,...,ik}, L]V(b)=0, JGiJu.-.Jn-k}, where o, b G I, 1 < k < n-1, Liy, i = 0,..., n-1, are the quasi-derivatives of y(x) (see [7]), and {t'i,..., ¿fc}, {ji, ■ ■ ■ ,jn-k) are two arbitrary sets of indices from the set {0,... ,n-1}. Problems of this type have been studied extensively (cf. [2, 3, 5]). In particular, Elias [5] has shown that if (-l)n_fcp(x) < 0, then the eigenvalues of problems (1) and (2) are real and nonnegative and form a divergence sequence {Am}m£N-Ahmad and Lazer [1] have considered a particular type of boundary condition (2), that is (3) y(a)=y'(a) =-= yik-1\a) = 0, y(b)=y'(b) =-=y(n-k-i\b)=0, and showed that if we set p = Pi, where p¿, i-1,2, are two continuous functions, considering the corresponding sequence of eigenvalues (A¿,m)m6N, i = 1,2, ordered by magnitude, then the condition (4)_ (-l)n-kp2(x) < (-l)"-fepi(x) < 0

Characterization of the Spectrum of an Irregular Boundary Value Problem for the Sturm-Liouville Operator

Boundary Value Problems, Integral Equations and Related Problems, 2010

We consider the spectral problem generated by the Sturm-Liouville equation with an arbitrary complex-valued potential q(x) ∈ L 2 (0, π) and irregular boundary conditions. We establish necessary and sufficient conditions for a set of complex numbers to be the spectrum of such an operator. In the present paper, we consider the eigenvalue problem for the Sturm-Liouvulle equation u ′′ − q(x)u + λu = 0 (1) on the interval (0, π) with the boundary conditions u ′ (0) + (−1) θ u ′ (π) + bu(π) = 0, u(0) + (−1) θ+1 u(π) = 0, (2) where b is a complex number, θ = 0, 1, and the function q(x) is an arbitrary complex-valued function of the class L 2 (0, π). Denote by c(x, µ), s(x, µ) (λ = µ 2) the fundamental system of solutions to (1) with the initial conditions c(0, µ) = s ′ (0, µ) = 1, c ′ (0, µ) = s(0, µ) = 0. The following identity is well known c(x, µ)s ′ (x, µ) − c ′ (x, µ)s(x, µ) = 1. (3) Simple calculations show that the characteristic equation of (1), (2) can be reduced to the form ∆(µ) = 0, where