Transformation of University Libraries During the Digital Era (original) (raw)
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Education 4 . 0 – 5 . 0 and the Post ‐ Information Transformation of University Libraries
The report outlines the main stages of the development of society in the transition from information to post-information society, defined as the transition to industry 4.0 – 5.0. The changes caused by the widespread introduction of technology in educational models and their role in innovation in education are briefly described. The place and role of university libraries in the conditions of radical changes in the educational models in the post-information society are presented with the main tendencies in their development during the last 10 years. The interaction between the new educational models and the changes in the functions of the university libraries, which occur during their inevitable transformation in accordance with the new conditions, is shown.
Sino-US English teaching, 2014
A society of knowledge has a mission based on information dissemination and its usage, but its purpose cannot be completely realized without library as an institution that collects, processes, archives, protects and provides library collections to the public. Elementary-and high-school libraries, as well as the academic ones, are ubiquitous as associates and promoters of importance of information in the Digital Age. Information literacy becomes a foundation of an individual's literacy in general and leads him/her toward lifelong learning that becomes a philosophy on the way to a society of knowledge. The paper presents research results of informatics and information literacy among students with a purpose of improving the library mission and vision within future education. Data were collected by poll and the pollees were high-school and university students of Slavonski Brod and Osijek. This study found that although the trend of Internet usage in a library is not high, the percentage of those possessing a basic Information and Communication Technology (ICT) literacy level is high. Another significant fact is that the number of those unskilled in ICT usage (online database and catalog search) is high which represents a challenge to the libraries and ICT experts who are the incumbents of great responsibility.
Modern universities in a digital environment
15TH INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC DAYS . „Challenges and Prospects for Innovation between 2014-2020”. KÁROLY RÓBERT COLLEGE GYÖNGYÖS , 2016
Nowadays the digitalization of all aspects of our lives is becoming more and more general. This pattern is also true in case of modern institutions of higher education. In case of the operation of universities, we can identify a shift towards a growingly increasing approach, which is proactive strategic thinking done by university management. Many successful examples throughout the globe prove that universities may positively affect the level of economic development in given regions. This can happen with the collective presence of three key activities carried out by these institutions. Excellent education, successful research and embedment in the local economy are all necessary activities. It is recognized that without a proper knowledge management system, universities are less competitive. They need to possess outstanding IT-infrastructures, large databases and host professional forums that can enhance knowledge transfer. Thus, knowledge management and a vision for digitalization in the everyday lives of universities should be considered as an integral and inevitable part of university strategies. The study has two goals: It attempts to identify, how digitalization can contribute to the excellence of the first mission of universities and also examines the role of modern universities in activities that can enhance knowledge-transfer. Összefoglalás Napjainkban életünk számos aspektusára érvényesíthető a digitalizálódás. Ez a minta a modern felsőoktatási intézmények esetében is igaz. Az is észrevehető, hogy az egyetemek vezetése kapcsán egyfajta eltolódás mutatkozik meg a proaktív stratégiai gondolkodás követése felé. Több sikeres nemzetközi példa bizonyítja, hogy az egyetemek pozitív hatással lehetnek a helyi gazdaság fejlődésére adott régiókban, ez többnyire három kulcsfontosságú tevékenység magas szintű művelésének következménye. A kiváló oktatás, a hatékony kutatási tevékenység végzése mellett a helyi gazdaságba való beágyazódás mind szükséges feltételek ennek kapcsán. A megfelelő tudásmenedzsment rendszer megléte nélkül ma már az egyetemek kevésbé versenyképesek. Kitűnő IT-infrastruktúrával, nagy adatbázisokkal kell rendelkezniük, helyt kell adniuk különféle akadémiai, szakértői fórumoknak. A tudásmenedzsment, illetve a digitalizálódás trendjének felismerése integráns részét kell, hogy képezze az egyetemi stratégiáknak. Jelen tanulmány célja kettős: Egyrészt megkísérli azonosítani, hogy a digitalizálódás hogyan tud hozzájárulni a kiváló oktatási tevékenység realizálásához, másrészt pedig a modern egyetemek szerepét vizsgálja a tudástranszfer-tevékenység sikeresebbé tételében.
This paper focused on the practical changes to the library field that continue to take place as technology advances. These changes include modified to physical space, collection improvement, and librarian workflows. It will also include best exercise to modernize the academic library to best complement a technologically driven university. As education institutes change from passive learning atmosphere into active ones, thus the role of the librarian has to adjust as well. Academic reformation requires that the librarian venture from the library to collaborate with teachers and administrators. The addition of ICT into the learning environment enhances information retrieval and offers the librarian a new investiture into the classroom program of study. New, more student-centered teaching methods demand the support of information resources and instruction in their use. Library technology reaches ahead of the library walls via computer networks to put information sources into the hands of users at the point of need. The most excellent place to access information resources may no longer be within the walls of the traditional library.
Starting with the creation of the global information space, there are two forces that can really influence information processes. The first side is the technological side, the other side is the state structures based on social and humanitarian issues. The creators of global networks and the owners of key technologies advocate that everything remains as it is, based on freedom of speech, and in humanitarian terms, states are trying to control this process based on the implementation of legislation. The first side is based on free speech, controls the advertising market and dodges taxes, the other side wants to deal with “concerned groups” and also fight social ailments. In this confrontation, libraries, as institutions influencing the information environment, stand next to the state and try not to lose their attractiveness. In this respect, libraries can act as a bridge between local and regional as well as global networks. Libraries, academic and university libraries currently opera...
Abstract Libraries are at a turning point. As technology rapidly transforms the way we access information, and resources are increasingly available online and in digital formats, the established role of the library as a physical space housing racks of books is looking increasingly out of step with the needs of students and researchers. Allied with technology, library users’ needs and preferences are helping to drive the change in libraries. Students, researchers and teachers now expect to be able to access information around the clock, from almost anywhere in the world and via a growing number of devices, from laptops to phones. As the information technologies are changing day-today and growing at a tremendous speed, the knowledge society is becoming more complex, competitive and dependent on technological changes and information explosion. The need for e-information services to the users are also growing and becoming very essential. The impact of web based e-learning and teaching environment has influenced every facet of library and information services in academic libraries and providing new opportunities and challenges to the library professional for involvement in the knowledge based society including electronic and multimedia publishing, Internet based-information services, global networking, web based digital resources etc.
Role of Digital Libraries Resources
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research
E-books will take over soon so Days of hardbound and paperback will be no more. With growing acceptance of virtual books which can be downloaded on the book reading device. The real paper books are decreasing day by day for sure. I after the development of a concept “Service at your door step” an enormous question constantly arises before a librarian that how rapidly and precisely he is providing the eminence data to their user. Digital Library really shows an advantage in the regard by using recent technological expansions and revolutions. In this research paper, apart from position of the Digital Libraries Concept, an effort has been also mode some of the difficulties and problems difficult in producing and preserving a digital library. The library has, since long, been well-thought-out to be the so urge and power of knowledge and also the knowledge base. In higher education and research, the library has precise purposes to enable the wide-ranging use of learning resources by stud...
Russian Journal of Construction Science and Technology
The article analyzes the existing approaches to the definition of the information educational environment (IEE) of the university. It is shown that the variety of IEE interpretations depends on technological, organizational, instrumental foundations. When defining IEE, the psychological and pedagogical approach proposed by V.A. Krutetskiy was used, which is based on information interaction. The principles of creating IEE and its goals, depending on the functions of the information system of the university, are considered. The purpose of the article is, based on the analysis of the most common digital technologies, to determine the directions for improving the information and educational environment of the university through research and development of a new distributed educational resource and services for studying and modeling digital technologies used in a particular branch of the digital economy.
The Assesment Possibility of Building Digital Libraries in Universities
Abstract: Research methods: Descriptive-survey The purpose of research is applicant, using Descriptive-survey. The tool of collecting data is questionnaire and the statistical population of this research is 17 people in charge of computer systems in colleges and 75 students. Data analysis is performed with SPSS software version 22. Findings : This study shows that 84.2% due to lack of budget allocation, 71.2% high skills needed in using digital resources, 84.4% taking 8 years and above time to set up a correct system, 88.2% more than 31 devices, 53% 5 servers 76.5% of the devices have chosen over 75% internet connectivity, 47.2% ADSL, 1mb high bandwidth, high use of fiber optics. Results: Lack of budget allocation can be considered the main problem for not creating a digital library. The level of students' skill in using digital resources is at a good level and this can be a great advantage for the University of Tehran to be able to create information resources needed by student...
Information revolution has resulted in fundamental changes in the fields of technology, economy, science and education, politics, publishing industry, culture and arts, but also in the way people think and behave. Social awareness for more progressive education, and also the urgent response to new requirements of research community, has prompted the new way of information creation and dissemination, which is reflected in electronic publishing and scientific production in open access. The main goal of this paper is to define a model for building the academic library as the vault of organized digital collections. The digital library mission implies systematic acquisition and organization of digital collections, managing collections and ensuring long-term access for users according to pre-established rules. The future of digital libraries depends on the ability of self-organization and transformation, in order to become the main centre of knowledge and distance learning, using complex software systems and constantly developing into flexible network structures. Digitization of the existing library materials, development of institutional repository, electronic publishing and organization of collections in open access, taking into account copyright regulations, should be in the focus of building a digital library. There are many significant digital library projects worldwide, but in Croatia, they are just starting. This article explores the possibilities of developing a model of the academic digital library that will be horizontally and vertically networked with other libraries, and thereby contribute not only to its own academic institution, but also to the entire creative industry on which it relies through its innovative activities and partnership with the economy.