Agricultural Commodity Zoning Based on Agroecology Zone in Gopgopan Catchment Area, Tobasamosir North Sumatera (original) (raw)

Identification and Evaluation of Potential Land Resources to Support the Development of Agricultural Commodities for Food Crops Zone

Journal of Tropical Soils

To support the goverment purpose to reach the food security, a land use study is needed. The aim of the research was to provide an information of characteristics of land resources through the identification and evaluation of potential landresources and that suitable for food crops in Mamuju District South Sulawesi. The research method used landscape approach to mapping land units as the basis for preparing the soil map unit/DEM compared with field data survey. A case study was done in Mamuju District, West Sulawesi the results showed that the land in Mamuju for paddy covering was suitable enough of 115,250 ha and 54,883 ha of marginal fit, while for dryland crops were 106 978 ha was quite suitable and appropriate marginal was 82,592 ha. However, for cocoa fit enough land was 153,397 ha and corresponding marginal was 485,743 ha. Biophysical constraints were the erosion of land use/steep slopes, drainage, seasonal flooding, toxicity and nutrient retention. Direction of land u...

Land Suitability Evaluation For Paddy, Corn and Soybean in Binangalom Watershed Toba Samosir District North Sumatera

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, 2017

Food production Increase continues to be encouraged in order to achieve food sovereignty. Various Programs are taken place to support food production. In the scope of the Ministry of Agriculture special efforts activities for paddy, corn, soybean and Agricultural Technology Park are currently being promoted to improve the welfare of farmers. Production increase can be done in two ways; agricultural extension and intensification. Land suitability to improve productivity is needed to achieve that goal. This study aims to: (1) map regional agro-ecological zones of Binangalom watershed. (2) identify potential land resources for the extension of paddy, corn and soybean; (3) map the land suitability to expand the land for paddy, corn and soybean. This research used methods of desk study, observation and survey. To obtain a land units (LU) map is done with overlay topographic maps, soil type maps and elevation maps. The results showed that from the overlay map in Binangalom watershed 16 LU...

Kuzgun Barajı Sulama Alanında Agro-Ekolojik Sınırlar ve Arazi Kullanım Planlaması

Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2017

Soils are a major source which restricts the agricultural production because of the limited and non-producible properties. So, it is very important to be evaluated in a manner appropriate to the characteristics of farm lands. This study was undertaken to prepare the agro-ecological zones and the land use planning of farmlands, on the irrigation area of the Kuzgun Dam which is constructed by State Hydraulic Works in Erzurum. Factors affecting crop production (climate, soil texture, salinity, alkalinity, permeability, groundwater level, erosion grade, soil profile depth, land slope, farmer preferences) in research area were considered and multiple query was made. As a result of the query, it was obtained that soil profile depth and slope of the land will play dominant role for crop pattern and the others will have low-impact. Probable land use forms of the farm lands were estimated base on dominant factors according to the geographic information system (GIS) method, and some suggestions were presented for the crop production. As a result of this study, cereals, forage crops, natural pasture and afforestation areas were identified in the fields with production limitations for Kuzgun Dam irrigation area. In areas without production limitations in terms of soil properties, two factors, climate and farmer preference, were effective.

Potentialities of Agricultural Development for Some Soil Along Aswan-Toshka District

Alexandria Science Exchange Journal

The proficient management of the available natural resources of Egypt is necessary in order to save food demands of the rapidly increasing population. In the processing of land use planning, estimating the agricultural land potentiality is important footstep where the agricultural resources are so limited. Toshka spillway area is one of the greatest promising area for horizontal agricultural extension where the fresh water is available. The main goal of the current study is to produce land priority map based on different thematic layers of some soil parameters that affect on or control the agricultural potentiality by designing a suitable GIS-based model for data integration with relevant logical condition of the area along Aswan Toshka District, south of Egypt. The parameters taken into consideration were slope, soil texture, soil depth, gravel content, calcium carbonate, soil salinity, and soil reaction. By using GIS environment, these parameters were interpolated in order to recognize their spatial variability by differentiating each property as sever, moderate, slight, and no limitations. Accordingly, The analysis showed that the soil depth, soil gravel, and soil reaction were the major limitation factors comparing with the other soil factors. The priority of Land Suitability Potential Index (LSPI) for Agricultural purpose was calculated by the contribution of the abovementioned parameters. The potentiality was categorized as not suitable, marginally suitable, moderately suitable, and highly suitable. These classes were attained by integrating the different thematic layers with corresponding weights in geographical information system (GIS). The output of study indicated that the study area can be mainly described as moderately suitable where it covers about 81.04 % of the total area, while highly suitable, marginal suitable and not suitable attained the lower converge 9.23, 9.01, and 0.72 %, respectively. The study concluded that any given area can be categorized into spatially distributed agricultural potential zones based on the soil characteristics and terrain properties by the profound assist of geographical information system (GIS).

Assessment of land suitability for the production of major crops in Ayrancı district of Karaman province located at arid terrestrial ecosystem


Land evaluation based on human, economic and physical resources is an important tool for attaining proper land use planning of various agro-ecological zones especially in arid terrestrial ecosystem condition area to ensure that land is not degraded and that it is used according to its capacity to satisfy human needs for present and future generation. The aim of this research was to assess land suitability for the production of major crops in arid terrestrial ecosystem. The study area was carried out Ayrancı district of Karaman province is about 4760 km 2 and located between 577076 m-596768 m east and 41541331 m-4174001 m north coordination. Elevation of the study area locates between 991 m and 1774 m from sea level and long term annual average precipitation and temperature are 330.8 mm and 12 o C. According to Newhall simulation model, it was determined that soil temperature regime is mesic and moisture regime is weak aridic. The land mapping units were primarily described and land characteristics and qualities were determined using 1:5.000 scaled soil maps of the study area. Land use types to be considered were described and their land requirements were determined. The land requirement of the land use types were compared with the land characteristics and land qualities of land mapping units. The results of the matching process combined with those of assessment and produced a classification showed the suitability of each land mapping unit for each relevant land use type. The agricultural suitability maps prepared revealed that only 8.4 % of the study area soils was not suitable for agricultural uses, 57.2 % of the soils was best suitable for agricultural uses. In addition, 70515.8 ha of the total study area was not suitable for horticulture cultivation whereas, 9859.1 ha was not suitable for field crop cultivation due to the unfavorable land and soil conditions. Moreover, about 35.4% of the total area was found non suitable for vegetable crops in the study area.

GIS Based Mapping and Assessment of Major Soil Groups and Land Capabilities in Nevsehir Province of Turkey

International journal of research in advent technology, 2022

This study was carried out in Nevşehir province of Turkey with the aim of spatial evaluation of major soil groups, land use capabilities and subclasses by using 1/25.000 scaled digital soil maps. For this purpose, the Geography Information Systems (GIS) software, Arc GIS 10.3.1 was used. As a result of the research; The area covered by brown soils corresponds to 50.68% (304248.49 ha) of the total area. Hydromorphic soils were observed in an area of 7.23 ha. VI. class lands are in the majority in Nevşehir province and the ratio of these lands in the total area is 39.06% (234491.21 ha). II. class lands are 9.48% (56934.79 ha) of the total area and VIII. class lands cover the least area. These lands correspond to 5564.41 ha and 0.93% of the total area. It was determined that the areas with slope and erosion damage and soil insufficiency in the study area correspond to 62.80% of the total area and cover an area of 376990.54 ha. In the study, the spatial distribution maps of the land use capabilities will form the basis for the studies to be carried out for agricultural purposes in Nevşehir province.


International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 2021

In this study, land use capabilities, land types and other soil properties of Kırşehir province were classified and analyzed. In the study, 1/25.000 scale digital soil maps obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (Turkey) were used. Numerical data were classified using Arc GIS 10.3.1 software, which is one of the GIS software. As a result of the research; In general, It was observed that IV. class lands were formed in the Kirsehir province IV.class lands were found to be 1658.3 km 2 and it was determined that they cover 25% of the total area. It is seen that soil insufficiency is high in Kırşehir province due to slope and erosion damage. Soil insufficiency due to slope and erosion damage was found to be 3520.7 km 2 and it was determined that 54% of the total area was exposed to this effect. It has been observed that the land type is generally composed of steppe, bare rocks and rubble. It was determined that the area formed by bare, rocks and debris is 1128.5 km 2. It has been determined that the stony soil areas are 1094.2 km 2. As a result of the study, classified map outputs related to land uses and some soil properties were obtained. It will be inevitable that this research will provide important database bases for other studies to be carried out in this region in the future.

Landuse Planning for Food Crop Areas Development Using Land Resource Evaluation Approach and GIS Application (a Case Study of Pulang Pisau District, Central Kalimantan Province)

Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal : Journal of Suboptimal Lands, 2020

Agustini S, Suparman S, Tridamayanti HC. 2020. Landuse planning for food crop areas development using land resource evaluation approach and gis application (a case study of Pulang Pisau District, Central Kalimantan Province). Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal: Journal of Suboptimal Lands 9(1): 64-72.In order to promote sustainable landuse, the need of landuse planning is urgently required and it can be designed based on the result of spatial land resource data management. Land resource evaluation is main component for landuse planning which this procedure was applied to determine land allocation for arable lands for rice farming development. The use of geographic information system (GIS) technology was also employed not only for spatial data management, but they could also be applied to support decision making within establishing landuse planning. The objective of this study was to allocate the arable lands for extensification and intensification regions as main part of landuse planning for ...

Conservation Management of Agriculture Land using Geospatial Approach (A Case Study in the Bone Watershed, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia)

E3S Web of Conferences, 2018

Bone Watershed is one of the major watersheds in Gorontalo Province. Bone watershed has a very important role for the people of Gorontalo Province. The role of Bone Watershed is mainly related to the providing clean water, producing oxygen, controlling flood, providing habitat for endemic flora fauna and other environmental functions. The role of Bone Watershed for the community’s economic sector is also very important, the Bone watershed provides livelihood for surrounding communities includes fertile land resources for agriculture and plantations, forest products, and livestock feed. This research is important considering the Bone watershed has limited availability of land for agriculture and the high risk of natural disasters such as floods and landslides. Geospatial data includes topography map, landform map, soil map, integrated with field survey results and soil properties were analized to determine conservation management of agriculture land in the Bone Watershed, Gorontalo P...