Cineol para el manejo integrado de Myzus persicae y Brevicoryne brassicae en repollo (original) (raw)
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Revista De La Facultad De Agronomia De La Universidad Del Zulia, 2017
Los objetivos del estudio fueron: caracterizar los enemigos naturales (EN) de pulgones, en cultivos de repollo ( Brassica oleracea , L.) y ambientes semi-naturales (Borde, Frontera y Franja en descanso) de una finca y evaluar el control biologico natural sobre colonias introducidas artificialmente. Se trabajo a campo, en dos parcelas de una finca comercial con manejo de base agroecologica, en el Cinturon Horticola de La Plata. Se relevaron mensualmente los artropodos utilizando red de arrastre, colecta manual y cria de colonias de pulgones para evaluar la presencia de parasitoidismo. Con las familias y especies de EN se conformaron gremios troficos. Tambien se dispusieron 24 plantas con una densidad conocida de Brevicoryne brassicae (L.), criados en laboratorio, entre las plantas cultivadas de la finca, de acuerdo a dos tratamientos: distancia a las areas semi-naturales y accesibilidad a los EN, con estructura abierta o cerrada con voile de proteccion, para evaluar la ocurrencia del...
Combate de sontol (Cyperus iria L.) en arroz
Agronomía Mesoamericana
This experiment was conducted in a highly C. iria infested plot at "El Pelon" rice farm in Liberia, Costa Rica, to determine the control effectiveness of this weed by several hormonal and sulfonylurea herbicides and their selectivity to the rice crop, and to preliminarily estimate the negative effect of C. iria on the crop. The evaluated treatments included three new sulfonylureas, six herbicides recommended for cyperaceous and dicotyledonous control and an unweeded control. The herbicides were app!ied following each of the manufacturer's recommendations. The rice cultivar used was CR 1821 and the ground was kept saturated during the whole trial. The sulfonylurea herbicides, bensulfuron-ethyl and pyrazosulfuron-methyl, were the most effective in controlling C. iria, and they also were the highest yielding treatments. The herbicides commonly used for the cyperaceous control, showed intermediate control percentages of these weeds. When C. iria was not controlled, at appr...
Rica E. M., S. B. PADIN, A. E. KAHAN, S. RE, 2002: Efecto repelente de los aceites esenciales de laurel y lemongrass sobre Brevicoryne brassicae L. (Homoptera: Aphididae) en repollo. Bol. San. Veg. Plagas, 28: 207-212. The objective of this work was to evaluate the repellent effect of laurel (Laurus nobilis L.) and lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus Stapf.) essential oils on Brevicoryne brassicae in cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata ) plants. The essential oils were extracted from leaves by steam distillation and applied by pulverization over cabbage plants. Identification of essential oils' main components was done by gas chromatography. Different concentrations of laurel essence were tested: 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3% in aqueous solution using 2% INSOL (propylen glycol oleate) as emulsifier. Lemongrass oil was tested at 0.5, 1, 2, 3 and 4% using 0.5% soybean lecithin as emulsifier. Repellence evaluation was carried out 6 and 24 hours after treatment counting aphids on p...
Mycosphaerella citri resistence to benomyl in Costa Rican citrus plantations. Research was carried out on 24 orange plantations in Costa Rica in order to determine the sensitivity to benomyl of Mycosphaerella citri Whiteside - fungi causing the citrus greasy spot. Only thirteen samples yielded enough ascospores to determine their sensitivity to benomyl. Twelve of the samples represented an area of approximately 4.000 ha from the Northern part of Costa Rica (the cantons of San Carlos and Los Chiles), and one was from a nonsprayed home orchard in Orosi, in the Central Valley located more than 250 km away from San Carlos. AIl of the samples from the Northem region yielded benomyl resistant ascospores, although benomyl is not normally used in those areas. Conversely, 99% of the ascospores obtained in Orosi were sensitive; this suggests that the M. citri wild population is benomyl-sensitive. It was found that 75% of the orchards sampled came from the same nursery, where the phytosanitary...
Boletín de sanidad vegetal. Plagas, 2001
En el presente trabajo se obtuvieron los principales estadísticos vitales de Brevicoryne brassicae L., sobre las variedades de repollo Green Kid, Ruby Perfection y el híbrido Savoy Ace. Los áfidos se criaron en condiciones de laboratorio a 20 ± 1 °C, 14:10 horas de fotoperíodo y una humedad relativa de 60-70%. Se emplearon 2 cohortes por cada huésped. Diariamente se registraron los cambios de estadio, el número de individuos muertos y los nacimientos una vez alcanzado el estado adulto. La tasa reproductiva neta (R (|) fue 1.2 veces mayor en Green Kid que en Ruby Perfection y 2.74 veces mayor que en el híbrido Savoy Ace. La tasa intrínseca de crecimiento del áfido (r m), fue significativamente diferente entre las tres cruciferas. Se analizaron las curvas de supervivencia (l x), fecundidad (m x), el tiempo de duplicación (D) y la duración del período ninfal y reproductivo del pulgón. Se concluye que de acuerdo a los parámetros demográficos obtenidos, B. brassicae mostró una menor preferencia por el híbrido Savoy Ace.