Influence of the earthquake cycle and lithospheric rheology on the dynamics of the Eastern California Shear Zone (original) (raw)

Inception of the eastern California shear zone and evolution of the Pacific-North American plate boundary: From kinematics to geodynamics

Journal of Geophysical Research, 2010

The San Andreas Fault (SAF) is the transform boundary between the Pacific and the North American plates, yet up to 25% of the relative plate motion is now accommodated by the eastern California shear zone (ECSZ). Here we investigate the inception of the ECSZ and its geodynamic interactions with the SAF using a 3-D viscoelastoplastic finite element model. For a given fault configuration of the plate boundary zone, the model simulates long-term slip on the faults and plastic strain outside the faults. Our results show that the formation of the Big Bend of the SAF around 5-12 Ma impeded fault slip and localized strain along the ECSZ, causing its inception. Development of the ECSZ was further enhanced by the activation of the Garlock Fault (GF) and lithospheric weakening caused by the encroachment of the Basin and Range extension. Similarly, the San Jacinto Fault (SJF) in southern California developed along a belt of localized strain, which resulted from the formation of the restraining bend along the San Bernardino Mountains segment of the SAF ∼2 Myr ago. Once activated, the SJF reduced slip on both the southern SAF and the ECSZ across the Mojave Desert. These results indicate causative relationship between the SAF and the ECSZ. The inception of the ECSZ and other young faults is the consequence of the evolving SAF plate boundary zone that continuously adjusts itself to accommodate the relative plate motion.

Crustal Deformation in Great California Earthquake Cycles

Journal of Geophysical Research, 1987

Periodic crustal deformation associated with repeated strike-slip earthquakes is computed for the following model; A depth L (< H) extending downward from the Earth's surface at a transform boundary between uniform elastic lithospheric plates of thickness H is locked between earthquakes. It slips an amount consistent with remote plate velocity Vp• after each lapse of earthquake cycle time Tcy. Lower portions of the fault zone at the boundary slip continuously so as to maintain constant resistive shear stress. The plates are coupled at their base to a Maxwellian viscoelastic asthenosphere through which steady deep-seated mantle motions, compatible with plate velocity, are transmitted to the surface plates. The coupling is described approximately through a generalized Elsasser model. We argue that the model gives a more realistic physical description of tectonic loading, including the time dependence of deep slip and crustal stress buildup throughout the earthquake cycle, than do simpler kinematic models in which loading is represented as imposed uniform dislocation slip on the fault below the locked zone. Parameters of the model are chosen to fit seismic and geologic constraints and the apparent time dependence of surface strain rates along presently locked traces of the 1857 and 1906 San Andreas ruptures. We fix Vp•-35 mm/yr, rcy= 160 years, and L-9-11 km based on earthquake nucleation depths. The geodetic data are then found to be described reasonably, within the context of a model that is locally uniform along strike and symmetric about a single San Andreas fault strand, by lithosphere thickness H = 20-30 km and Elsasser relaxation time t r-10-16 years. We therefore suggest that the asthenosphere appropriate to describe crustal deformation on the earthquake cycle time scale lies in the lower crust and perhaps crust-mantle transition zone and has an effective viscosity between about 2 x 1018 and 1019 Pa s, depending on the thickness assigned to the asthenospheric layer. Predictions based on the chosen set of parameters are also consistent with data on variations of contemporary surface strain and displacement rates as a function of distance from the 1857 and 1906 rupture traces, although the fit is degraded by asymmetry relative to the fault and by slip on adjacent fault strands.

Active tectonics of the eastern California shear zone


The eastern California shear zone is an important component of the Pacifi c-North America plate boundary. This region of active, predominantly strike-slip, deformation east of the San Andreas fault extends from the southern Mojave Desert along the east side of the Sierra Nevada and into western Nevada. The eastern California shear zone is thought to accommodate nearly a quarter of relative plate motion between the Pacific and North America plates. Recent studies in the region, utilizing innovative methods ranging from cosmogenic nuclide geochronology, airborne laser swath mapping, and ground penetrating radar to geologic mapping, geochemistry, and U-Pb, 40 Ar/ 39 Ar, and (U-Th)/He geochronology, are helping elucidate slip rate and displacement histories for many of the major structures that comprise the eastern California shear zone. This fi eld trip includes twelve stops along the Lenwood, Garlock, Owens Valley, and Fish Lake Valley faults, which are some of the primary focus areas for new research. Trip participants will explore a rich record of the spatial and temporal evolution of the eastern California shear zone from 83 Ma to the late Holocene through observations of offset alluvial deposits, lava fl ows, key stratigraphic markers, and igneous intrusions, all of which are deformed as a result of recurring seismic activity. Discussion will focus on the constancy (or non-constancy) of strain accumulation and release, the function of the Garlock fault in accommodating deformation in the region, total cumulative displacement and timing of offset on faults, the various techniques used to determine fault displacements and slip rates, and the role of the eastern California shear zone as a nascent segment of the Pacifi c-North America plate boundary.

Mapping stress and structurally controlled crustal shear velocity anisotropy in California

Geology, 2006

We present shear velocity anisotropy data from crustal earthquakes in California and demonstrate that it is often possible to discriminate structural anisotropy (polarization of the shear waves along the fabric of major active faults) from stress-induced anisotropy (polarization parallel to the maximum horizontal compressive stress). Stress directions from seismic stations located near (but not on) the San Andreas fault indicate that the maximum horizontal compressive stress is at a high angle to the strike of the fault. In contrast, seismic stations located directly on one of the major faults indicate that shear deformation has significantly altered the elastic properties of the crust, inducing shearwave polarizations parallel to the fault plane.

A kinematic model for the evolution of the Eastern California Shear Zone and Garlock Fault, Mojave Desert, California

Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2018

The Eastern California shear zone in the Mojave Desert, California, accommodates nearly a quarter of Pacific-North America plate motion. In south-central Mojave, the shear zone consists of six active faults, with the central Calico fault having the fastest slip rate. However, faults to the east of the Calico fault have larger total offsets. We explain this pattern of slip rate and total offset with a model involving a crustal block (the Mojave Block) that migrates eastward relative to a shear zone at depth whose position and orientation is fixed by the Coachella segment of the San Andreas fault (SAF), southwest of the transpressive "big bend" in the SAF. Both the shear zone and the Garlock fault are assumed to be a direct result of this restraining bend, and consequent strain redistribution. The model explains several aspects of local and regional tectonics, may apply to other transpressive continental plate boundary zones, and may improve seismic hazard estimates in these zones.

Evidence for an active shear zone in southern Nevada linking the Wasatch fault to the Eastern California shear zone

Geology, 2010

Previous studies have shown that ~5% of the Pacifi c-North America relative plate motion is accommodated in the eastern part of the Great Basin (western United States). Near the Wasatch fault zone and other nearby faults, deformation is currently concentrated within a narrow zone of extension coincident with the eastern margin of the northern Basin and Range. Farther south, the pattern of active deformation implied by faulting and seismicity is more enigmatic. To assess how present-day strain is accommodated farther south and how this relates to the regional kinematics, we analyze data from continuous global positioning system (GPS) stations and model the strain rate tensor fi eld using the horizontal GPS velocities and earthquake focal mechanisms. The results indicate an ~100-km-wide zone of ~3.3 mm/yr extension at 40.5°N that broadens southward from the Wasatch fault zone to a width of >400 km at 36°N. This broadening involves at least one zone of localized extension in northwestern Arizona that encroaches into the southwestern plateau, and an eastnortheast-trending sinistral shear zone (the Pahranagat shear zone) through southern Nevada. This shear zone may accommodate as much as 1.8 mm/yr, and is a key feature that enables westward transfer of extension, thereby providing a kinematic connection between the Wasatch fault zone and the Eastern California shear zone.

Dynamic models of interseismic deformation and stress transfer from plate motion to continental transform faults

Journal of Geophysical Research, 2012

We present numerical models of earthquake cycles on a strike-slip fault that incorporate laboratory-derived power law rheologies with Arrhenius temperature dependence, viscous dissipation, conductive heat transfer, and far-field loading due to relative plate motion. We use these models to explore the evolution of stress, strain, and thermal regime on "geologic" timescales ($10 6-10 7 years), as well as on timescales of the order of the earthquake recurrence ($10 2 years). Strain localization in the viscoelastic medium results from thermomechanical coupling and power law dependence of strain rate on stress. For conditions corresponding to the San Andreas fault (SAF), the predicted width of the shear zone in the lower crust is $3-5 km; this shear zone accommodates more than 50% of the far-field plate motion. Coupled thermomechanical models predict a single-layer lithosphere in case of "dry" composition of the lower crust and upper mantle, and a "jelly sandwich" lithosphere in case of "wet" composition. Deviatoric stress in the lithosphere in our models is relatively insensitive to the water content, the far-field loading rate, and the fault strength and is of the order of 10 2 MPa. Thermomechanical coupling gives rise to an inverse correlation between the fault slip rate and the ductile strength of the lithosphere. We show that our models are broadly consistent with geodetic and heat flow constrains from the SAF in Northern California. Models suggest that the regionally elevated heat flow around the SAF may be at least in part due to viscous dissipation in the ductile part of the lithosphere.

Crustal transpressional fault geometry influenced by viscous lower crustal flow


The San Andreas fault (California, USA) is near vertical at shallow (<10 km) depth. Geophysical surveys along the San Andreas fault reveal that, at depths of 10–20 km, it dips ~50–70° to the southwest near the Western Transverse Ranges and dips northeast in the San Gorgonio region. We investigate the possible origin of along-strike geometric variations of the fault using a three-dimensional thermomechanical model. For two blocks separated by transpressional faults, our model shows that viscous lower crustal material moves from the high-viscosity block into the low-viscosity block. Fault plane-normal flow in the viscous lower crust rotates the fault plane due to the simple shear flow at the brittle-ductile transition depth. This occurs irrespective of initial fault dip direction. Rheological variations used to model the lower crust of Southern California are verified by independent observations. Block extrusion due to lower crustal viscosity variation facilitates the formation of ...