Pengukuran Self-Brand Congruity Pada Industri Kuliner (original) (raw)

Pengaruh Self Congruity Dan Perceived Congruence Terhadap Brand Equity Dan Konsekuensinya

Media Riset Bisnis & Manajemen, 2021

AbstrakTujuan - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh self-congruity dan perceived congruence terhadap brand equity dan konsekuensinyaDesain/Metodologi/Pendekatan - Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penyebaran kuesioner secara online. Jumlah responden yang dianalisa adalah 180 responden. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan SEMHasil Penelitian - . Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa self-congruity tidak berpengaruh langsung terhadap brand equity namun akan berpengaruh positif jika ditambahkan variabel brand identification sebagai variabel intervening / mediasi. Perceived congcruence berpengaruh secara langsung dan positif terhadap brand equity. Brand credibility tidak memediasi pengaruh perceived congruence terhadap brand equity.Keterbaruan/Nilai - , konsekuensi yang ditimbulkan oleh brand equity hanya brand preference bukan purchase intention. Untuk penelitian selanjutnya disarankan untuk meneliti merek produk yang lain atau merek jasa dan menambahkan variabel ...

The Influence of Self-Congruity and Mobile Marketing on Brand Loyalty at Fast Food Restaurants California Chicken in Subang City


The purpose of this research is to know Self-Congruity and Mobile Marketing at fast food restaurant California Fried Chicken. And to know the influence of each variable either partially or simultaneously, Self-Congruity (X1) and Mobile Marketing (X2) to Brand Loyalty (Y).The method in this research using descriptive method of analysis. With sample number 100 respondents with sampling using purposive sampling technique. The data obtained from this research is the interval scale with the analysis method using multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results say that Self-Congruity has a positive and significant effect on Brand Loyalty, Mobile Marketing have a positive and significant impact on Brand Loyalty. And Self-Congruity and Mobile Marketing influence as much as of Brand Loyalty.

Hubungan Antara Brand Awareness, Brand Reputation, dan Brand Trust pada Restoran Lokal Berbasis Rantai di Kota Malang

Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen

This study aimed to determine the effect of brand awareness to brand reputation and brand trust at local chain restaurant industry in Malang. Further more, this study aimed to determine the mediating effect of variable brand reputation between brand awareness and brand trust. This explanatory study used purposive sampling techniques by 100 respondents. Data were collected by questionnaire. Hypothesis testing used by path analysis. The result showed that the brand awareness has indirect effect to brand trust through brand reputation as intervening variable, the brand awareness has a significant effect to brand reputation, andthe brand reputation has a significant effect to brand trust.

Pengaruh Moderasi Citra Merek Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Dan Loyalitas Pelanggan Pada Restoran Cepat Saji

Jurnal Riset Manajemen dan Bisnis, 2021

The purpose of this study is to determine whether food quality, price, environmental location and service quality affect customer satisfaction, and whether customer satisfaction affects customer loyalty as well, and to determine whether brand image strengthens or weakens customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. This study uses a survey method with an questionnaire for data collection. This research method uses multiple linear analysis test, the population and sample of this research are customers who are located around Tangerang. The total number of samples in this study were 150 respondents. The results of this study explain that food quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, and price has a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction, and location and environment have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, and service quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, and customer satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty, and brand image moderates customer satisfaction and customer loyalty

Pengaruh Self Congruity Merek Terhadap Loyalitas Merek Dengan Asosiasi Merek Dan Persepsi Kualitas Sebagai Variabel Mediasi Pada Pelanggan Toko Sepatu Bata DI Banda Aceh


This study aims to determine the effect of brand congruity on brand loyalty with brand association and quality perception as mediator. The empirical study was conducted on brick shoe store customer in Banda Aceh using questionnaire as research instrument, which the sample in this research is 136 respondents. Non Probability Sampling is used as sampling technique with Purposive Sampling method. The Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) method is used as a data analysis method using the IBM SPSS 25 software. The results of this study indicate that the brand self-congruity has a significant effect on brand loyalty In addition, the results obtained that the variables of brand association and quality perception mediate partially influence Self brand congruity on brand loyalty. The better the self-owned brand congruity, the better the brand association and the perception of quality, the higher the brand loyalty the customer has. Keywords: Self Congruity, Brand Loyalty, Brand Association, Per...

Stimuli Brand Preference Melalui Self-Brand Congruity Dan Brand Familiarity Berdasarkan Brand Association

Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen, 2022

The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of brand association on brand preference through self-brand congruity and brand familiarity for millennial generation in the culinary industry, especially coffee shops. The research method used is a survey with data collection techniques through distributing questionnaires to 200 respondents who are the millennial generation as consumers of coffee shops in Tasikmalaya City using purposive sampling techniques. The analytical tool used in this study is the Structural Equation Model (SEM) where brand association becomes an exogenous variable and self-brand congruity, brand familiarity, and brand preference become an endogenous variable. The results of this research indicate that the brand preferences of consumers can only be formed because of the compatibility between the brand personality and the consumer. The suitability is obtained by evaluating the product brand attributes. On the other hand, brand association has not been shown to affect brand familiarity, and brand familiarity has also not been shown to affect brand preference. This can be caused by the sensitivity of consumers in the coffee shop culinary industry who are so emotionally specific to a brand.

Pengaruh Kesadaran, Asosiasi, Citra Dan Kesetiaan Terhadap Ekuitas Merek Pada Produk Mie Instan DI Yogyakarta

Kajian Bisnis Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Widya Wiwaha

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dimensi Ekuitas Merek yang mempengaruhi Ekuitas Merek mie instan Indomie pada mahasiswa S1 yang merantau di Yogyakarta. Teori deteksi sinyal dapat mendeteksi stimulus yang diterima dan menghasilkan keputusan; teori tersebut digunakan untuk menghasilkan formulasi strategi untuk meningkatkan Ekuitas Merek. Sampel berjumlah 182 responden sesuai dengan kriteria, yaitu responden yang menyukai mie instan, menyukai produk mie instan Indomie, dan mahasiswa S1 yang telah merantau di Yogyakarta. Analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling untuk mengetahui hubungan sebab akibat antara variabel bebas dan variabel terikat. Pengujian penelitian ini menggunakan program SPSS 24 dan AMOS 22. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Asosiasi Merek, Loyalitas Merek, Kesadaran Merek, dan Citra Merek berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Ekuitas Merek. Kontribusi akademis dari penelitian ini memberikan bukti empiris dari variab...

Gambaran Adversity Quotient pada Wirausahawan Melayu di Bidang Kuliner


An Adversity Quotient is necessary an Entrepreneur to indicate the ability or how strong a person in dealing with business issues as entrepreneurs.This study aims to describe the Adversity Quotient on the Malay entrepreneurs in the culinary field.this research uses qualitative method with case study approach.Collecting data of this research using the observation and interview. Methods of data analysis in this study using a model analysis of Miles and Huberman. Subjects were selected using a purposive sampling technique;. Subjects were an entrepreneur who melayu tribes, have culinary business, have culinary business at least two years. Result of this research are both of the Malay Culinary Entrepreneurs have Adversity Quotient. They have the Adversity Quotient for finding ways to overcome obstacles, overcoming competition and problem in the business environment. They described themselve as a Malay person who have reflection that Malay people could be successful and competent in the e...

Pengaruh Celebrity Endorsement Terhadap Buying Intention Melalui Self - Brand Connection Pada Dum Dum Thai Drinks Surabaya


Sektor bisnis makanan dan minuman saat ini berkembang sangat pesat. Pelaku bisnismakanan dan minuman saat ini membuat konsumen terikat dengan sebuahmerek dengan menggunakanmedia periklanan yang menarik. Hal ini dapat berdampak pada peningkatan pembelian produkkonsumen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh dari dukungan selebriti terhadapintensi pembelian dengan koneksi diri pada merek. Penelitian ini akan dilaksanakan denganmenyebarkan kuisioner kepada 100 responden yang pernah membeli Dum Dum Thai Drinks. Teknikanalisa yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis kuantitatif dengan metodepath analysis.

Pengaruh Inovasi, Orientasi Kewirausahaan Dan Pasar Terhadap Keunggulan Bersaing Ukm Kuliner

Jurnal Manajerial Dan Kewirausahaan, 2021

The purpose of this research was to determine the influence of innovation. Entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation on the competitive advantage of culinary SMEs in West Jakarta. The population in this study is the owner/manager of culinary SMEs in West Jakarta. The sample used in this study were 52 owners/managers of culinary SMEs in West Jakarta, with the method used was non-probability sampling. This research uses PLS-SEM with the help of SmartPLS software version 3.3.3. The results of this study indicate that the innovation, entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation have a positive and significant influence on the competitive advantage of culinary SMEs in West Jakarta.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh inovasi, orientasi kewirausahaan dan orientasi pasar terhadap keunggulan bersaing UKM kuliner di Jakarta Barat. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pemilik/pengelola UKM kuliner di Jakarta Barat. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian i...