Correlation and path coefficient studies in vegetable amaranth (Amaranthus spp.) under temperate conditions of Kashmir (original) (raw)
2018, Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
A study was carried out at Urban Technology Park, Division of Vegetable Science SKUAST-K to work out correlation coefficients of Vegetable Amaranthus genotypes under temperate conditions. The experiment was laid out during kharif 2016. The results depicted that the estimates of genotypic correlation coefficients were in general slightly higher than the corresponding phenotypic correlation coefficients showing that the influence of environment was less indicating the presence of inherent association between various characters. Correlation coefficients revealed that the economically important trait i.e. leaf yield plant-1 exhibited significant and positive association with plant height, stem thickness, number of branches plant-1 , number of leaves plant-1 , leaf length, leaf area, petiole length, inflorescence length, lateral spikelet length and 1000 seed weight both at genotypic and phenotypic levels. Leaf yield plant-1 exhibited negative and significant correlation with days to germination. Plant height, inflorescence length, 1000 seed weight, petiole length, ascorbic acid content, anthocyanin content, leaf area, total chlorophyll content and fiber content recorded highest direct effect on leaf yield plant-1 as depicted by path coefficient analysis.