At the Crossroads of Languages (original) (raw)

Textual and visual aids for e-learning translation courses

Meta journal des …, 2005

La méthodologie d'un cours en ligne est basé sur une stratégie d'apprentissage autonome, dont l'étudiant est l'élément clé. Sous cette perspective éducative, le professeur devient l'élément qui facilite le processus d'apprentissage. Dans le contexte de la conception de cours de traduction destinés à l'enseignement en ligne, le professeur doit considérer que l'étudiant affronte des tâches qui requièrent la conception préalable d'activités facilitant aussi bien le processus de traduction proprement dit que l'acquisition de connaissances expertes pour mener à bien ces tâches. En outre, cette conception devrait être le reflet de nouvelles structures multimédias présentes au sein de la société de l'information.

Using the World Wide Web to integrate Spanish language and culture: A pilot study

Language Learning & Technology, 1998

This pilot study investigates the potential role of Internet resources as a means to gain a deeper sense of the culture of the Spanish-speaking world for college students. Thirteen college students enrolled in the first quarter of Basic Spanish were instructed to utilize the Web to complete five activities that expanded on the aspects of culture studied in the class. Data collected demonstrate that the Web is a suitable tool to increase language and cultural knowledge, as well as a means to increase motivation. Pedagogical implications are discussed.

Teaching Translation Through the Interactive Web

Language Circle: Journal of Language and Literature, 2015

Translating is a complex and complicated process because it is not only rendering forms of language but also transferring meanings and styles of culture. It needs both a basic knowledge of English and content mastery to produce good products of translation. Teaching translation through the interactive web helped translator students easier, faster, and better translate texts from one language to another one, from example from English into Indonesian language. The problem happened in the Translation Class II taught in the English Department of Semarang State University, Indonesia. The research method used was Action Research that led five steps of research: Identifying the problem, gathering data, interpreting data, acting on evidence and evaluating result (Ferrance, 2000, p.9). In this study I used online tools that facilitated the teaching translation process, such as search engines of translation, translation class sites, tutor and learner blogs, and translation web quests. Practic...

The Web for Corpus and the Web as Corpus in Translator Training

New Voices in Translation Studies. 10. 54-71, 2013

Corpora are rich information sources that can provide the translator with both linguistic and conceptual knowledge that is not found in dictionaries. The question that arises within this context is whether the web can be considered as a corpus. Following the distinction made by De Schryver , there are two corpus-based approaches to the web: (i) web for corpus (WfC), in which the web is used as a source of texts in digital format for the subsequent implementation of an offline corpus; (ii) web as corpus (WaC), which uses the web directly as a corpus. In this paper, we compare and evaluate as translation aid tools, "automatically built" corpora (both general, i.e. WaCky corpora, and specialized, i.e. corpora created by the students themselves through WebBootCat, which are accessible through Sketch Engine), as opposed to the manual building of corpora. To that end, we asked two groups of students in the Translation and Interpreting Degree Program at the University of Granada (Spain) to carry out a technical translation assignment. One of the groups used automatically built corpora, whereas the other group used the web to manually extract texts for the later compilation of corpora. The results obtained showed that these two methods are complementary, and that students should decide for one or the other depending on their needs (i.e. translation assignment, novelty of the translation, directionality and specificity of the translation, time allotted, or level of analysis required).

Web-Based Learning (WBL): a challenge for foreign languaje teachers

Actualidades Investigativas en Educación, 2011

Network based language teaching does not represent a particular technique, method, or approach. It is a constellation of ways by which students communicate via computer networks and interpret and construct online texts and multimedia documents, all as part of a process steadily increasing engagement in new discourse communities (Warschauer & Kern, 2005, p. 17) Resumen: En las últimas dos décadas se ha realizado una amplia gama de investigaciones sobre el uso de las computadores a nivel educativo con un enfoque hacia la adquisición y retención del conocimiento. Este artículo investiga temas claves sobre la eficacia, actitud y desarrollo de los cursos en línea. La terminología para describir este tipo de educación se conoce como instrucción mediada por

A Website for Developing Students´ Oral Skills in English for Academic Purposes/Un Sitio Web Para Desarrollar Habilidades Orales De Estudiantes en Ingles Con Fines Académicos


In today’s society professionals are expected to have solid oral skills to enter the labor market to communicate effectively. Mastering Academic English is probably one of the most reliable ways of attaining socioeconomic success in today’s society. It provides professionals with employability and the opportunity to disseminate the scientific results all over the world by applying it in different fields of study. However, in the English Language course with a second foreign language: French at the Universidad Central «Marta Abreu» de Las Villas, there are not enough didactic materials to develop those skills in the subject English Language II, devoted to the study of English for Academic Purposes, which were evidenced by an extensive analysis of the syllabus of the subject and by the application of surveys to professors and students. In response to this problem, this paper proposes the creation of a website to systematize the contents dealt with in the subject, taking advantage of t...

Learner Spanish on computer: the CAES "Corpus de Aprendices de Español" project


This chapter, organised into three main parts, aims to provide a general description of the CAES learner corpus, along with one main study that uses data from it. Findings will be analysed and the pedagogical implications of this considered. Part 1 includes a brief discussion of the contribution of Corpus Linguistics (CL) to the study of language, specifically in second language acquisition (SLA) research. Attention will be paid to the emergence of learner corpora and the application of research data derived from these. A general survey of existing learner corpora for Spanish will follow, as background for the description of CAES. Part 2 focuses on the CAES project itself, looking at the following issues: the origin and development of the project up to its current state, general design and compilation, data collection methodology, text coding and annotation, plus its search tool and its different functions. Part 3 discusses the results of one main study which uses data from CAES to ...

The Use of Hypertext in Classes of English as a Foreign Language


As Novas Tecnologias de Comunicacao e Informacao (NTICs) tem transformado a sociedade e essas transformacoes refletem uma necessidade de mudanca para escolas, alunos e professores. Nesse sentido, o hipertexto foi escolhido para ser utilizado como fonte para promover a lingua inglesa oral em estudantes brasileiros. Nesta pesquisa qualitativa foram utilizados como instrumentos de coleta de dados um questionario para definir o perfil dos participantes da pesquisa, entrevistas com grupo focal, autorrelatos e notas de campo. Os dados obtidos revelaram que o hipertexto, por meio de suas caracteristicas de nao linearidade e de hipermodalidade, foi eficaz na promocao do desenvolvimento das habilidades orais em lingua inglesa, alem de auxiliar no desenvolvimento dos novos papeis de professores e alunos para atuarem na, entao denominada, Sociedade da Informacao.

Using Online Translators in the Second Language Classroom: Ideas for Advancedlevel Spanish

Latin American Journal of Content & Language Integrated Learning, 2016

In this paper, we discuss the benefits of using online translators in the foreign language classroom. Specifically, we discuss how faulty online translator output can be used to create activities that help raise metalinguistic awareness of second language grammar and of the differences between grammatical constructions in the first and second language, which can help with the language learning process. Specific structures for advanced-level Spanish that produce faulty online translator output are explained, and then we provide sample editing-type activities for these structures, as well as anecdotal evidence regarding students' reactions to these tasks. Although the activities discussed are specifically designed for Spanish, they may also be used as a model for other languages. Importantly, these activities may prove helpful for Spanish teachers because these structures are covered in many university-level advanced Spanish grammar courses. These types of activities could also ultimately help students who will be seeking translation-oriented jobs.