Eksistensi Transportasi Migo Sebuah Pendekatan Sosiologi Hukum (original) (raw)

tinjauan sosiologi hukum geng motor/begal

Makassar merupakan salah satu dari lima kota terbesar di Indonesia. Dalam perkembangannya Makassar mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat dalam bidang ekonomi, infrastruktur dan lain sebagainya. Sebagai dampak dari perkembangan tersebut Makassar menghadapi masalah sosial kemasyarakatan yang tidak sedikit pula, dan sebagian besar dari masalah tersebut sebenarnya melanggar dari norma sosial dan hukum positif yang berlaku. Geng motor adalah salah satu masalah baru yang timbul dari efek perkembangan kota Makassar. Perilaku dari geng motor yang anggotanya sebagian besar adalah remaja tersebut sudah meresahkan masyarakat.

Problematika Geng Motor di Kabupaten Kuningan dalam Prespektif Sosiologi Hukum

UNIFIKASI : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, 2015

Brutality motorcycle gang is due to the social phenomenon of metamorphosis and development of information technology then is not filtered and not accommodated komferhensip about how pencegahanya action , it is the analysis that the majority of gang members are children that have motors and often commit crimes and violate social norms there. As a result of the brutal and unlawful actions that ultimately the future of motorcycle gang members tend to be aged under child protection laws they are still called the future of their children because they have to face a bleak life in bars and deprived of their freedom of expression , it is different with children outside bars detainees who have the freedom to express and execute education as befits a normal child his age. Factors behind them consists of internal factors and external factors , internal factors such as for some is not healthy mental attitude of a motorcycle gang members , disharmony in the family , an outlet disappointment , the economy needs a boost , aberrant learning process , lack of attention and affection as well as low levels of education among them while external factors , namely the need for law enforcement officers to always take preventive actions in handling cases motorcycle gangs and local community participation in order to swiftly carry out preventive.measures.as.well

Aspek Hukum Transportasi Berbasis Aplikasi Dalam Perspektif Hukum Indonesia

Jurnal Bina Mulia Hukum

Perkembangan teknologi dan globalisasi ekonomi di Indonesia menimbulkan pergeseran budaya masyarakat dari penggunaan transportasi secara konvensional menuju pemanfaatan transportasi berbasis aplikasi. Penggunaan angkutan jalan berbasis aplikasi ini kian lama semakin meluas di hampir seluruh kota besar di Indonesia, namun regulasi yang mengaturnya belum terbentuk dengan sempurna. Artikel ini menguraikan legalitas transportasi berbasis aplikasi sesuai regulasi yang telah ada saat ini dan juga pengaturan transportasi berbasis aplikasi di beberapa negara sebagai bahan untuk mengkaji lebih lanjut terkait regulasi yang perlu dibentuk untuk mengatur transportasi berbasis aplikasi ini, serta pentingnya pengaturan transportasi berbasis aplikasi di Indonesia. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif dan data diperoleh melalui studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengaturan saat ini cenderung bersifat desentralisasi di masing-masing daerah, sehingga belum ada kesamaan hukum di bidang ini. Namun pengaturan yang ada saat ini masih perlu disempurnakan terkait berbagai aspek hukum, antara lain keabsahan kendaraan roda dua sebagai sarana transportasi, perlindungan konsumen, dan perlindungan mitra (driver) dalam perjanjian kemitraan dengan perusahaan.

Eksistensi Hubungan Negara Dengan Badan Hukum Swasta Dalam Pengelolaan Migas DI Indonesia

The Juris, 2023

Indonesia is a welfare state, the legal basis for oil and gas management must be in accordance with and in sync with the oil and gas management system which is in accordance with Article 33 of the Republic of Indonesia Constitution and the Oil and Gas Law. The existence of state relations with private legal entities in the oil and gas management system in Indonesia places the state in an equal position with private business entities, in this case the relationship between the state and private legal entities is seen as degrading the status of the state. The research method used is normative/doctrinal legal research and the research approach uses a conceptual approach that examines the literature or literature that is closely related to the problem under study.

Sinkronisasi Pendekatan Sosiologis Dengan Penemuan Hukum Islam Sui Generis Kum Empiris

Bertuah: Jurnal Syariah dan Ekonomi Islam, 2023

This research examines the synchronization process between the sociological approach and the empirical discovery of sui generis Islamic law. This qualitative research uses a literature study method that analyses pre-existing theories, concepts, or phenomena. The results show that the sociological approach can help understand the social and cultural factors that influence the development of Islamic law. Through this approach, it was found that Islamic values can adapt to local values according to the needs and social context of the community. Meanwhile, the discovery of empirical sui generis Islamic law is developing Islamic law by considering the social and cultural realities in which the law is applied. In this case, the research shows that the process of empirical sui generis Islamic law discovery can help produce Islamic law that is more relevant to the needs of society. Therefore, this research shows that the synchronization between the sociological approach and the discovery of sui generis Islamic law can help develop Islamic law in society's social and cultural context. This research provides practical implications for researchers and practitioners in considering the social and cultural context in developing Islamic law.

"Tuyul": Transportasi Onlen Fiktif, Media Sosial dan Hukum

Technology today cannot be denied is developed very rapidly. People compete to innovate and take advantage of this technology development to create something that has economic value. One form of these rapid technology development that is currently being discussed and massively utilised is the presence of online-based application transportation. In Indonesia, there are a number of online-based application transportation companies, one of the most popular companies is Grab. However, this technological advance still have a gap to be cheated by irresponsible people who want to earn money by breaking the rules through modifying android handphone (HP root). Thus, they do not have to bother driving to pick up passengers from place of origin to destination by onlinely 'playing' the aplication. In this way, incentives are obtained, something that can only be legally obtained with certain targets of a company with considerable revenue. Both driver 'tuyul' and police understand that burglary apllication is a violation of the law. However, there is a symbiotic mutualism between the two. On the one hand, 'tuyul' drivers are excempted for the offence committed by paying some money. On the other hand, police also get some money from 'the release'. Such 'peaceful arrangement' can be done only if the case is not exposed to the media, especially social media which release news is much faster and up-to-date. This indicates the significant role of media, not only to expose cases of 'tuyul' driver, but also to make these cases go into the realm of law. This proves that the media is more respected than the police and money remains a 'king' capable of buying the law. Therefore, online trandportation companies should evaluate and improve the security sistem of their application so as not to be easily broken by 'tuyul' drivers. In addition, cooperation among Grab companies, police, and media in conducting raids since research findings indicate that media can be a controller in expressing this online-based application transportation crime.

Melihat Posisi PMI Non Prosedural Dalam Kejahatan People Smuggling/TTPO Dari Segi Keterlibatan Hukum Dengan Perspektif Hukum Pidana dan Hukum Keimigrasian

Khoirunnisa Dhiya, 2023

Meningkatnya jumlah permohonan Paspor RI tiap tahunnya, tentunya akan berakibat juga pada diperketatnya pengawasan yang dilakukan Keimgrasian, khususnya Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI). Dimana pemberitaan mengenai kasus penyiksaan PMI khususnya Asisten Rumah Tangga (ART) sudah bukanlah hal yang jarang terdengar. Dorongan faktor ekonomi biasanya yang menjadikan subjek PMI non procedural yang menjadi korban Human Trafficking ataupun “korban” People Smuggling. Berbeda arti satu sama lain, Human Trafficking merupakan bentuk eksploitasi yang dilakukan pelaku untuk mendapat keuntungan baik secara materiil atau tidak yang mana Human Trafficking dapat bermula dari People Smuggling yang biasanya merupakan proses yang PMI non procedural dengan agen yang menyediakan jasa ini bekerja sama membawa PMI non procedural ini ke negara tujuan berdasarkan kesepakatan tanpa pemaksaan yang kedua belah pihak lakukan. PMI non procedural ini seharusanya tidak tepat jika disebut dengan korban, jika kita melihat unsur hukum yang berlaku di Indoensia. Terlepas dari itu tanggung jawab pencegahan penyalahgunaan paspor untuk wisata digunakan untuk bekerja, bukan hanya berada sepenuhnya di pihak Keimigrasian, melaikan instansi yang menangani kependudukan dan ketenagakerjaan.