Logistic Regression Analysis of the Outlook of People in Turkey Regarding the Principles of Secularism and Republic for the New Constitution to be Prepared (original) (raw)

Between piety and secularism: tracing voter preferences in Turkey’s religious and secular heartlands

Library Progress Internationa, 2024

There is no suspicion that there are many factors that affect voting conduct. The question of what these factors are has been asked by many professions and numerous studies have been conducted on the subject. The main objective of the questions asked in field studies on the subject is which factors are more effective in the vote choice of the voters. The data obtained from these analyses, which are mostly done by political sociology, are utilized effectively in the areas of political communication and political public relations.In this analysis, the answer to the question of what factors are useful in the vote preferences was sought in the ranking of the cities of Konya and Antalya in Turkey. Konya is known as Turkey’s most religious and conservative city, and Antalya is the mostsecular and liberal city. Thus, it will be possible to reach more intriguing findings through the comparisons between the databases of those two contrasting cities at the end of the analysis.

Can Secularism Hinder Democracy? The Turkish Experiment (Sekülarizm Demokrasiye Engel mi? Türkiye Tecrübesi)

Begüm Burak, 2012

Abstract: The concept of democracy that has gained importance since the end of the Second World War and the relation between state and religion in Turkey have attracted a considerable degree of interest in various academic circles. It is known that in democratic systems, equality before the law and equality of opportunities for all individuals are regarded as integral elements. In this context, although it may be argued that many states that have a secular system are actually democratic in terms of their non-intervention in the religious choices of its citizens, it is also known that there is another interpretation of secularism in which the state exercises control over religion. The Turkish case represents a unique example in the study of the relationship between secularism and democracy with regard to the dominant role of the state in religious affairs. This study will attempt to analyze the negative impact of the state’s interpretation of secularism on democracy in Turkey. Keywords: Turkey, Modernization, Secularism, Laicism, Democracy, Kemalist Elitism. Öz: İkinci Dünya Savaşı sonrasında önemi giderek artmış olan demokrasi kavramı ve din-devlet ilişkileri akademik çevrelerin önemli ölçüde dikkatini çekmektedir. Bilindiği üzere, demokratik niteliğe sahip siyasal sistemlerde, vatandaşların hukuk önünde eşit olması ve fırsat eşitliğine sahip olmaları gibi konular önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, çoğu laik devletin, vatandaşlarının dini tercihlerine karışmaması noktasında demokratik bir karakter taşıdığı ileri sürülebilir. Buna kar- şın; dinin üstünde devlet denetimi anlamı taşıyan bir laiklik yorumu da mevcuttur. Bu bakımdan, Türkiye, laiklik-demokrasi ilişkisinde devlet kurumunun din üstündeki baskın rolüne ışık tutan bir örneği temsil etmektedir. Bu çalışma, Türkiye bağlamında, devletin laiklik yorumu ve laiklik pratiğinin, demokrasiye olan olumsuz etkilerini ele almaya çalışacaktır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Türkiye, Modernleşme, Laiklik, Laisite, Demokrasi, Kemalist Elitism.

Religiosity and Negative Voting towards Islamist Parties in Turkey

Starting from 1990s, Islamist Parties in Turkey have gained a wide range support from voters. The individual characteristics of the electorate supporting these parties have been analyzed by some researchers but there has been little done to empirically demonstrate the individual characteristics of the electorate who uphold negative attitudes towards those parties. This paper aims to close the gap in the literature by addressing the question „Are the individual level religiosity and secularity important determinants of electorate‟s negative attitudes for Islamist parties?‟ In doing so, this paper applies the famous cleavage theory of Lipset and Rokkan to the Turkish context and focuses particularly on the secular versus religious cleavage. By using the World Values Survey Dataset, this study statistically analyses the negative voting of the Turkish electorate towards four Islamist political parties; the Justice and Development Party (AKP), the Felicity Party (SP), the Virtue Party (FP), the Welfare Party (RP). The analyses of this study present some empirical evidence of the arguments that individual level secularity and religiosity play a very important role in determining negative attitudes of people towards Islamist parties.

Secularization in a strong religious society: the case of Turkey


There is a widespread belief among many researchers that Islam and secularization is incompatible. Obviously, in the Eastern world and in Muslim countries in particular, the problematic relationship between religion and democracy is still shows itself intensively. The current lack of democracy in most Muslim countries derives in part from this mindset contending that Islam is incompatible with secularization. So the application of concept "secularization" to studies of the Muslim countries Middle East has often been more problematic than enlightening. The present study continues the discussion of the compatibility of secularization and Islamic religion bringing to the fore the case of modern Turkish politics. By considering the possible ways of how secularization can emerge and survive in a predominantly Muslim society, the study demonstrates the statereligion interaction in Turkey. The thesis examines how the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the rise of Turkish nationalism decreased religious authority which led to the emergence of secularization. It shows that western institutions played a crucial role in survival of secularization. Later it discusses the reasons of revival of religion and survival of secularization in Turkish politics. The main purpose is to present Turkey as a case in support of the argument concerning the coexistence of Islam and secularization.

Religiosity and Political Attitudes in Turkey during the AKP Era

The Oxford Handbook of Politics in Muslim Societies, 2020

This chapter examines the relationship between religiosity and political attitudes in Turkey during the incumbency of the Justice and Development Party (AKP). There were several restrictions on the public role and visibility of Islam in Turkey when the AKP came to power in 2002, and the party gradually lifted these restrictions over time. Did this change in the state’s policies and approach toward religion affect the political attitudes of devout Muslims? Analyses of a series of nationally representative surveys spanning the period 2002–2018 highlight that the AKP governments’ positive approach to Islamic religiosity in public life led to a rapprochement of devout Muslims with the political regime. There is no evidence that this rapprochement has been accompanied by a more pluralistic understanding of democracy, however, as more religious individuals tend to hold more populist attitudes than less religious ones.