Multiplexed and flexible neural coding in sensory, parietal, and frontal cortices during goal-directed virtual navigation (original) (raw)
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Many complex behaviors rely on guidance from sensations. To perform these behaviors, the motor system must decode information relevant to the task from the sensory system. However, identifying the neurons responsible for encoding the appropriate sensory information remains a difficult problem for neurophysiologists. A key step toward identifying candidate systems is finding neurons or groups of neurons capable of representing the stimuli adequately to support behavior. A traditional approach involves quantitatively measuring the performance of single neurons and comparing this to the performance of the animal. One of the strongest pieces of evidence in support of a neuronal population being involved in a behavioral task comes from the signals being sufficient to support behavior. Numerous experiments using perceptual decision tasks show that visual cortical neurons in many areas have this property. However, most visually guided behaviors are not categorical but continuous and dynami...
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Cerebral Cortex, 2007
Efficient visuomotor behavior depends on integrated processing by the visual and motor systems of the cerebral cortex. Yet, many pre- vious cortical neurophysiology studies have examined the visual and motor modalities in isolation, largely ignoring questions of large-scale cross-modal integration. To address this issue, we analyzed event- related local field potentials simultaneously recorded from multiple visual, motor, and executive cortical sites in monkeys performing a visuomotor pattern discrimination task. The timing and cortical location of four aspects of event-related activities were examined: stimulus-evoked activation onset, stimulus-specific processing, stimulus category--specific processing, and response-specific pro- cessing. Activations appeared earliest in striate cortex and rapidly thereafter in other visual areas. Stimulus-specific processing began early in most visual cortical areas, some at activation onset. Early onset latencies were also observed in motor, premotor, and pre- frontal areas, some as early as in striate cortex, but these early- activating frontal sites did not show early stimulus-specific process- ing. Response-specific processing began around 150 ms poststimulus in widespread cortical areas, suggesting that perceptual decision formation and response selection arose through concurrent pro- cesses of visual, motor, and executive areas. The occurrence of stimulus-specific and stimulus category--specific differences after the onset of response-specific processing suggests that sensory and motor stages of visuomotor processing overlapped in time.
Navigational path integration by cortical neurons: origins in higher-order direction selectivity
Journal of neurophysiology, 2015
Navigation relies on the neural processing of sensory cues about observer self-movement and spatial location. Neurons in macaque dorsal medial superior temporal cortex (MSTd) respond to visual and vestibular self-movement cues, potentially contributing to navigation and orientation. We moved monkeys on circular paths around a room while recording the activity of MSTd neurons. MSTd neurons show a variety of sensitivities to the monkey's heading direction, circular path through the room, and place in the room. Changing visual cues alters the relative prevalence of those response properties. Disrupting the continuity of self-movement paths through the environment disrupts path selectivity in a manner linked to the time course of single neuron responses. We hypothesize that sensory cues interact with the spatial and temporal integrative properties of MSTd neurons to derive path selectivity for navigational path integration supporting spatial orientation.
Task-Dependent Changes in the Large-Scale Dynamics and Necessity of Cortical Regions
Neuron, 2019
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Selectivity of Local Field Potentials in Macaque Inferior Temporal Cortex
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To accurately guide one's actions online, the brain predicts sensory action feedback ahead of time based on internal models, which can be updated by sensory prediction errors. The underlying operations can be experimentally investigated in sensorimotor adaptation tasks, in which moving under perturbed sensory action feedback requires internal model updates. Here we altered healthy participants' visual hand movement feedback in a virtual reality setup, while assessing brain activity with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Participants tracked a continually moving virtual target object with a photorealistic, three-dimensional (3D) virtual hand controlled online via a data glove. During the continuous tracking task, the virtual hand's movements (i.e., visual movement feedback) were repeatedly periodically delayed, which participants had to compensate for to maintain accurate tracking. This realistic task design allowed us to simultaneously investigate processes likely operating at several levels of the brain's motor control hierarchy. FMRI revealed that the length of visual feedback delay was parametrically reflected by activity in the inferior parietal cortex and posterior temporal cortex. Unpredicted changes in visuomotor mapping (at transitions from synchronous to delayed visual feedback periods or vice versa) activated biological motion-sensitive regions in the lateral occipitotem-poral cortex (LOTC). Activity in the posterior parietal cortex (PPC), focused on the contralateral anterior intraparietal sulcus (aIPS), correlated with tracking error, whereby this correlation was stronger in participants with higher tracking performance. Our results are in line with recent proposals of a widespread cortical motor control hierarchy, where temporoparietal regions seem to evaluate visuomotor congruence and thus possibly ground a self-attribution of movements, the LOTC likely processes early visual prediction errors, and the aIPS computes action goal errors and possibly corresponding motor corrections.