Effect of organic manure on performance of Ocimum sanctum under peach and apricot based agroforestry system (original) (raw)
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Effect of organic manure on soil physicochemical properties under fruit based agroforestry system.
An experiment was conducted under peach based agroforestry system for two consecutive years during 2010 and 2011 in experimental farm of Department of Fruit Science, Dr. Y. S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, Himachal Pradesh. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with three replications and comprised of 10 treatments, which included three different doses of Vermicompost (2t/ha, 4t/ha, 6t/ha) and three different doses of FYM (15t/ha, 20t/ha, 25t/ha) in combination with and without Peach. The results reveled that soil pH was the highest (7.41) under peach where, FYM @ 25t/ha was applied as compared to other doses of organic manures. Soil electrical conductivity was recorded maximum (0.28 dSm-1) under 6t/ha vermicompost, while soil bulk density was the minimum (1.02 Mg m-3) under 25t/ha FYM. Soil organic carbon content at 0-15cm and 15-30cm soil depth was recorded higher 2.16% and 1.75% respectively, under higher dose of FYM (25t/ha) as compared to other doses of organic manures. Available macronutrients were significantly affected by the intercropping of medicinal herbs and the application of organic manures under peach based agroforestry system. Soil nitrogen, phosphorous, sulphur and magnesium were found maximum under peach where, 6t/ha vermicompost were applied as organic manure, while soil potassium were recorded higher where, 25t/ha FYM were applied. The physicochemical properties and nutrient status of soil were comparatively better under peach than in the control.
Effect of organic manures and biofertilizers on biomass distribution, growth and yield of okra
season of 2014-15 to study the effect of organic manures and bio-fertilizers on growth, yield and quality traits of tomato cv. Roma. The seedlings were transplanted in last week of October with a spacing 60cm x 45cm. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with twelve treatments replicated thrice. Result indicated that the maximum height of the plant (21.95, 33.91 and 45.15cm) was recorded at 30, 60 and 90 DAT with 50% RDF+ 50% VC+ PSB application followed by 50% RDF+ 50% VC+ Azosporillum and minimum in control. The number of branches (4.13, 10.09 and 16.03) was recorded at 30, 60 and 90 DAT with the application of 50% RDF+ 50% VC+ Azosporillum, followed by 50% RDF+ 50% VC+PSB and minimum in control. The number of days taken by plants for flowering was less under control (41.52). The maximum number of flowers, flower clusters and fruits/plant were 31.93, 9.09 and 18.00 respectively in 50% RDF+ 50% VC+ Azosporillum. Similarly maximum fruit weight (70.94 gm) and fruit diameter (7.06 cm) were also noticed with the application of 50% RDF+50% VC+ Azosporillum which is significantly superior over control. Same trend was also noticed in yield per plant (0.991 kg), per plot (15.87 kg) and per ha (73.33q) in the same treatment. The maximum titrable acidity 0.72 was in control among fruits of different treatments while minimum titrable acidity (0.56) was found in fruits of treatment received 50% RDF+ 50% FYM+ Azosporillum. The maximum TSS (5.400B) obtained from the fruits given 100% Vermicompost and minimum in control (3.650Brix). Highest vitamin C of fruits has been recorded in the 50% RDF+ 50% VC+ Azosporillum (23.90%) as compared to the control (21.71%).
Effect Organic Manure On The Growth And Yield Of Okra
Field experiments to investigate the effect of different sources organic manure (cow, sheep, poultry and the combination of the treatments i.e SPC Manure) on growth and yield of okra were canned out. Treatments were laid out in a randomized complete block design (RBCD) with three replications. Data were collected on growth and yield parameters (plant height, number of leaf, stem girth, number of fruits and fruit weight).Results obtained indicated that growth and yield of okra were lowest in control treatments which showed that the organic manures used in the study especially poultry manure positively influenced the performance and yield of the okra. Poultry manure positively increased okra plant height by 30.40%and SPC manure increased number of fruit of okra by 9.00% compared to control treatments. Fresh fruit weight was significantly increased by 125.66% with poultry manure compared to control treatments. Based on the findings on the experiments it could be deduced that poultry manure seems to promote higher growth and yield of okra. Thus it is recommended for farmers.
Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 2021
A field experiment was conducted to explore the effects of organic manures and green manuring practices on growth, yield attributes, quality and economics of lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus L.) under custard apple (Annona squamosa L.) based agri-horti system. The findings indicated that growth, yield attributes and yield as well as oil composition, soil nutrient status, microbial populations were significantly increased due to the use of both organic manures and green manuring. The significantly higher results were obtained with vermicompost (2.5 t/ha) + Azotobacter, which was found superior over other practices in terms of growth, yield attributes, oil composition and its quality and soil nutrient status as well as economics of crop cultivation. Bangladesh J. Bot. 50(3): 499-506, 2021 (September)
isara solutions, 2022
during the kharif seasons 2019-2020 with pooled data, sixteen treatments replicated thrice in a randomised block design to "Evaluation of different Manures on the growth, yield and Economics of Rice under Drumstic (Moringa oleifera L.) based agroforestry system" combined with a description of the experiment findings in light of scientific reasoning to explain the cause and effect relationship, which is fully supported by the findings The pooled data on growth, yield attributes, yield, economics, soil physicochemical parameters, and biometric observation of tree crops were collected at appropriate crop growth stages, respectively, in the experimental field. Green manure and green leaf manure are examples of organic manure with control treatments, T6 produced the highest grain yield (41.31 q ha-1) followed by T10 (41.21 q ha-1) and was composed of 50% goat manure and 50% crotalaria juncea, respectively. T0 had the lowest grain yield (37.61 q ha-1) (control). The highest straw production performance was shown in T6 (23.43 q ha-1; 50% goat manure + 50% crotalaria juncea), while the lowest performance was seen in T0 (22.90 q ha-1) (control) (control). T6 had the largest biological yield (64.75 q ha-1), whereas T0 had the lowest yield (60.51 q ha-1) (control). T0 (60.809 Rs/ha) (control) Grass Income T6 (82.189 Rs/ha) (50% Goat manure + 50% Crotalaria juncea) followed by T 10 (82.189 Rs/ha) Pongania + 50% goat manure (Pongamia glabra) T0 (75.145 Rs/ha) (control), Net Return T6 (28.015 Rs/ha) (50% Goat manure + 50% Crotalaria juncea), T10 (28.015 Rs/ha) Minimum Pooled data in T0 (14.336) (control) and B.C Ratio T6 (1:5.2) (50% Goat dung + 50% Crotalaria juncea), followed by T10 (1:52) Pongania + 50% goat manure (Pongamia glabra) Pooled data in T0 (1:2.4) (control) under Moringa oleifera-based agroforestry system Pooled data.
Application of organic manures and their influence on okra growth parameters
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2020
A study was conducted at Organic Farming Research Centre of SKUAST -Jammu to find out the impact of organic manures on okra growth parameters. Maximum and minimum value identified was 12.23 g and 11.05 g in T8 and T1 in per fruit weight, 239.17 g and 186.42 g in T8 and T1 in fruit weight per plant, 146.32 q ha-1 and 111.03 q ha-1 in T8 and T1 in crop yield, 40.66 and 33.33 in T8 and T1 in seeds per fruit, 26.32 q ha-1 and 24.58 q ha-1 in T8 and T1 in total seed yield, 789.36 g and 562.50 g in T8 and T1 in seed yield per plant, 31.53 cm3 and 21.75 cm3 in T8 and T1 in root volume, 15.69 cm and 13.53 cm in T8 and T1 in root length, 40.00 cm and 29.23 cm in T8 and T1 in plant height (25 DAS), 80.14 cm and 76.12 cm in T8 and T1 in plant height (50 DAS), 119.43 cm and 99.03 cm in T8 and T1 (75 DAS), 19.66 and 16.66 in T8 and T1 in no. of fruits per plant, 12.71 cm and 10.66 cm in T8 and T1 in fruit length of okra.
R Vijaykumar, 2018
To find out the best organic manure for using of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) method is an important tool to obtain high growth and yield of rice under Citrus based agroforestry system in Kharif season. Planting in college of Forestry SHUATS Allahabad UP India, an experiment was carried out in kharif seasons of 2017 in RBD design with three replications nine treatments. The results revealed that SRI recorded significantly higher values for all growth parameters, plant height cm, No of tillers hill-1 , leaf area index, flag leaf length cm, and Dry weight gm, was significantly After harvesting time The result recorded the higher Gross return (₹ ha-1) 87.092, Cost of cultivation (₹ ha-1) 56.390, Net return (₹ ha-1) 30.701, and Benefit cost ratio (B.C. ratio). 1:5.4 was in the treatment T5 75% (RDN through FYM+ 25% RDN through PM), significantly. Rice under Citrus based agroforestry system, respectively.
Agricultural Science Digest – A Research Journal, 2021
Background: Health of soil is important being an integral part of any production system. As agroforestry aims to maintain the sustainability in the system, therefore, soil status under any agroforestry system plays key role. This study was conducted at Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry, Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni-Solan HP (India) under Morus based agroforestry system.Methods: The present investigation was carried out during 2016 from month of July to October for quantifying the effect of application of organic manures on soil physico-chemical properties under Morus based agroforestry system. Five soil samples from each experimental plot were collected separately and a single representative composite sample was drawn for each plot replicated three times. The analysis of soil was carried out with standard adopted procedures.Result: Findings of the study revealed that different organic manure combinations were having significant influence o...
Asian Journal of Agricultural and Horticultural Research
Aims: Growing the organic strawberry fruit in tropical and subtropical region with the help of shade of banana plants. Place and Duration of Study: The experiment was conducted at Research Farm, Department of Horticulture, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences, Allahabad in the year 2017 to 2018. Methodology: A field experiment was conducted with cv. sweet charley of strawberry. The observations were recorded on various vegetative growths, flowering and fruiting parameters. The mean data were subjected to the various statistical and biometrical analyses. Results: Results show that there were major difference among treatments T3 Vermicompost (5 tonnes/ha) + Poultry manures (5 tonnes/ha) in plant height on 120 DAP (20 cm), number of leaves on 120 DAP (12.13), plant spread at 120 DAP (25.50 cm), days taken to first flower (60 days), number of flower plant-1 (14.37), days taken to first fruit (72 days), number of fruit plant-1 (7.40) fruit set % (52.12%), thr...