Nematode Diversity of Native Species of \u3ci\u3eVitis\u3c/i\u3e in California (original) (raw)
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Three New Species of Nematodes Associated with Endemic Grape (< i> Vitis) in California
Faculty Publications from the …, 1993
ABSTRAcr: Three new species of nematodes were encountered during a study of natural diversity of nematode associates of native species of Vilis L. in California. Achromadora walkeri sp. n. was found in rhizosoil of the native California grape Vilis californica Bentham and is characterized by the position of the amphid (within the vicinity of both dorsal and ventral teeth), a relatively long stoma, and the absence of a prerectum. The other 2 species were plant parasitic criconematids: Criconemoidesfealherensis sp. n., found in association with roots of V. californica, is characterized by possessing strongly retrose annuli posterior to the vulva, a long stylet, the shape ofthe first annulus ofthe head, and rare anastomosis ofannuli ofthe body. Specimens of Hemicycliophora armandae sp. n. were recovered from the rhizosoil of the desert grape Vilis girdiana Munson and are characterized by having 3 cephalic annuli, a lateral field marked by interruption of the striae, a long stylet, and a digitate tail. The study of symbiotic associations of native species of crop plants is important in studies of faunal and floral biodiversity.
Three new species of nematodes associated with endemic grape (Vitis) in California
During a study of the diversity of soil nema tode communities associated with native grape (Vilis: Vitaceae) of California, several new spe cies were encountered. Nematodes of the family Criconematidae were common in most localities that were sampled, and a new species of Crico nemoides was found around the roots of Vilis cali/ornica Bentham in the central valley of Cal ifornia. A second new species ofCriconematidae (genus Hemicycliophora)was recovered from the rhizosoil of Vilis girdiana Munson in desert hab itat of southern California. In addition, a new species of Achromadora was found in rhizosoil of Vilis cali/arnica in the coast range west of the Sacramento Valley. Descriptions of these 3 new species are presented herein.
Nematode diversity of native species of Vilis in California Luma
From 1990 through 1992, nematodes were extracted from soil samples taken from the rhizosphere of native species of grapes from four areas of northern California and two areas of southern California. For comparison, samples from domestic grapes as well as a putative hybrid of Vitis califarnica and V. vinifera were also taken. Rhizosoil from California native grapevine contained many more species of nematodes than did soil obtained from cultivated forms of V. vinifera. Taxonomic and trophic diversity was much higher in nematodes from sampling sites from native grapes than in those from grapes maintained in vineyard situations. Ordination methods using correspondence analysis showed both similarities and differences in the faunal assemblages of nematodes from the different sampling sites, based on indexes of species and trophic groups. Collected data indicate that nematode communities with high trophic and taxonomic diversity have a lower numerical density of plant parasites. Resume: D...
Seasonal fluctuations in the spatial distribution of nematode populations in a california vineyard
Journal of nematology, 1974
Distribution of Xiphinema americanum and four Meloidogyne spp, was studied in a vineyard over a 13-mo. period. The X. arnericanum population was concd in the upper 60-cm of undisturbed soil in the vine row, whereas the Meloidogyne species were distributed both in and between rows and to greater depths, similar to the distribution of the root system. Samples for assessment of X. americanum densities had least variation when taken in the vine row from the upper 60-cm of soil. Sampling error is reduced in Meloidogyne populations by sampling within 40 cm of the vine both within and/or between rows.
European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2011
The occurrence and geographic distribution of longidorid nematode species inhabiting the rhizosphere of grapevine plants in southern Spain were investigated. Nematode surveys were conducted on 77 vineyards during the spring seasons of 2006, 2007 and 2008 in the main Andalusian grapevine-growing areas, including the provinces of Cádiz, Córdoba, and Huelva. Morphological and morphometrical studies identified two Longidorus and nine Xiphinema species, viz.: Longidorus alvegus, L. magnus, Xiphinema adenohystherum, X. hispidum, X. index, X. italiae, X. lupini, X. nuragicum, X. pachtaicum, X. rivesi, and X. turcicum. Overall, frequencies of infestation were, in decreasing order: X. pachtaicum 90.8%, X. index 30.3%, X. italiae 13.2%, L. magnus 11.8%, X. hispidum 7.9%, X. lupini 3.9%, L. alvegus and X. rivesi 2.6%, and X. adenohystherum, X. nuragicum and X. turcicum 1.3%. Xiphinema hispidum, X. lupini, L. alvegus and L. magnus were compared with nematode type specimens and are reported for the first time in Spain. Furthermore, the male of L. alvegus is described for the first time in the literature. Molecular characterisation of these species using D2–D3 expansion regions of 28S rRNA, 18S rRNA and ITS1-rRNA was carried out and maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference analysis were used to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships among these species and with other longidorids. The monophily of the genera Xiphinema and Longidorus was accepted and the genera Paralongidorus and Xiphidorus were rejected by the Shimodaira-Hasegawa test based on tree topologies.
Nematodes associated with vineyards throughout Markazi Province (Arak), Iran
Australasian Plant Pathology, 2010
In a survey conducted from April 2008 through October 2008, 21 nematode species were found associated with grapes in Markazi Province, Iran. These included: Xiphinema index and Zygotylenchus guevarai. Populations varied in their frequency and distribution among surveyed vineyards but Helicotylenchus spp. and Pratylenchus spp. were the most commonly observed genera. Meloidogyne spp. and Xiphinema spp. were rarely encountered during the survey. This is the first reported province-wide nematode survey of grapes in Iran. Morphological and morphometric variations that typified the survey populations are given and discussed for certain nematode species.
Phytoparasitic nematodes as the major threat to viticulture
Environmental and Experimental Biology
Grape plants (Vitis vinifera L.), like other major horticultural crops, suffer from attacks by plant pathogenic nematodes. These parasites are a serious burden for viticulturists all over the world and lead to reduced vine vigour and crop yield. The major nematode parasites infesting grapevines include Meloidogyne spp., Pratylenchus spp., Criconemella spp., Tylenchulus spp., Helicotylenchus spp., Heterodera spp. etc. Besides these genera, some nematode genera like Xiphinema, Paralongidorus and Longidorus are known to transmit viral diseases in grapevines, as they act as vectors to many viruses e.g. grapevine fanleaf virus. These pathogenic nematodes are becoming an important element affecting vine health, vigour and productivity. The present paper provides a brief overview of the diversity of phytoparasitic nematodes parasitizing vineyards, some viruses transmitted to grapevines via these parasitic nematodes and also outlines the management practices like crop rotation, hot water tr...