Pengaruh Pemberian Vitamin D3 Terhadap Kadar Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) pada Sel PHM1-41 yang Mengalami Hipoksia (original) (raw)

Pengaruh Vitamin D3 Terhadap Kadar Hemoglobin Tikus Wistar yang Dipapar Asap Rokok

ARTERI : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 2019

Hemoglobin is a tetrametric erythrocyte protein that carries O2 to the tissues and returns CO2 and protons to the lungs. Cigarette smoke is proven that could reduce hemoglobin levels through oxidative stress which causes the erythrocyte membrane to be easily lysed. The lysis erythrocyte membrane causes hemoglobin levels to be low. Vitamin D is included in natural antioxidants which have a neuroprotective tendency through antioxidative mechanisms. To determine the effect of giving vitamin D3 on hemoglobin levels in white rats (Rattus norvegicus) male Wistar strain after being exposed by cigarette smoke. This type of pure experimental research (tue-experiment) used pre and post with control group design. Samples were white rats (Rattus norvegicus) male Wistar strain aged 10-12 weeks with the weight of around 150-200 grams in a total of 24 individuals. Samples were divided into four groups including K1 which is not exposed by cigarette smoke and not given of vitamin D3, K2 is a group e...

Pengaruh Vitamin D3 Terhadap Glukosa Darah Tikus Wistar Yang Dipapar Asap Rokok

ARTERI : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan

Cigarettes are the biggest health problem around the world. Nicotine in cigarettes has been proved insulin receptor resistance and can reduce insulin secretion in pancreatic β cells, which causes an increase in blood glucose levels. One of the efforts to reduce blood glucose levels is to consume vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is a prohormone that plays a role in metabolic functions in cells and repair functions of cells. Purpose: to know the effect of vitamin D3 toward glucose blood level of male Rattus norvegicus Wistar exposed by cigarette smoke. Methods: This research conducted with pure experimental pre- and post-test with control group design. The samples used were 24 male rats. The sample divided into four groups, including K1, K2, K3, and P1. K1, which is not exposed by cigarette smoke and not given of vitamin D3. K2 is a group exposed by cigarette smoke but not given vitamin D3. K3 is a group that is not exposed by cigarette smoke but given vitamin D3 a dose of 0.2 µgr /head. P1 is ...

Hubungan Polimorfisme Resptor Vitamin D FOK I Terhadap Pasien Hipertensi dengan Stroke Iskemik


Background. Besides it’s main function as the regulator of calcium and phosphate metabolism, vitamin D also has a role in cardiovascular system. The connection between vitamin D deficiency in blood serum and cardiovascular disease like stroke and hipertension has been proven. Those diseases are the result of transcription gene regulation by an active metabolite of vitamin D that works through vitamin D receptor. Million of base pair variation still can be found in any individual’s DNA. Variation that exists in more than 1% of population is called polymorphism. BsmI and FokI have caught many attentions from scientists because they are the only polymorphism that show some connection to hypertension risk. Objective. This study aims to determine the correlation between FokI vitamin D receptor polymorphism toward hypertension patients that also suffered from ischemic stroke. Method. The type of research that’s been used in this research is analytical research (cross-sectional), the sampl...

Pengaruh Lama Penyimpanan Terhadap Nilai pH Dadih Fortifikasi Vitamin D3

Jurnal Sehat Mandiri

Research on 504 women aged 18-40 years found the average serum concentration of 25(OH)D was 48 nmol/L with the incidence of vitamin D deficiency as much as 63%. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with several metabolic diseases. This incident can be controlled with fortification of vitamin D which is usually given to dairy products and their processed products. Dadih is the result of spontaneously fermenting buffalo milk at a temperature of 28°-32°C for 24-48 hours in a bamboo tube. pH is an important factor that affects the survival of lactic acid bacteria found in fermented products. Decrease in pH along with an increase in total acid. The higher the total acid, the lower the pH of Dadih. This study aims to test the stability of the pH value of Dadih during storage at cold temperatures for 28 days. This study used an experimental study with five treatments repeated duplo. Measurement of the pH value of Dadih using the standard method used by PT. Saraswati Indo Genetech with No. In...

Efektivitas Vitamin D terhadap CD 4 ODHIV

Introduction: HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a typical lymphotropic retrovirus that infects cells of the immune system, destroys or destroys specific white blood cells called Thelper lymphocytes or T4 factor carrier lymphocytes (CD4). Vitamin D is a major regulator of host defense against infection by activating genes and pathways that enhance acquired innate immunity. A study in Uganda reported that the CD4 cell count of HIV patients with vitamin D deficiency was consistently lower than that of HIV patients with normal vitamin D levels. This study also stated that HIV patients with low vitamin D levels had lower survival rates than other HIV patients. Method: Literature review is a method used to collect data or sources related to a particular topic that can be obtained from various sources such as journals, books, internet and other libraries. The strategy used to find articles using PEOS. Exposure related to this study is the effect of vitamin D on people living with HIV. The exclusion criteria consisted of non-people living with HIV/AIDS with the topic not focusing on administering vitamin D therapy to PLWHA. Journals or articles published in 2016 and above use Indonesian and English. Using The Joanna Brigg Institute (JBI) for several types of studies randomized control trial, cross sectional study, retrospective cohort study, and prospective cohort study. Results : HIV patients suffer from vitamin D deficiency which causes the infection rate to increase. Vitamin D is very effective against the immunity of HIV patients, especially vitamin D3. Vitamin D can function to increase the immunity of HIV patients who are in the healing period after being exposed to the disease. HIV patients who regularly consume vitamin D, recover 3 times faster than patients who do not take vitamin D. Discussion: Active vitamin D has a significant immunomodulatory effect as an important determinant of CD4 effector T cell differentiation. Vitamin D deficiency contributes to the pathogenesis of HIV infection by interfering with innate and adaptive immune responses. Vitamin D has strong immunomodulatory and antimicrobial effects in HIV infection.

Dampak Suplementasi 1,25-DIHIDROKSIVITAMIN D3 Terhadap Ekskresi Kalsium Urin Dan Akumulasi Kalsium Tulang Tikus Wistar Panhisterektomi Yang Mengkonsumsi Teri Tawar


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji dampak suplementasi 1,25-dihidroksivitami D3, terhadap ekskresi kalsium(Ca) dalam urin dalam akumulas Ca pada tikus Wistar panhisterektomi yang mengkonsumsi teri tawar. Lima belas tikus Wistar betina umur 8 minggu, dibagi 3 kelompok (kontrol, panhisterektomi dan panhisterektom+suplemen 1,25-dihidroksivitan D3) masing-masing 5 tikus. Ketika berumur 19 minggu, masing-masing tikus dimasukkan kandang metabolikin dividu untuk studi balan. Selama studi balan(hari 4 -11 studi balan), setiap pagi dilakukan pengumpulan feses urin dan sisa pakan untuk pemeriksaan Ca. Hasil analisis menunjukkan konsumsi Ca tikus panhisterektomi yang mengkonsumsi 1,25-dihidroksivitami D3 lebih rendah meskipun tidak berbeda signifikan dibandingkan tikus panhisterektomi yang tidak mengkonsumsi 1,25-dihidroksivitamin D3, ekskresi Ca dalam feses lebih tinggi dan berbeda sangat signifikan (p<0,01), ekskresi Ca dalam urin lebih tinggi dan berbeda signifikan (P<0,05), ret...

Hubungan Antara Kadar Vitamin D Dengan Kadar Malondialdehid (Mda) Plasma Pada Lansia


Latar Belakang: Pada lanjut usia radikal bebas bertanggung jawab terhadap kerusakan tingkat sel dan jaringan terkait usia. Dalam beberapa dekade terakhir, beberapa penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa vitamin D3 memiliki aktivitas antioksidan.Vitamin D3 telah dibuktikan sebagai antioksidan yang menghambat lipid yang diinduksi besi peroksidasi liposom otak.Vitamin D3 sistemik menekan lipid yang tinggi.Aktivitas peroksidasi diamati pada tikus kekurangan vitamin D3dimana terjadi peningkatan penanda stres oksidatif, salah satunya adalah malondialdehid (MDA).Selain itu, vitamin D3 telah dilaporkan mengurangi stres oksidatif dengan menaikkan pertahanan antioksidan sistem, termasuk kandungan glutation, glutation peroksidase, dan superokside dismutase pada astrosit dan di hati. Tujuan: untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kadar vitamin D dengan kadar MDA plasma pada lansia Metode: penelitian ini menggunakan design cross sectional dengan mengambil subyek secara consecutive samplingdari beberapa po...

Suplementasi Vitamin D3 Dosis Tinggi Menurunkan Kalsifikasi Tulang Femur pada Janin Mencit

Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya

Kelebihan asupan vitamin D pada mencit yang bunting dapat menyebabkan penurunan massa tulang janin. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah pemberian suplementasi vitamin D3 dosis tinggi dapat mengganggu kalsifikasi tulang femur janin mencit. Metode eksperimental laboratorium dengan rancangan acak lengkap dilakukan menggunakan lima ekor mencit jantan dan lima ekor mencit (Mus musculus L.) betina galur Swiss Webster berumur 8-12 minggu. Subjek penelitian adalah lima janin mencit dari hasil perkawinan yang hidup. Mencit dibagi ke dalam lima macam perlakuan yaitu KN (kontrol negatif), perlakuan A (13 IU vitamin D3), perlakuan B (13 IU vitamin D3), perlakuan C (13 IU vitamin D3), dan perlakuan D (13 IU vitamin D3). Mencit dikawinkan, kemudian diberi suplementasi sejak usia kebuntingan 11 hari. Pada usia kebuntingan 20 hari, mencit dikorbankan kemudian dilakukan pewarnaan Alizarin Red S terhadap janin. Parameter yang diuji adalah panjang tulang femur janin mencit yang mengalami kals...

Peran Suplementasi Vitamin D dalam COVID-19

Coronavirus (CoV) adalah keluarga besar virus yang menyebabkan penyakit mulai dari gejala ringan hingga berat, seperti common cold atau pilek dan penyakit serius seperti MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) dan SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome). Virus ini pertama kali muncul di Wuhan, Cina pada Desember 2019. Sampai dengan 10 September 2020, secara global dilaporkan 27.688.740 kasus dengan 899.315 kematian (CFR 3,2%) di 215 negara terjangkit dan 176 negara transmisi local. Banyak laporan telah menunjukkan bahwa suplementasi vitamin D berpotensi efektif dalam pengobatan atau pencegahan penyakit Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). Beberapa penelitian dan uji klinik juga telah mulai dilakukan terkait dengan efek suplementasi vitamin D pada pasien dengan infeksi Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) yang memiliki sindrom pernapasan akut. Dalam ulasan ini, akan dibahas mengenai mekanisme potensial vitamin D dalam patogenesis COVID-19, pertimbangan kelebihan dan kekurangan vitamin D dalam COVID-19, serta memberikan gambaran tentang sejauh mana suplementasi vitamin D dapat bermanfaat bagi pasien dengan Covid-19, terutama yang memiliki faktor risiko yang mendasarinya.