Diskursus Politik Islam dan Kebijakan Ideologis Media Massa di Sumatera Utara (original) (raw)
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Jurnal Interaksi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi
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Sumatera Utara mempunyai karakteristik khusus penduduk dan wilayah. Daerah ini menjadi salah satu prioritas utama umat untuk memerkuat dan memerkukuh politik Islam di Indonesia. Memenangkan kontestasi politik di Sumut, berarti juga memerkuat landasan sosiologis keterpaduan wilayah Sumatera dalam memerjuangkan kepentingan umat Islam yang sebelumnya sudah kukuh di Aceh, Sumatera Barat dan kini Riau.
Agama, Politik, Dan Ideologi Media ( Analisis Wacana Kritis Berita Korupsi Petinggi Partai Politik )
There are three sides of the media business today, such as media content providers, audiences as consumers of content, and advertisers as 'consumers' other media users. All three are complementary and influence each other, although in many ways, most audiences are often sacrificed in terms of interest. When an issue arises, the media are often considered a factor called 'news value' that will attract audiences to consume and then attract advertisers to enter. At other times, the ideology of media also often affect how the news was created, directed, and then deployed. In the case of reported of corruption cases involving officials of political parties in Indonesia of 2014 election, which is affecting Luthfi Hasan Ishaaq (PKS), Ratu Atut Choisyah (Golkar), and Anas Urbaningrum (Demokrat), two major media in Indonesia, Kompas and Republika presented the news in a different way. It is strongly associated with the ideology of each medium. Media ideology are then distinguish the discourse developed Kompas and Republika in reporting cases of the party officials. Results of analysis using Foucault discourse analysis showed that both the national media show a particular discourse in accordance with ideology, and on the other hand also do marginalization of certain discourses are supposed to be there. For example, the discourse of corruption as an extraordinary crime, it is not displayed, enclosed by political discourse and religious identity of each alleged case of corruption.
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This study discusses two faces of Islam regarding its relationship with the state, namely cultural Islam and political Islam. Cultual Islam believes that to spread Islamic values does not have to take power, but can also pay attention to the grassroots, by preaching to the community, establishing educational, health and economic institutions. Whereas cultural Islam is more power-oriented, they believe that with that power it can be easy to apply Islamic teachings, and some even want to change the shape of the country into an Islamic state. Some political Islamists participate in parties, and some are non-parties. Usually, those who are non-party are more likely to be radical. Both have advantages and disadvantages, what is clear is that cultural Islam is more humane and has an impression on society.
Kontestasi Wacana pada Media Islam
It was became debate when the Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) released a fatwa that being non voters is Haram (unlawful). This Fatwa caused controversy among Muslims themselves, since there were support groups and opposed groups in responding this fatwa. This controversy was also accommodated by Islamic media. They have opportunities to construct a discourse through the text which have several tendencies. This study is intended to see and to map out the 2 (two) Islamic medias, Sabili and Risalah Mujahidin in constructing a text after the release of fatwa.