COVID-19 dan Kebijakan dalam Menyikapi Resesi Ekonomi: Studi Kasus Indonesia, Filipina, dan Singapura (original) (raw)
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Kebijakan Ekonomi Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19
Madika: Jurnal Politik dan Governance
COVID-19 discovered a global pandemic that gave rise to the emergence of various groups, especially the public. Inaugurated by the World Health Organization as a global pandemic, the management of COVID-19 is a challenge for countries with limited energy sources and health care systems. Citizens' understanding continues to grow along with the number of positive problems and deaths due to COVID-19 which continues to grow in a relatively short time. The ability of each country to adapt to the existing conditions during efficient and anticipatory implementation varies greatly. The policy finds an early ground that must be tested in order to be able to tackle these cases successfully. Anticipatory policy decisions related to efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19, take action against infected patients, protect health workers, and control public awareness are carefully considered. For this reason, the Government is trying to schedule a New Normal policy so that the economic impact...
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Eqien - Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis
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Ketahanan Fiskal: Studi Kasus Malaysia dan Indonesia
In the last ten years, fiscal policy has played an important role to the macroeconomy. This paper aims to explore the fiscal strength and the synchronization between fiscal and monetary policy for Malaysia and Indonesia. For the first issue, this paper applies the Trehan and Walsh method, meanwhile the Berument's approach is used to examine the synchronization between fiscal and monetary policy. The result shows that in case of Malaysia, the government applied tax-financed policy; meanwhile Indonesia has entered to the debt trap. The Malaysia's government has also synchronized fiscal and monetary policy, which is different with that in Indonesia.
Strategi Pemulihan Ekonomi Akibat Pandemi Covid-19 bagi Perekonomian di Indonesia
Vina H, 2022
Pandemi Covid-19 pada tahun 2020 silam menjadi permasalahan utama yang mempengaruhi berbagai sektor di Indonesia khususnya sektor ekonomi. pada 11 Maret 2020, Covid-19 telah ditetapkan menjadi suatu pandemi. Kondisi perekonomian negara Indonesia Berdasarkan Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) tahun 2020 menyebutkan bahwa ekonomi Indonesia pada tahun 2020 mengalami kontraksi pertumbuhan sebesar 2,07 persen dibandingkan tahun 2019. Hal ini menyatakan bahwa Pandemi Covid-19 menjadi salah satu penyebab bagi perekonomian Indonesia tahun 2020 mengalami penurunan yang cukup drastis atau dapat dikatakan mengalami deflasi. Penurunan ini disebabkan oleh ketidakstabilannya pergerakan ekonomi yang terjadi di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, perlu untuk mengetahui apa saja strategi pemulihan ekonomi akibat Pandemi Covid-19 bagi perekonomian di Indonesia.
Strategi Kebijakan Fiskal Pemerintah Indonesia dalam Menghadapi Dampak Pandemi COVID-19
Kebijakan fiskal Pemerintah Indonesia selama pandemi COVID-19 menunjukkan respons yang cepat dan adaptif terhadap krisis ekonomi yang dihadapi. Dengan fokus pada alokasi anggaran untuk sektor kesehatan dan perlindungan sosial, pemerintah berusaha untuk melindungi masyarakat dan mendukung pemulihan ekonomi. Meskipun terdapat tantangan dalam pelaksanaan, seperti manajemen anggaran dan kecepatan penyaluran bantuan, kebijakan yang diambil telah berkontribusi pada stabilisasi ekonomi jangka pendek. Penelitian ini menekankan pentingnya pengembangan program perlindungan sosial yang komprehensif dan dukungan terhadap UMKM sebagai bagian dari strategi pemulihan yang berkelanjutan. Ke depan, diperlukan evaluasi dan perbaikan dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan untuk memastikan efektivitas dan transparansi dalam penggunaan anggaran negara
Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship Journal, 2020
This study aims to determine the fiscal policy strategy on output and inflation in the Indonesian economy in dealing with the effects of the covid virus 19. In this study, researchers chose to use descriptive research types, namely to explain an event whose operation revolves around data collection, data processing and data interpretation which is given a national meaning while still holding the principles of logic to form holistic conclusions. Data obtained through the study of literature, by reading and analyzing and analyzing a variety of literature, both in the form of documents, journals, publication data from the ministry of finance and from the official website that releases information that is relevant to research. While the data analysis is done by reducing, classifying, interpreting, and drawing conclusions. The Indonesian government adopted a comprehensive policy in the fiscal and monetary sector to deal with Covid-19. In the fiscal sector, the Government conducts a policy of refocusing activities and budget reallocation. From the revenue side, the government must pay attention to the contribution contribution from PPN and PPh Agency and from the expenditure side, the government must be able to pay attention to the realization of the use of these funds so that it is right on target and prioritizes the priority activities of the Covid pandemic prevention-19 To suppress the budget deficit.