Logit Model for Estimating Non-Profit Organizations’ Financial Status as a Part of Non-Profit Financial Management (original) (raw)

Current State of Self-Financing of Private Non-Profit Organizations in the Conditions of the Slovak Republic

Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2012

Ensuring the financial stability of non-profit organizations through financial decision in the structure of financial resources is influenced by many objective and subjective factors. However, a necessary presumption of financial stability is to reduce their dependence on one source of funding or in other words, the independence can be achieved by diversifying of the funding sources. And it is the diversification of financial sources and their acquisition through self-financing that we consider as an appropriate way to achieve financial balance and thus long-term existential security of non-profit organizations. This scientific paper presents the partial results of a research of the current state of self-financing and diversification of financial resources of private non-profit organizations in the Slovak Republic. We analysed the primary data by the relevant scientific methods and procedures (selected mathematical-statistical methods, analysed in SPSS – Statistical Package for the ...

TEDE Current state of self-financing of private non-profit organizations in the conditions of the Slovak Republic


Ensuring the financial stability of non-profit organizations through financial decision in the structure of financial resources is influenced by many objective and subjective factors. However, a necessary presumption of financial stability is to reduce their dependence on one source of funding or in other words, the independence can be achieved by diversifying of the funding sources. And it is the diversification of financial sources and their acquisition through self-financing that we consider as an appropriate way to achieve financial balance and thus long-term existential security of nonprofit organizations. This scientific paper presents the partial results of a research of the current state of self-financing and diversification of financial resources of private non-profit organizations in the Slovak Republic. We analysed the primary data by the relevant scientific methods and procedures (selected mathematical-statistical methods, analysed in SPSS -Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). With the analysis we acquired a knowledge which allows us to formulate several solutions and recommendations for theory and practice. By presenting these conclusions we fulfil a scientific goal of the paper, which is to present partial results of research of current state of funding of private non-profit organizations and interpret the obtained outputs in an economic and social context.

Financing principles of non-profit organisations: A case of Slovakia

Global Journal of Business, Economics and Management, 2019

A non-profit organisation is an organisation that uses its surplus of the revenues to achieve its ultimate objective, rather than distributing its income to the organisation's shareholders, leaders or members. Thus, the man aim of this paper is to analyse and assess the system and structure of financing of non-profit organisation considering the economic, social and legislative conditions of the Slovak Republic. The results reveal that the basic principle of financing the non-profit sector in Slovakia is its multi-sourcing. Its essence is to use multiple sources of income in the non-profit organisations, in order to reach their own independence on one financial source, as well as to avoid negative consequences of its unexpected failure.

Analysing the Financial Effectiveness of the Nonprofits. Case Study on Health Nonprofits

Procedia Economics and Finance, 2015

The effectiveness in nonprofit organizations has different meanings than in profit orientated companies. The study proposes to see how the financial effectiveness can be analyzed based on the data provided by their financial statements. Within the Income Statement, Romanian nonprofit organizations have to include the income and expenses realized as well as those estimated, so this is the source of information needed in our study. Our research is based on a sample of nonprofits, chosen from a database developed by CENTRAS (Assistance center for NGO). The financial effectiveness is calculated, using the ratios method, by reporting the realized elements to the targeted ones. The period of our analysis involves three fiscal years for the chosen sample. The results of this study involve measures of financial effectiveness for each entity studied, the effectiveness evolution over the studied period, identifying factors which influence both effectiveness and its evolution, and interpreting the results for the whole field.

Drivers of non-profit activity: a cross-country analysis

Small Business Economics, 2010

This paper contributes to the existing debate on the determinants of non-profit activity. The main theories have been centered in (1) the study of the individual behavior of people (donors, non-profit entrepreneurs), (2) one single factor or (3) one single country. To quantify this approach, data for 38 countries have been used, extracted from World Values Survey, United Nations Development Program and Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. A structural modeling approach based in partial least squares (PLS) has been applied. The results provide evidence of the strength of environmental factors such as trust, economic development and social care public expenditures in non-profit activity. The model doesn't confirm the existence of a positive relationship between entrepreneurship and non-profit activity. Nevertheless, the authors consider that the supply side theories and the idea of spatial production of entrepreneurship are quite consistent and find some signs evidencing a positive relationship between these variables. Keywords Non-profit Á Non-profit entrepreneurship Á Trust Á Income Á Growth (economic development) Á Public expenditures JEL Classifications L31 Á L26 Á O15 Á H51 Á H52 Maria-Soledad Castaño and Inmaculada Carrasco are Members of Castilla-La Mancha GEM Team.

Financial Distress of Nonprofit Organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina


Financial health of nonprofit sector, as a third sector of each economy, is the least developed one. Since nonprofit organizations are registered at various country levels in Bosnia and Herzegovina, there is no one central register and it is very difficult to discuss about an organized nonprofit sector. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the sector’s financial distress by using financial ratios. The sample includes 215 nonprofit organizations registered with the Ministry of Justice of BiH, which submitted financial statements for 2015, 2016, and 2017. Current, quick, and days of cash on hand ratios were calculated and descriptive analysis was conducted. The results show that there was no significant development in size of organizations throughout the three-year period. They also show large variations between top and bottom 50 organizations through all ratio calculations, meaning that the country has both extremely developed and undeveloped examples. Bottom 50 org...

Debt to Equity Levels in Polish Nonprofit Organisations

Engineering Economics

The goal of the article is to find the answer whether it is possible to propose a model for fixing the best debt levels in the capital structure of non-profit organisations. Capital structure is an indicator that corroborates the level of financial risk. Non-profit organisations are an essential part of the general social policy. When considering the efficiency of non-profit entities from a donor perspective, it is important to take into account the way management uses the resources of a non-profit organisation as well as efficiency of that management activity. Non-profit organisation efficiency should be considered in the context of risk. One of the most important ways to increase probability to face financial distress is too high debt to equity relation. The paper illustrates the relationship between debt and equity in 1,560 Polish non-profit entities. The model which can fix optimal capital structure for a non-profit organisation in its current environment was delivered. The proposal of the paper includes a model which helps to find the optimal level of debt for non-profit organisation environmental conditions. The novelty of the model is based on the full costs of debt financing non-profit entities in the context of donor expectations, which in the Polish social and economic environment means that costs indirectly linked with the realisation of the main aim of the social entity cannot be higher than 10 % of the collected money sources. An additional point of our findings is that in comparison with the current state, Polish non-profit organisations need to improve their way of fixing capital structure.

Study on GRI Reporting of Non-Profit Organizations in Europe

GRI reporting was created with a dual purpose: on one hand, to grow awareness for the entities, regarding the importance of their involvement in social activities, and on the other hand, to answer to the need of transparency of stakeholders in decision-making process. For this reason, in 2010, non-profit organizations have begun to upload their reports on the GRI website, pointing out that their activities fall within the social side of society, perhaps more than the case of economic organizations. The cognitive approach starts with the presentation of six versions published by this institution, as a response to the necessity to identify indicators with an increased degree of relevance, comparability and verifiability. Subsequently, by accessing the GRI database for the period 2010-2015 and with reference to the European area, a classification of non-profit organizations was considered, at international and European level. In order to present the importance of the GRI reports, the p...

Financial Management in Not-for-profit Organizations

Even though planning and budgeting is considered to be a challenging process by management, it is an important activity for any organization whether a profit-seeking business or not-for-profit organization. Just like any organization, a financial manager working for a not-forprofit organization will be responsible for planning and managing organizations" resources and activities. This function is even more important for not-for-profit organizations primarily because their ability to exist, operate, and succeed relies heavily on private donations and public-sector financial contributions. Current and potential capital providers (donators) will be interested in assessing management"s stewardship and their decisions and methods of allocating financial resources. For this reason, management at not-for-profit organizations must ensure that these funds are utilized in the most effective and efficient way possible in order to receive further donations for achieving future financial needs. Profit oriented organizations, or "businesses" provide financial information to their investors; not-for-profit businesses are obligated to present financial reports to donators and public-sector contributors and regulators. The provided information involves data about funding resources, commitments, net resources and organizational performance during a set period of time. Therefore, even though not-for-profit organizations have unique characteristics that differentiate them from businesses, the financial reporting process is as same as in any other organization (Mcgraw, McManus & Viele, 2011).

Comparison of Development of Non-governmental Organizations and the Current State of Their Funding in Slovakia and Austria

Review of Economic Perspectives, 2014

Non-governmental organizations play a vital role in the economy of every country. They are not only providers of special type of services that public sector is not capable of providing in full quality and quantity, and private sector is not interested in, but they are also watch dogs of the society and builders of active citizenship. Thus they have become an object of many research studies. The divergence in their goals, sizes, roles, types of services provided, and ways of funding make NGOs an interesting subject. As a goal for our research we therefore chose a comparison of the development and state of the Slovak and Austrian non-profit sector in the view of historical development of both countries. Consequently, we want to evaluate the funding of NGOs in Slovakia and Austria. In the paper we map the development of non-profit sector in Slovakia and Austria and in the context of a common historical development we assess a current state and a potential of economic strength of NGOs in both countries. The output is comparison of funding of NGOs in Slovakia and Austria based on statistical data evaluation. Subsequently, we propose recommendation for suitable diversification of the funding sources.