Zakat Management in the COVID-19 Pandemic Era (original) (raw)

Digitalization of Zakat in Stimulating Community Socio-Economic Development in the Middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic (Maqashid Syariah Perspective)

European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2023

The Covid-19 pandemic seems to have harmed people's lives, especially in social and economic aspects. The Islamic finance sector can solve these problems because, in principle, Islamic economics aims to achieve public welfare. Zakat, infaq, alms and waqf is one form of activity in Islamic economics, which is part of the form of compulsory worship and advice from Allah SWT. Previous studies have stated that the management and distribution of zakat, from direct assistance to community empowerment assistance, is effective in helping improve the community's social and economic welfare. Applying zakat with the community's principles and returning to the community can encourage economic equity, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, like today, where many people's economic activities are hampered. The digital zakat system is a breakthrough to increase the effectiveness of the management and distribution of zakat to the community. The digitization of zakat also makes it easier for the community to distribute zakat obligations. Coordination from various parties, such as the government, zakat institutions and academics, is needed in developing the zakat digitization system to achieve maximum results. With the application of Maqashid Syariah in managing digital zakat, it is hoped that zakat can be right on target in meeting human needs.

Management of Zakat at BAZNAS Regency Sidrap During COVID-19’s Pandemic

Jurnal Iqtisaduna, 2020

Zakat is an obligation for every Muslim who can purify his soul to zakat Fitrah and purify his property for Zakat Maal. Zakat must be managed properly so that the distribution of the property can run effectively and targeted to the Mustahik in the moment of the current Covid-19 pandemic. Baznas has made renewal in zakat management both in terms of collecting, distributing, and utilization of zakat funds. For example, in the case of fundraising Zakat is done by a digital system. The purpose of this research is to explain the management of Zakat done by the Baznas Sidrap Regency in maximizing the distribution of the accumulated zakat funds. The study was conducted using a combination of library and field research using a qualitative method with descriptive analysis. The research location was at Sidrap District. The results showed that zakat funds can be utilized to the fullest extent possible for the welfare of the Mustahik both consumptive and productive. In distributing the fund zak...

Management of Productive Zakat, Infaq, Shadaqah Funds Through Linkage Program In Covid-19 Pandemic Era

IQTISHODUNA: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam, 2022

Optimization of zakat collection will be achieved if zakat management organizations such as BAZNAS Regency need to improve the quality of zakat management by increasing the quality of services, transparency and accountability of financial reports. Distribution of zakat in the form of productive funds by BAZNAZ must be distributed quickly and accurately so that the community, especially those affected by the Covid-19 pandemic era, can be helped. Therefore, the management of zakat management organizations such as the Regency BAZNAS must be able to integrate, interact and innovate the management of zakat funds, productive infaq and shadaqah and program linkage with the government in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era in the Kab. Jember. The purpose of this study is to analyze the model of integration, interaction, innovation, and implementation of the management of zakat, infaq and productive shadaqah funds through linkage programs during the Covid-19 pandemic era. This study uses a quantitative approach (explanatory research) which is strengthened by qualitative (constructive research).

An Evaluation of Zakat Productive Program in the Pandemic


Having the access of technology and information are some of the requirements needed to live in the middle of pandemic. On the other side, poverty is one of the main challenges that Islamic countries like Indonesia has to encounter. Because of the same reason, not everyone able to have the privilege to access nor master technology and information. However Islam offers the solution in the form of zakat to distribute the wealth and minimizing the gap of one’s economy and social status. This paper attempts to evaluate Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Informatika Utama, program founded by Yayasan Baitul Maal PLN towards their students and alumni economy and social status. Using Social Return on Investment, this paper aims to provide a different perspective of zakat distribution run by Perusahaan Listrik Negara as Indonesia’s Public Company. The result then shows that SROI provides a financial measure of this value, that for every Rp.1 spent on SMKI Utama there is social value of Rp. 2.25 create...

The Role of Zakat Institution in Facing Covid-19

International Conference of Zakat

In the beginning of 2020, the Coronavirus (Covid 19) appeared, which attacks humans and quickly turns into a global pandemic. Covid-19 has resulted in multidimensional crises such as health, economic, social, and lifestyle crises. Many people in different countries face difficulties in life. Therefore, Zakat as an Islamic social fund has a role in overcoming this crisis, by providing assistance to the communities which is directly affected by the crisis. This study aims to examine the role of Zakat in this crisis from the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence and its application in the zakat institution by taking the case of the Federal Territory Islamic Council (MAIWP) that has done various programmers in helping people who are directly affected by the crisis. This study uses two methods including inductive and analytical approaches to achieve its objectives. Among the most important results of the study: Zakat distribution programs conducted by Baitulmal-MAIWP for zakat beneficiari...


Journal of Islamic Philanthropy and Disaster, 2022

Introduction/Main Objectives: This study aims to determine the development of research related to the practice of zakat a program for restoring the economy, where zakat is one of the Islamic financial instruments that can break the chain of poverty and build prosperity. Background Problems: The global economic crisis due to COVID-19 has caused concern for the world. Not only that, Covid-19 caused an increased number of mustahik because people have lost their jobs. Novelty: The zakat program can be used solution in postpandemic economic recovery while maintaining environmental balance Research Methods: The method used qualitative using secondary data in the form of articles published in Dimensions period 1970-2022, then analyzed using Nvivo 12 Plus software. Finding/Results: The findings of this study indicate an increasing trend of research related to zakat as one of the financing instruments in Islamic economics. Of the 500 published articles, most stated the potential of zakat in the economy, both in economic growth, community welfare, and others. Conclusion: This research expects to help expand academic studies related to zakat and economic recovery to achieve sustainable development goals. Further research and how zakat can be a best practice program in restoring the economy is highly recommended.

Zizwaf Digitalization: The Empowerment of People Economic's Strategy Amidst Covid-19

This study aims to analyze the ability of Zakat Management Organizations to utilize technology in supporting transaction activities as well as reporting ZISWAF fund management as a strategy in increasing payments and distribution of ZISWAF funds. The object of this study is the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) of Makassar, representing an institution established by the government, and Dompet Dhuafa of South Sulawesi, as one of the institutions established by the community. This study is a qualitative study using a case study approach. Data consist of primary data obtained by conducting direct interviews with informants, and secondary data obtained through observation of the website or application of each organization. This study found that in Dompet Dhuafa of South Sulawesi, the use of IT is maximized by trying to reach millennials, considering that they tend to be more receptive to the use of IT as they found it easy to use. Meanwhile, at BAZNAS of Makassar, the use of IT is maximized on their applications that comply with PSAK 109 concerning Zakat and Infaq/Alms Accounting, considering the muzakki in BAZNAS are mostly either eldery or government emlpoyees that really concern about the perceived of usefulness of the technology. As a case study, this study is expected to be able to contribute to other organization and the government by providing a comprehensive picture of what should be done in maximizing the use of IT as a strategy to increase the number of ZISWAF payments in Indonesia, in order to empower the people's economic, especially in the current era of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Problems and solutions in zakat digitalization: Evidence from South Kalimantan, Indonesia

Jurnal Ekonomi & Keuangan Islam

Purpose – This study aims (i) to analyze the readiness of zakat management institutions in zakat digitalization and (ii) to analyze the problems and solutions in managing zakat funds through digital platforms.Methodology – The study used two methods, called the interview and the Delphi-ANP methods. The data used in this study were the results of interviews with zakat managers (OPZ) in South Kalimantan (BAZNAS and LAZNAS). Besides practitioners, it also involved experts from various universities in South Kalimantan.Findings – The results showed that most zakat institutions in South Kalimantan, Most zakat institutions have a good understanding and readiness to shift to digital platforms. Based on the analysis of problems and solutions in using digital platforms in zakat management, the study found alternative priority problems and solutions for zakat institutions. The problems and solutions covered human resources, IT, institution management and socialization and communication, muzakk...

Optimising Digital Technology in Managing Zakat

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

One of the most effective methods for reducing poverty is zakat, which is acknowledged in many nations. Utilizing zakat is consistent with the objective of Sustainable Development Goals, especially those aimed at eradicating poverty and hunger. Digitalisation of zakat offer opportunities and potentials for improving financial inclusion in some nations. In order to maximise financial inclusion in support of sustainable development goals, this conceptual study analyses prior work on technology views in the context of zakat collection and distribution. The purpose of this study is to examine the optimisation of digital technology or fintech that will affect the transformation of zakat management in Malaysia. This study employs a qualitative methodology by evaluating previous literatures for information if zakat organisations coordinate the distribution and collecting of zakat in relationship to the use of technology. Future studies would focus on developing a creative, technology-based integrated management strategy for zakat distribution and collection.

Utilization of Zakat for Pandemic Countermeasures


The global pandemic related to Covid-19 that occurred in Indonesia has made humans experience a difficult situation that requires assistance in terms of support, material and financial. And zakat as a source of social funds in Islam has a strategic role to fulfill these needs. This study uses available literature and news developments from various media as the main reference for analysis. Observations by going directly to get involved in collecting zakat were also conducted. The decision of the Minister of Religion Fachrurozi is in accordance with the instructions of Vice President Ma'ruf Amin so that the community can collect zakat massively even though it is not yet due. So that it is expected to play a role as a social safety net for residents affected by Covid-19. The hope is that it can immediately help ease the burden of life, fulfilling the basic needs, and maintain the purchasing power of residents affected by Covid-19. It turns out that this effort creates conducive con...