Portrait of a necessary Ponto-Baltic alliance: Polish commercial road projects towards the Balkans and the Black Sea, 1919 – 1926 (original) (raw)
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Intermarium: The Baltic and the Black Seas on the Polish mental maps in the interwar period
The aim of the paper is to examine and compare how the Baltic Sea on the one hand and the Black and Aegean Seas on the other were conceptualized in the Polish scholarly and political discourse in the interwar period, and how mental maps of Poland's connection to both sea regions were constructed. Because of the direct access to Baltic Sea, the link to it was more straightforward, although it was constantly questioned by German revisionist scholarship. In the south there was no territorial connection to the seas -it was to be established on the political and economic level, for example through so-called Intermarium idea. An interesting question is also to what extent the discourses connected with the Baltic and the southern European seas fell within the same discourse of the ideology of the sea, and to what extent they were contradictory or mutually exclusive.
Romania’s Investments in Its Maritime Ports (1878–1914)
Constantin Ardeleanu & Andreas Lyberatos (eds.), Port cities of the western Black Sea Coast and the Danube. Economic and social development in the long nineteenth century, Corfu, 2016, pp. 129-164, 2016
After the gaining of state independence in 1878 the process of nation building in Romania included a major economic component. The fall of the stronghold of Plevna during the Russian-Ottoman war of 1877–1878, a military operation at which Romanian troops led by Prince Charles I played an important contribution, was to be followed by the dismantling of the “internal Plevna”, the removal of the medieval and feudal remains in society and economy, a compulsory step on the country’s road to civilization and material prosperity. In this new economic contest that eventually aimed at the creation of a national industry, Romania’s port-cities of Brăila (Braila) and Galaţi (Galatz), the outlets of the rich grain surplus of the Danubian plains, were to play a significant role. However, the acquisition of the trans-Danubian province of Dobrogea (Dobrudja) in 1878 provided the country with the opportunity of possessing a maritime port on the Black Sea coast, a desideratum that proved impossible on the improper seacoast of Southern Bessarabia during the previous decade. Starting from these premises, this paper will analyze the main aspects related to Romania’s policy towards its large ports of Brăila, Galaţi and Constanţa, how they coped with the new national economic imperatives and how they managed to survive into a growingly competitive mercantile context. The core issue relates to the ports’ roles in relation to the foundation and development of a modern land and water transportation infrastructure employed for shipping the products from the agricultural hinterlands to the routes of world trade.
Annales d'Université "Valahia" Târgovişte. Section d'Archéologie et d'Histoire, 2008
This article approaches background of the alliance between Romania and Poland in the complex circumstances of the remaking of the political and ideological map of East-Central Europe in the aftermath of World War I. Poland was deeply involved in the process and a war broke out between Warsaw and Moscow, regarded with reserve in Bucharest. From a larger spam of possibilities, a compromise was reached and a political-military alliance concluded between Poland and Romania in March 1921. The new alliance had no roots in historical continuity or tradition. The mutual attitude towards Moscow prevailed in the general framework of relations. Poland's regained independence and the unification of all territories inhabited by the Romanians into one State-Greater Romania (after the plebiscites of 1918 March 27/Bessarabia, November 28/Bukovina, December 1/Transylvania) called for the establishment of a new type of relations in the geographical and political space between the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea. Research work into the Romanian archives showed that the official recognition of the Polish State by Romania was announced in January 1919. In a previously unpublished letter addressed on January 12, 1919 to Ion I. C. Brătianu, Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Polish Premier Ignacy Paderewski voiced the interest of Warsaw in finding a common way of establishing "friendly relations" which would promote the "grandiose work of civilization in Europe". In quoted mentioned text, Paderewski also underlined: "The avantgarde of Western culture, Romania and Poland, in collaboration with the great civilized democracies, will work together to implement the great project of organizing new Europe, where political and social pacification are guarantees and preexistent conditions of the decisive triumph of the principles of justice and right" (
Trade transformation of Adriatic Europe
In the years following the death of Commodus, a long period of transformation began that undermined the structure of the Roman Empire. These changes initially affected only aspects of succession to the Princedom, especially involving the military sphere, but they also modified the social and structural organization of the Roman State. After this period of military anarchy, interrupted by a brief phase of prosperity with the accession to the imperial throne of Septimius Severus and his successors, there followed a period of economic stability that determined a new political and institutional empire. The time of Diocletian’s reforms, however, culminated in a serious crisis after the death of Constantine the Great (337 AD). The lands bordering the Adriatic were disputed by the heirs of the Emperor, starting a period of economic and cultural changes that manifested themselves initially as a diffuse form of recession in the dynamics of occupation of the territory. Urban and rural settlements show signs of abandonment and crisis. In the following decades, waves of peoples from northern and eastern Europe disrupted the political unity of the Empire even more. The Empire was only partially rebalanced after the Gothic War, due to the devastation of many urban centers and a drop in the number of sites in the area caused by continuing military clashes. As was demonstrated at the last conference in Ravenna (Economia e Territorio, 28 February-1 March 2014), now being published, in recent years field research has revealed new evidence that allows us to draw a more complete picture of this important historical period which has been the focus of debate in recent decades. The research area discussed in Ravenna was mainly restricted to the central Adriatic, although there was communication with some eastern Adriatic areas. This time the focus will extend to the basin defined as Adriatic Europe, according to geographical and cultural rather than political patterns, thus considering all territories facing the Adriatic Sea. These areas are affected by similar phenomena of transformations (barbarian conquest (crossings of the territory), the formation of barbaric countries, Justinian's Reconquest), at least until the Lombard invasion of Italy and Istria in the second half of the 6th century. After this point, they follow different trajectories that are still poorly understood. Such close relations between the two sides have always suggested direct cultural influences. The handicraft productions and forms of settlement in many ways tend to follow 2 common lines, but the progress of field investigations have not been sufficiently compared, especially with regard to the Early Middle Ages. This new meeting will analyze these transformative phenomena in the areas research has neglected, including the time span between the 2nd and 8th centuries, especially on the Eastern Adriatic coast, from the short period before the establishment of the Severan dynasty up to the end of the Carolingian period. We thank all participants for the interest shown for Trade conference and the numerous and very compelling themes proposed. Also, we wish everyone a fruitful conference and a pleasant stay in Zadar, the Organizing commitee
The study considers the question of sea outlets from a continental, Central European (Hungarian) point of view. It gives a historical overview about the position and politics of the states in the area which are either land-locked or have limited outlets. The paper takes the corridors into account relying upon these findings. The study discusses the Hungarian geographical and political situation in details. Since the nearest sea is the Adriatic, the issues of the Western Balkan corridor will be discussed in more detail. Today the question of marine transport in Europe affects primarily the connection with Far-Eastern/Chinese areas; therefore, we interpreted the possibility of a partly unnecessary sea-lane induced by the Eurasian railway transportation.
Romanian Poland Relations in the Interwar Pewriod
Rezumat: EvoluŃia Poloniei şi României s-a desfăşurat în cadrul geopolitic al Europei Centrale şi de Sud-Est, un teritoriu marcat de mişcările specifice unui spaŃiu multietnic şi de eforturile inerente construirii unui sistem de securitate regională, subsumat preocupărilor generale ale sistemului securităŃii colective. Paradoxul sistemului Versailles, dar, mai ales, vulnerabilitatea sa, a fost configurat, pe de o parte, de rivalitatea franco-britanică şi de teama obsesivă a FranŃei de un atac german, iar pe de altă parte, de rivalităŃile polono-cehoslovace şi româno-maghiare, desfăşurate în interiorul arealului central şi sud-estic european. Anii '30 au corespuns, din păcate, erodării regimurilor democratice şi instaurării, pe acest fond, a unor regimuri autoritare, dictatoriale şi totalitare într-o serie de state europene, inclusiv România şi Polonia, care au slăbit elementele păcii generale europene. Pasivitatea şi conciliatorismul marilor democraŃii occidentale, FranŃa şi Anglia, au alimentat şi încurajat, evident cu nuanŃele de rigoare, acŃiunile revizioniste ale Germaniei şi Italiei indirect, ale Ungariei, Bulgariei, CroaŃiei etc. Într-o asemenea perspectivă, Uniunea Sovietică a abordat un rol de apărătoare a păcii europene, o înŃelegere cu diplomaŃii sovietici fiind vitală în accepŃiunea FranŃei şi Angliei pentru realizarea acesteia. În fapt, urmărindu-şi propriile scopuri expansioniste, Stalin a putut negocia în secret detaliile funeste ale împărŃirii Europei Centrale şi de Sud-Est cu Hitler, în paralel desfăşurându-se ample negocieri sovieto-franco-britanice pentru încheierea unor înŃelegeri menite să contrabalanseze intenŃiile agresive ale Germaniei hitleriste. DiplomaŃia română şi-a urmărit cu fermitate propriile convingeri reprezentate de politicieni de formaŃie şi cu vocaŃie, formaŃi la şcoala Occidentului, ea dispunând de importante legături în mediile politico-diplomatice apusene. România şi-a promovat interesele politice şi geostrategice reînnoindu-şi alianŃa sa cu Polonia în 1936, conservându-şi opŃiunile fundamentate în cadrul Micii Antante şi a ÎnŃelegerii Balcanice, neacceptând să participe la anexarea Cehoslovaciei, alături de Polonia şi Ungaria, în tragicele împrejurări ale anului 1938. Interesele româno-poloneze au coincis, în multe din cazuri, însă perioada analizată de noi a relevat şi suficiente momente de neînŃelegere sau de tensiune. Este vorba de neînŃelegerile şi tensiunile perioadei 1932-1936, datorate rivalităŃii dintre Nicolae Titulescu şi Józef Beck şi opŃiunilor diplomatice diferite ale României şi Poloniei. Dacă guvernările SanaŃiei au purtat amprenta unui echilibru -în realitate, mai mult un deziderat -între Uniunea Sovietică şi Germania, oficializat prin semnarea succesivă a două pacte de neagresiune (în 1932 cu sovieticii şi în 1934 cu germanii, în cazul României), linia externă a fost marcată, în pofida unor schimbări politice interne inerente, de aceleaşi coordonate. Asimetria relaŃiilor româno-polone derivând din interesele strategice ale celor state a fost compensată de profunzimea legăturilor culturale reciproce într-o perioadă în care, Nicolae Iorga -prieten personal a mareşalului Józef Piłsudski -membru al Academiei poloneze aureolat cu titlul ştiinŃific de doctor honoris causa a celor mai prestigioase universităŃi poloneze, mentor spiritual a unora dintre cele mai importante personalităŃi culturale din Polonia (Olgierd Górka, Oscar Halecki) -a depus eforturi practic greu de egalat pe tărâmul apropierii dintre România şi Polonia în perioada interbelică. În septembrie 1939 savantul român a declanşat în favoarea
Breaking the Isolation Kingdom of Serbia and the Adriatic Railroad 1906–1908
Balcanica, 2023
Between 1906 and 1908, the Kingdom of Serbia undertook a comprehensive diplomatic effort aimed at establishing a rail connection between the Danube and the Adriatic Sea. The article first provides a brief overview of the project’s rationale. Following that, it delves into the positions of individual countries regarding the proposed initiative, covering those who offered financial and political support, as well as those who actively sought to thwart the project. Ultimately, the article points to a particular Balkan infrastructural predicament. The Adriatic Railroad project, despite obvious economic benefits, had international support above all because it had the potential to influence the balance of power in the region. This potential was, at the same time, the reason why the project had powerful opponents and why it eventually failed.