Inventario del Patrimonio Arqueológico de la Zona de Montaña de Zamora: Sanabria (1ª fase, 1990) (original) (raw)

Excavaciones arqueológicas en castros de la Edad del Hierro en la provincia de Zamora. Peñas de la Cerca (Rionegrito de Sanabria), fases de la Edad del Hierro de El Castillón (Santa Eulalia de Tábara) y el Castro de la Encarnación (Rabanales de Aliste)


In the year 2006 began the preliminary work for the development of the Research and Diffusion Project of the Protohistoric Archaeological Heritage in the province of Zamora carried out by the team of archaeologists that later would lead to the Scientifc and Cultural Society Zamoraprotohistorica. In 2007 and 2008 the excavations were carried out in the Peñas de la Cerca hillfort (Rionegrito de Sanabria, Zamora) bringing to light a fortifed Iron Age settlement with a defensive complex based on an acropolis, a walled enclosure and a set of 6 walled tells, it was dated between Early and Late Iron Ages and It helps to understand the way in which the boundaries between the Castros and Soto de Medinilla Cultures are drawn, the limits between the horizons as well as the access routes of cultural infuences from the Northern Sub-Plateau in this transition period. Between 2007 and 2017 they were made systematic archaeological excavations in El Castillon (Santa Eulalia de Tábara), a Late Roman settlement whose best known phase lies between the AD 5th and 6th centuries but that thanks to the excavations we are able to complete several phases of occupation from the Bronze Age, specifcally the Iron Age is known thanks to several structures, a possible original defensive pattern and pottery remains that clearly mark the two phases of the Iron Age, Soto de Medinilla (or imitations to it) and Castros Culture of the Early Iron Age on the one hand and Celtiberian potteries of Late Iron on the other. Recently in the year 2017 it began the research in Castro de la Encarnación (Rabanales de Aliste) during the 2018 summer was run the frst campaign of excavation, in the previous work done during the preliminary report and the successive surveys we have detected compositional elements of a complex defensive system of the Iron Age such as a differentiated main entrance, a seemingly perimeter wall and several lines of ditches. The three settlements mark the past, the present and the future of ZamoraProtohistorica in relation to Iron Age investigations in Zamora particularly and in general in all the Western façade of the Northern Sub-Plateau and the north-western Castros Culture

Blanco, A, Macarro, C. y Alario, C. (2017): La aldea del Hierro Inicial del Cerro de San Vicente (Salamanca, España): Resultados de las excavaciones entre 1990 y 2006 a la luz de algunos debates actuales. Munibe 68: 217-236.


This paper draws on the results of excavations over the last few decades (1990-2006) at a tell-like fortified village dated to the Early Iron Age (c. 800-400 cal BC) in central Iberia: Cerro de San Vicente (Salamanca, Spain). The article tackles two main issues overlooked and disregarded in recent literature: a) formation processes in this sort of sites featuring mud architecture; and b) a finer-grained characterization of lifestyles at these villages in social, economic and political terms. A critical appraisal of intra-site spatial arrangements shows two ubiquitous rationales that permeated practices everywhere: redundancy in the use of spaces (with fixed indoor and outdoor zones) and accumulation of matter (foundations, hearths, soils, wall plasterwork, etc.). Painstaking stratigraphic recording has shed fresh light upon abandonment dynamics. Thus, roundhouses were carefully sealed with adobes and they exhibit proofs of intense fires, probably lit on purpose. Living quarters featured no systemic assemblages or 'de facto refuse' so that the 'Pompeii premise' was not in operation here. As for socioeconomic dynamics, the last occupations produce evidence for complex agropastoral systems (including short-fallow agriculture and draught animals) and a strong material investment in dwellings, which suggests a trend towards differential access to resources and intra-site social division within an increasingly ranked community. Thus, the uppermost phases feature stone-fenced domestic compounds of aggregated buildings around roundhouses with porches, wall paintings and the oldest sewerage device in the northern half of Iberia. Many aspects, including chronology, remain ill-defined, yet ongoing fieldwork is to challenge these shortcomings.

El poblado de la Edad del Hierro y el alfar romano de La Corona/El Pesadero, en Manganeses de la Polvorosa (Zamora). Memoria de la excavación en extensión

J. C. Misiego Tejeda, M. A. Martín Carbajo, G. J. Marcos Contreras, F. J. Sanz García, F. J. Pérez Rodríguez, M. Doval Martínez, L. A. Villanueva Martín, P. F. García Rivero, Mª. I. García Martínez, R. Redondo Martínez, F. J. Ollero Cuesta y G. Sánchez Bonilla.

Del retablo mayor de Zúñiga (Navarra) y de la obra de sus autores: Juan y Francisco de Ayala, Juan Ruiz de Heredia y Pedro de Gabiria, Santander. Estudios de Patrimonio, 7 (2024), pp. 83-148

Santander. Estudios de Patrimonio, 2024

Se repasa el complejo proceso de contratación que afectó al retablo mayor de Zúñiga. Se aporta nueva documentación que permite proponer que en este retablo se pudo utilizar una traza de Arnao Spierinck o de Bruselas. Se revisa y aquilata el estilo y la evolución de los escultores de la familia Ayala y de Pedro de Gabiria. Pero, sobre todo, se indaga en las obras de Juan Ruiz de Heredia, autor del retablo de Mues –junto con Martín Gumet– y al que también se adjudica la imagen de Nuestra Señora de Beatasis en Zúñiga, y la imaginería de los retablos de Agoncillo (La Rioja), El Busto, Armañanzas y Piedramillera en Navarra. También trabajó la piedra y se le adjudican las imágenes de la portada de Santa María de Los Arcos, sobre todo la figura de María con el Niño. The complex contracting process that affected Zúñiga's main altarpiece is reviewed. New documentation is provided, allowig us to propose that this altarpiece may have used a design by Arnao Spierinck or Brussels. The style and evolution of the sculptors of the Ayala family and Pedro de Gabiria is reviewed and appraised. But, above all, we delve into the works of Juan Ruiz de Heredia, author of the altarpiece of Mues –together with Martín Gumet– and to whom the image of Our Lady of Beatasis in Zúñiga is also attributed, as well as the imagery of the altarpieces of Agoncillo (La Rioja), El Busto, Armañanzas and Piedramillera in Navarre. He also worked in stone and is credited with the images of the façade of Santa María de Los Arcos, especially the figure of Mary with the Child.

Arqueología Histórica en los Valles de Zaña y Chamán


Túmulo de Campana sitio 1 (Zeballos y Pico, 1878). Nuevos y viejos datos para su estudio

Se presenta un breve análisis de la cartografía histórica relacionada con la ubicación del sitio Túmulo de Campana excavado por Zeballos y Pico en 1877, la metodología de excavación implementada por estos autores, el área afectada por los trabajos de remoción y los resultados obtenidos en aquel entonces. Se discuten algunos aspectos del análisis posterior que realizó Luis María Torres sobre el sitio y se resalta la ausencia de evidencia respecto de su visita al mismo. Posteriormente, efectuamos un análisis de los trabajos de investigación de Ciro René Lafon en el área, su clara e inequívoca identificación del sitio excavado por Zeballos y Pico en el paisaje actual, y sus trabajos de excavación tanto en este sitio como en Túmulo de Campana sitio 2, descubierto y bautizado de esta manera por este investigador. Se presentan los resultados de las nuevas dataciones de los distintos niveles de ocupación del clásico túmulo de Campana excavado por Zeballos y Pico, que indican la existencia de diferentes eventos de descarte ubicados entre 1754 ± 49 y 1334 ± 29 años 14C AP. Se discute la relevancia de los nuevos datos en relación al contexto regional, y se refutan algunas ideas sobre este sitio esbozadas por autores contemporáneos.