Neural Implicit Surfaces in Higher Dimension (original) (raw)

Differential Geometry in Neural Implicits


We introduce a neural implicit framework that bridges discrete differential geometry of triangle meshes and continuous differential geometry of neural implicit surfaces. It exploits the differentiable properties of neural networks and the discrete geometry of triangle meshes to approximate them as the zero-level sets of neural implicit functions. To train a neural implicit function, we propose a loss function that allows terms with high-order derivatives, such as the alignment between the principal directions, to learn more geometric details. During training, we consider a non-uniform sampling strategy based on the discrete curvatures of the triangle mesh to access points with more geometric details. This sampling implies faster learning while preserving geometric accuracy. We present the analytical differential geometry formulas for neural surfaces, such as normal vectors and curvatures. We use them to render the surfaces using sphere tracing. Additionally, we propose a network opt...

Exploring differential geometry in neural implicits

Computers & Graphics

We introduce a neural implicit framework that exploits the differentiable properties of neural networks and the discrete geometry of point-sampled surfaces to approximate them as the level sets of neural implicit functions. To train a neural implicit function, we propose a loss functional that approximates a signed distance function, and allows terms with high-order derivatives, such as the alignment between the principal directions of curvature, to learn more geometric details. During training, we consider a non-uniform sampling strategy based on the curvatures of the point-sampled surface to prioritize points with more geometric details. This sampling implies faster learning while preserving geometric accuracy when compared with previous approaches. We also use the analytical derivatives of a neural implicit function to estimate the differential measures of the underlying point-sampled surface.

Variational implicit surfaces


We introduce a new method of creating smooth implicit surfaces of arbitrary manifold topology. These surfaces are described by specifying locations in 3D through which the surface should pass, and also identifying locations that are interior or exterior to the surface. A 3D implicit function is created from these constraints using a variational scattered data interpolation approach. We call the iso-surface of this function a variational implicit surface. Like other implicit surface descriptions, these surfaces can be used for CSG and interference detection, may be interactively manipulated, are readily approximated by polygonal tilings, and are easy to ray trace. A key strength is that variational implicit surfaces allow the direct specification of both the location of points on the surface and surface normals. These are two important manipulation techniques that are difficult to achieve using other implicit surface representations such as sums of spherical or ellipsoidal Gaussian functions ("blobbies"). We show that these properties make variational implicit surfaces particularly attractive for interactive sculpting using the particle sampling technique introduced by Witkin and Heckbert in [30]. Our formulation also yields a simple method for converting a polygonal model to a smooth implicit model. 2 Background and Related Work Variational implicit surfaces draw upon two areas of modeling: implicit surfaces and thin-plate interpolation. In this section we briefly review work in these two sub-areas. 2.1 Implicit Surfaces An implicit surface is defined by an implicit function, a continuous scalar-valued function over the domain R 3. The implicit surface of

NeuralMeshing: Differentiable Meshing of Implicit Neural Representations

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2022

The generation of triangle meshes from point clouds, i.e. meshing, is a core task in computer graphics and computer vision. Traditional techniques directly construct a surface mesh using local decision heuristics, while some recent methods based on neural implicit representations try to leverage data-driven approaches for this meshing process. However, it is challenging to define a learnable representation for triangle meshes of unknown topology and size and for this reason, neural implicit representations rely on non-differentiable post-processing in order to extract the final triangle mesh. In this work, we propose a novel differentiable meshing algorithm for extracting surface meshes from neural implicit representations. Our method produces the mesh in an iterative fashion, which makes it applicable to shapes of various scales and adaptive to the local curvature of the shape. Furthermore, our method produces meshes with regular tessellation patterns and fewer triangle faces compared to existing methods. Experiments demonstrate the comparable reconstruction performance and favorable mesh properties over baselines.

Developable surface modelling by neural network

Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2003

In this paper the construction of developable NURBS surface for a set of tangent planes is presented. The problem is handled by the concept of duality of projective spaces. Using a special distance function a curve modelling is solved by a Kohonen neural network approach.

Shape Transformation Using Variational Implicit Functions

Traditionally, shape transformation using implicit functions is performed in two distinct steps: 1) creating two implicit functions, and 2) interpolating between these two functions. We present a new shape transformation method that combines these two tasks into a single step. We create a transformation between two Ndimensional objects by casting this as a scattered data interpolation problem in N + 1 dimensions. For the case of 2D shapes, we place all of our data constraints within two planes, one for each shape. These planes are placed parallel to one another in 3D. Zero-valued constraints specify the locations of shape boundaries and positivevalued constraints are placed along the normal direction in towards the center of the shape. We then invoke a variational interpolation technique (the 3D generalization of thin-plate interpolation), and this yields a single implicit function in 3D. Intermediate shapes are simply the zero-valued contours of 2D slices through this 3D function. Shape transformation between 3D shapes can be performed similarly by solving a 4D interpolation problem. To our knowledge, ours is the first shape transformation method to unify the tasks of implicit function creation and interpolation. The transformations produced by this method appear smooth and natural, even between objects of differing topologies. If desired, one or more additional shapes may be introduced that influence the intermediate shapes in a sequence. Our method can also reconstruct surfaces from multiple slices that are not restricted to being parallel to one another.

Morse Theory for Implicit Surface Modeling

Morse theory describes the relationship between a function's critical points and the homotopy t ype of the function's domain. The theorems of Morse theory were developed speci cally for functions on a manifold. This work adapts these theorems for use with parameterized families of implicit surfaces in computer graphics. The result is a theoretical basis for the determination of the global topology of an implicit surface, and supports the interactive modeling of implicit surfaces by direct manipulation of a topologically-correct triangulated representation.

Geometric surface evolution with tangential contribution


Surface processing tools based on Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) are useful in a variety of applications in computer graphics, digital animation, computer aided modelling, and computer vision. In this work, we deal with computational issues arising from the discretization of geometric PDE models for the evolution of surfaces, considering both normal and tangential velocities. The evolution of the surface is formulated in a Lagrangian framework. We propose several strategies for tangential velocities, yielding uniform redistribution of mesh points along the evolving family of surfaces, preventing computational instabilities and increasing the mesh regularity. Numerical schemes based on finite co-volume approximation in space will be considered. Finally, we describe how this framework may be employed in applications such as mesh regularization, morphing, and features preserving surface smoothing.

Diffeomorphic Surface Flows: A Novel Method of Surface Evolution

SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2008

We describe a new class of surface flows, diffeomorphic surface flows, induced by restricting diffeomorphic flows of the ambient Euclidean space to a surface. Different from classical surface PDE flows such as mean curvature flow, diffeomorphic surface flows are solutions of integrodifferential equations in a group of diffeomorphisms. They have the potential advantage of being both topology-invariant and singularity free, which can be useful in computational anatomy and computer graphics. We first derive the Euler-Lagrange equation of the elastic energy for general diffeomorphic surface flows, which can be regarded as a smoothed version of the corresponding classical surface flows. Then we focus on diffeomorphic mean curvature flow. We prove the shorttime existence and uniqueness of the flow, and study the long-time existence of the flow for surfaces of revolution. We present numerical experiments on synthetic and cortical surfaces from neuroimaging studies in schizophrenia and auditory disorders. Finally we discuss unresolved issues and potential applications.

Pi-surfaces: products of implicit surfaces towards constructive composition of 3D objects

ArXiv, 2019

Implicit functions provide a fundamental basis to model 3D objects, no matter they are rigid or deformable, in computer graphics and geometric modeling. This paper introduces a new constructive scheme of implicitly-defined 3D objects based on products of implicit functions. This scheme is in contrast with popular approaches like blobbies, meta balls and soft objects, which rely on the sum of specific implicit functions to fit a 3D object to a set of spheres.