Pengaruh Dana Desa Terhadap Belanja Desa Bidang Pembangunan Infrastruktur (original) (raw)

Efektivitas Kebijakan Dana Desa terhadap Pembangunan Infrastruktur

Jesya (Jurnal Ekonomi & Ekonomi Syariah), 2021

Efektivitas Kebijakan Dana Desa Terhadap Pembangunan Infrastruktur di Desa Rompu Kecamatan Masamba Kabupaten Luwu Utara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana efektivitas kebijakan dana desa dalam pembangunan infrastruktur. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi dengan paradigma interpretif sebagai payung penelitian, yaitu pendekatan yang menjabarkan kondisi atau ojek penelitian sebagaimana kejadiannya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, efektivitas dana desa dalam pembangunan infrastruktur di desa Rompu dinilai tepat. Diperoleh hasil yaitu tepat pelaksanaan, tepat target, tepat kebijakan dan tepak lingkungan. Dengan adanya kebijakan dana desa, masyarakat Rompu telah menerima dan menikmati manfaatnya, yakni akses masyarakat Rompu dalam sehari-hari lebih mudah, tepat pelaksanaan, bahwa pemerintah desa Rompu telah melakukan kerjasama yang baik dengan masyarakat, pemerintah kota/Kabupaten Luwu Utara dan pihak swasta. Tepat target, bahwa pembangunan yang ...

Analisis Pengaruh Pendapatan Asli Desa (PADES), Dana Desa (DD), Alokasi Dana Desa (ADD), Dan Bagi Hasil Pajak Dan Retribusi (BHPR) Terhadap Belanja Desa Bidang Infrastruktur(Studi Empiris Di Desa-Desa Se-Kabupaten Sukoharjo Tahun 2016)


This study aimed to determine the effect of village original income (PADES), Village budgetary (DD), Village budgetary allocation (ADD), and tax profit sharing and retribution (BUHPR) to the village expenditure for infrastructure sector in Sukoharjo Regency in 2016. The population used in this study was the entire village in Sukoharjo Regency. Sample in this study use purposive sampling method. Hipotethical examination in this study use double linear regression analysis with determinant coeficient test, F test, and t test. The result of the study show that the determination coefficient point is 0,185. It means that 18,5% variable variant of village expenditure in infrastructure sector can be explained by PADES, DD, ADD, and BHPR, and the reminder 81,5% explained by another factors outside the studied object. Simultanous test result show that PADES and DD significantly affecting the village expenditure in infrastructure sector. While the parsial test result shows that ADD and AHPR no...

Pengaruh Alokasi Dana Desa dan Pendapatan Asli Desa Terhadap Belanja Desa


This study aims to determine the effect of village fund allocation and original village income on village spending. This research approach is quantitative. The population in this study is the financial statements of the village for the years 2016-2018 in 4 villages that were sampled in the District of Malimbong Balepe, Tana Toraja Regency. The results of hypothesis testing using multiple linear regression analysis provide evidence that the allocation of village funds has a significant positive effect on village expenditure, while the other independent variables, namely original income of the village have no effect and a significant negative effect on village spending. Village fund allocation is the dominant variable influencing village spending.

Dampak Alokasi Dana Desa Bagi Pembangunan Daerah Dan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat

Jurnal Anggaran dan Keuangan Negara Indonesia (AKURASI), 2019

This study aims to evaluate the impact of the Village Fund allocation on the improvement of regional development, which is measured by improvements in physical capital, human capital, economy, and community welfare (economic growth, poverty, and unemployment). The Difference in Difference (DID) method is applied to estimate the effects of village fund allocation by comparing the changes in outcome between the district that get village fund allocation (intervention group) and the cities that did not (control group). The results of the study show that the Village Fund has an impact on improving the achievement of outputs in infrastructure, education and health services, as well as improving economic performance, but has not been able to improve welfare indicators. The Village Fund is expected to be able to increase economic growth in the short term, but it has not yet affected poverty and unemployment.

Pengaruh Dana Desa Dan Alokasi Dana Desa Terhadap Indeks Desa Membangun DI Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara


ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh dana desa dan alokasi dana desa terhadap indeks desa membangun secara silmutan di Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara baik secara simultan maupun parsial. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yaitu data yang diperoleh berdasarkan data yang tersedia dan yang telah disusun dan dipublikasikan oleh lembaga atau instansi tertentu yang bersumber dari Dinas Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Desa Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara, Badan Pengelola Keuangan dan Pendapatan Daerah Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara dan Kantor desa se- Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi linier bergandaHasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Secara Simultan Dana Desa dan Alokasi Dana Desa berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Indeks Desa Membangun Di Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara, (2) Secara parsial Dana Desa berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Indeks Desa Membangun di Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara dan (...

Pengaruh Dana Desa Terhadap Disparitas Pembangunan Antar Kabupaten Di Provinsi Bengkulu

Jurnal AGRISEP Kajian Masalah Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis, 2020

The problem of development disparity between districts and cities in Bengkulu Province, as indicated by the relatively high and fluctuating Gini Index figures, meanwhile village funds received by the district government always increase from year to year. Therefore this study aims to find out how much influence village funds have on development disparities between districts in Bengkulu province. This study uses secondary data, obtained from the Central Statistics Bureau and the Ministry of Finance. The research sample was all districts in Bengkulu Province, except Bengkulu City because they did not receive village fund, and analysis techniques using the Panel Data regression model. The appropriate model is Fixed Effect, but the regression coefficient is very small but it has a role in reducing development inequality (Gini Index). The small effect is because the village fund provided are still very small and the formulation of the distribution of village funds is not pro to the poor population. Many other factors affect development inequality such as: differences in endowment factors, demographic conditions, lack of smooth mobility of goods and services, concentration of regional economic activities, allocation of development funds between regions.

Peran Pemerintah Desa Dalam Penggunaan Dana Pembangunan Infrastruktur DI Desa Darunu Kecamatan Wori


Abstrak pada penelitian ini, peneliti meneliti masalah pembangunan infrastruktur di Desa. Dalam penelitian disana Masyarakat Desa mengeluhkan air bersih yang terjadi di tahun 2015 – tahun 2016 di tahun 2015 lalu terjadi kekeringan di desa darunu akibat panas ekstrem yang melanda seluruh indonesia. Hal ini memaksa pemerintah desa untuk membuat program pembangunan desa yaitu pembuatan sumur bor dengan tujuan untuk mengatasi kekurangan air bersih di tahun 2015 lalu. Meskipun telah terealisasi tetapi bermasalah kondisi airnya sehingga di tahun 2016 Pemerintah Desa Darunu Membuat Program Pemerintah Desa Tahun 2016 yaitu perbaikan sumur bor. Dalam metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif di buku Sugiyono tahun 2015. Dalam bukunya mengatakan kalau metode penelitian kualitatif terfokus pada obyek yang di teliti. Fokusnya kearah pemerintah dan masyarakat desa darunu, dengan mengunakan wawancara sebagai cara untuk mengumpulkan data di lapangan. Salah satu jenis waw...

Evaluasi Dana Desa Dilihat Dari Hubungan Antara Pagu Dana Desa Dan Indeks Desa Membangun

Deleted Journal, 2022

The village law mandates the Government to allocate village funds. Village budget allocation continues to increase every year. But now, no study has evaluated the effectiveness of village fund using villages as research units. This research is conducted to analyze the correlation between village budget and IDM. The result show that village budget and IDM has positive and significant correlation. But the correlation between village budget and IDM are very weak. This is because the development in the village financed by village funds is smaller than the development captured by IDM, the formulation used to determine the allocation of village funds, and there are factors that hinder the management of village funds.