Technical challenges in characterization of future CO2 storage site in a deep saline aquifer in the Paris basin. Lessons learned from practical application of site selection methodology (original) (raw)
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Geological investigations for CO2 storage: From seismic and well data to 3D modeling
Energy Procedia, 2011
This work is part of the CPER Artenay project that aims at quantifying the environmental benefits and the technico-economic feasibility of storing CO 2 issued from a bio-ethanol distillery into a deep saline aquifer in the Paris Basin, France. This communication focuses on the geological investigations that ultimately lead to defining an optimal location for an injection site in Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) project. This paper presents a new approach for the pre-site characterization going from seismic and well data analyses to storage design. First, the general context of the area has been set follow by seismic interpretation. Those investigations leads to a geological surfaces modeling taking into account the basin border location of the project. The next step is the properties modeling made using sequence stratigraphy surfaces and Petrel software. This work will conduct to choose the optimal injection location regarding this geological investigation and the environmental constrains.
Geological storage of CO2: Site appraisal and modelling
Abstract The assessment of CO 2 storage sites is similar in many ways to reservoir characterisation in the oil industry: An integrated team of geoscientists and engineers is required to collect and analyse data, generate models and perform flow simulations in order to make predictions. The main difference, in the case of storage in saline aquifers, is that there is usually less geological and petrophysical data available. It is therefore useful to know if storage assessments will be adversely affected by this lack of data.
Environmental Geology, 2008
Careful site characterization is critical for successful geologic storage of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) because of the many physical and chemical processes impacting CO 2 movement and containment under field conditions. Traditional site characterization techniques such as geological mapping, geophysical imaging, well logging, core analyses, and hydraulic well testing provide the basis for judging whether or not a site is suitable for CO 2 storage. However, only through the injection and monitoring of CO 2 itself can the coupling between buoyancy flow, geologic heterogeneity, and history-dependent multi-phase flow effects be observed and quantified. CO 2 injection and monitoring can therefore provide a valuable addition to the site-characterization process. Additionally, careful monitoring and verification of CO 2 plume development during the early stages of commercial operation should be performed to assess storage potential and demonstrate permanence. The Frio brine pilot, a research project located in Dayton, Texas (USA) is used as a case study to illustrate the concept of an iterative sequence in which traditional site characterization is used to prepare for CO 2 injection and then CO 2 injection itself is used to further site-characterization efforts, constrain geologic storage potential, and validate understanding of geochemical and hydrological processes. At the Frio brine pilot, in addition to traditional site-characterization techniques, CO 2 movement in the subsurface is monitored by sampling fluid at an observation well, running CO 2 -saturation-sensitive well logs periodically in both injection and observation wells, imaging with crosswell seismic in the plane between the injection and observation wells, and obtaining vertical seismic profiles to monitor the CO 2 plume as it migrates beyond the immediate vicinity of the wells. Numerical modeling plays a central role in integrating geological, geophysical, and hydrological field observations.
Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles, 2017
This article presents the preliminary results of a study carried out as part of a demonstration project of CO 2 storage in the Paris Basin. This project funded by ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency) and several industrial partners (TOTAL, ENGIE, EDF, Lafarge, Air Liquide, Vallourec) aimed to study the possibility to set up an experimental infrastructure of CO 2 transport and storage. Regarding the storage, the objectives were: (1) to characterize the selected site by optimizing the number of wells in a CO 2 injection case of 200 Mt over 50 years in the Trias, (2) to simulate over time the CO 2 migration and the induced pressure field, and (3) to analyze the geochemical behavior of the rock over the long term (1,000 years). The preliminary site characterization study revealed that only the southern area of Keuper succeeds to satisfy this injection criterion using only four injectors. However, a complementary study based on a refined fluid flow model with additional secondary faults concluded that this zone presents the highest potential of CO 2 injection but without reaching the objective of 200 Mt with a reasonable number of wells. The simulation of the base scenario, carried out before the model refinement, showed that the overpressure above 0.1 MPa covers an area of 51,869 km 2 in the Chaunoy formation, 1,000 years after the end of the injection, which corresponds to the whole West Paris Basin, whereas the CO 2 plume extension remains small (524 km 2). This overpressure causes brine flows at the domain boundaries and a local overpressure in the studied oil fields. Regarding the preliminary risk analysis of this project, the geochemical effects induced by the CO 2 injection were studied by simulating the fluid-rock interactions with a coupled geochemical and fluid flow model in a domain limited to the storage complex. A one-way coupling of two models based on two domains fitting into each other was developed using dynamic boundary conditions. This approach succeeded to improve the simulation results of the pressure field and the CO 2 plume as well as the geochemical behavior of the rock. These ones showed that the CO 2 plume tends to stabilize thanks to the carbonation in calcite and dawsonite and no significant porosity change appears over 1,050 years. The CO 2 mass balance per trapping type gives a CO 2 carbonation rate of about 78% at 1,050 years that seemed to be excessive compared to the simulation study of other storage sites. Thus, an additional work dealing with both the kinetic data base and the textural models would be necessary in order to reduce the uncertainty of the injected CO 2 mineralization.
Qualification of a CO2 Storage Site Using an Integrated Reservoir Study
Energy Procedia, 2014
In recent years, global concerns about greenhouse gas emissions have stimulated considerable interest in CO 2 storage as a potential "bridging technology", which could reduce significantly CO 2 emissions, while allowing fossil fuels to be used until alternative energy sources are more widely deployed. Flow modeling is a relevant step in the characterization of a CO 2 storage site, to provide quantitative predictions of reservoir behavior and assessing the uncertainty [1]. The scope of this work is to analyze the impact of CO 2 injection in Pliocene offshore water-bearing sands potentially suitable for CO 2 storage, through the implementation of an integrated reservoir study. The approach undertaken was first to build several geological models (local and regional), stochastically populate them with petrophysical properties and, through the gathering and generation of representative dynamic data, develop a dynamic model to simulate a set of possible CO 2 injection scenarios. Furthermore a base case scenario was identified to perform a comparison between two different simulators: COORES TM , a code designed by IFPEN, and ECLIPSE300-CO2STORE TM , the Schlumberger compositional tool designed specifically for CO 2 storage in saline aquifers.
Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue de l’Institut Français du Pétrole, 2010
Injectivité du CO 2 dans les stockages géologiques : programme et principaux résultats du projet ANR GéoCarbone-Injectivité -L'objectif du projet GéoCarbone-Injectivité était de définir une méthodologie pour étudier les phénomènes complexes intervenant aux abords des puits lors de l'injection de CO 2 . La méthodologie proposée s'appuie sur des expérimentations interprétées numériquement à l'échelle de la carotte afin de comprendre (modélisation physique et lois de comportement) et de quantifier (paramétrisation des outils de simulation) les différents mécanismes susceptibles de modifier l'injectivité : les interactions roche/fluide, les mécanismes de transport aux abords du puits d'injection et les effets géomécaniques. Ces mécanismes et les paramètres associés devront ensuite être intégrés dans une modélisation à l'échelle métrique à décamétrique des abords du puits d'injection. Cette approche a été appliquée pour l'étude d'une injection potentielle de CO 2 dans la formation géologique du Dogger du Bassin Parisien, en relation avec les projets ANR GéoCarbone.
Borehole seismic monitoring of CO2 storage within a saline aquifer at Ketzin, Germany
Proceedings, 2011
This thesis is about borehole seismic monitoring of CO 2 storage within a saline aquifer at Ketzin, Germany. CO 2 storage is part of the process 'Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS)'. As a greenhouse gas, CO 2 contributes to the global warming, therefore efforts are made to slow down the increase of CO 2 concentration in the atmosphere. CCS is considered because "fossil fuels are the dominant form of energy utilised in the world (86 %) and account for 75 % of current anthropogenic CO 2 emissions" (IPCC (2005)). Deep saline aquifer storage is "the most promising and relevant CO 2 sequestration option for Europe" (Juhlin et al. (2007)). Saline aquifers are broadly distributed "and their storage capacity exceeds that of depleted oil and gas fields" (Juhlin et al. (2007)). "Techniques developed for the exploration of oil and gas reservoirs, natural gas storage sites and liquid waste disposal sites are suitable for characterising and monitoring geological storage sites for CO 2 " (IPCC (2005)). Although these methods include many of the tools "needed to predict both short-term and long-term performance of CO 2 storage, more experience is needed to establish confidence in their effectiveness in predicting long-term performance when adapted for CO 2 storage" (IPCC (2005)). Operated by the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), the in situ laboratory for saline aquifer CO 2 storage near the town Ketzin (35 km west of Berlin) is the first European onshore storage pilot facility. It advances "the understanding of the science and practical processes involved in underground storage" (Förster et al. (2006)). Within 5 years of operation, between June 2008 and April 2013, 65 kt of supercritical, food-grade CO 2 have been injected. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass bohrlochseismische Methoden die Ausbreitung von CO 2 im Reservoir abbilden können und einen Beitrag zur Quantifizierung geometrischer und petrophysikalischer Parameter der CO 2-Fahne leisten. Im Rahmen der Überwachung einer CO 2 Speicherung, sollten bohrlochseismische Methoden neben einer Oberflächenseismik zum Einsatz kommen, falls detailliertere Informationen über die Struktur in der näheren Umgebung einer Bohrung benötigt werden. Bohrlochseismische Überwachung kann zusätzlich zur Beobachtung von Schichten über dem Reservoir, der Detektion von Leckagepfaden oder zur Überprüfung der Bohrlochintegrität eingesetzt werden. v vi 113
Influence of Injection Well Location on CO2 Geological Storage Efficiency
Energies, 2021
An analysis of the influence of injection well location on CO2 storage efficiency was carried out for three well-known geological structures (traps) in deep aquifers of the Lower Jurassic Polish Lowlands. Geological models of the structures were used to simulate CO2 injection at fifty different injection well locations. A computer simulation showed that the dynamic CO2 storage capacity varies depending on the injection well location. It was found that the CO2 storage efficiency for structures with good reservoir properties increases with increasing distance of the injection well from the top of the structure and with increasing depth difference to the top of the structure. The opposite is true for a structure with poor reservoir properties. As the quality of the petrophysical reservoir parameters (porosity and permeability) improves, the location of the injection well becomes more important when assessing the CO2 storage efficiency. Maps of dynamic CO2 storage capacity and CO2 stora...