Connectivity in secure wireless sensor networks under transmission constraints (original) (raw)

On secure and reliable communications in wireless sensor networks: Towards k-connectivity under a random pairwise key predistribution scheme

2014 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2014

To be considered for an IEEE Jack Keil Wolf ISIT Student Paper Award. We study the secure and reliable connectivity of wireless sensor networks. Security is assumed to be ensured by the random pairwise key predistribution scheme of Chan, Perrig, and Song, and unreliable wireless links are represented by independent on/off channels. Modeling the network by an intersection of a random K-out graph and an Erdős-Rényi graph, we present scaling conditions (on the number of nodes, the scheme parameter K, and the probability of a wireless channel being on) such that the resulting graph contains no nodes with degree less than k with high probability, when the number of nodes gets large. Results are given in the form of zero-one laws and are shown to improve the previous results by Yagan and Makowski on the absence of isolated nodes (i.e., absence of nodes with degree zero). Via simulations, the established zero-one laws are shown to hold also for the property of k-connectivity; i.e., the property that graph remains connected despite the deletion of any k − 1 nodes or edges.

Designing secure and reliable wireless sensor networks under a pairwise key predistribution scheme

2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2015

We investigate k-connectivity in secure wireless sensor networks under the random pairwise key predistribution scheme with unreliable links; a network is said to be k-connected if it remains connected despite the failure of any of its (k−1) nodes or links. With wireless communication links modeled as independent on-off channels, this amounts to analyzing a random graph model formed by intersecting a random K-out graph and an Erdős-Rényi graph. We present conditions on how to scale the parameters of this intersection model so that the resulting graph is k-connected with probability approaching to one (resp. zero) as the number of nodes gets large. The resulting zero-one law is shown to improve and sharpen the previous result on the 1-connectivity of the same model. We also provide numerical results to support our analysis and show that even in the finite node regime, our results can provide useful guidelines for designing sensor networks that are secure and reliable.

Secure k-Connectivity Properties of Wireless Sensor Networks


A k-connected wireless sensor network (WSN) allows messages to be routed via one (or more) of at least k nodedisjoint paths, so that even if some nodes along one of the paths fail, or are compromised, the other paths can still be used. This is a much desired feature in fault tolerance and security. k-connectivity in this context is largely a well-studied subject. When we apply the random key predistribution scheme to secure a WSN however, and only consider the paths consisting entirely of secure (encrypted and/or authenticated) links, we are concerned with the secure k-connectivity of the WSN. This notion of secure kconnectivity is relatively new and no results are yet available. The random key pre-distribution scheme has two important parameters: the key ring size and the key pool size. While it has been determined before the relation between these parameters and 1-connectivity, our work in kconnectivity is new. Using a recently introduced random graph model called kryptograph, we derive mathematical formulae to estimate the asymptotic probability of a WSN being securely k-connected, and the expected secure kconnectivity, as a function of the key ring size and the key pool size. Finally, our theoretical findings are supported by simulation results.

Connected Component in Secure Sensor NetworkInduced by a Random Key Pre-Distribution Scheme

International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, 2011

Wireless sensor network (WSN) has a wide range of applications in various areas. Many time the environment in which these sensor were deployed are hostile in nature and sensors have continuous attacks from the adversary, in such environmental conditions we need a secure communication between the sensors. For secure communication, neighbors must posses a secret common key or there must exists a key-path among these nodes. In this paper, the object of study is a random graph induced by the random key pre-distribution scheme of Eschenauer and Gligor under the assumption of full visibility. Here we establish the threshold value of the parameters (Key pool size and key-ring of an individual node) for which the entire network is almost surely a single connected component. We prove that for a network having N nodes, is a single connected component almost surely, if size of the key-ring is m = √ 2 log N and the size of key pool is K = N log N.

On the Connectivity of Key-Distribution Strategies in Wireless Sensor Networks

GLOBECOM 2009 - 2009 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2009

Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are usually missioned to gather critical information in hostile and adversarial environments, which make them susceptible to compromise and revelation. Therefore, establishing secure communication in such networks is of great importance necessitating utilization of efficient key distribution schemes. In order to address such methods, several works using probabilistic, deterministic and hybrid approaches have been introduced in past few years. In this paper, we study the connectivity of key-distribution mechanisms in secured topologies of wireless sensor networks. We explore the effect of the radio range on the connectivity of the network and provide a lower bound on the radio range under which the cover time of the underlying topology decreases significantly. We also deduce that any broadcasting algorithm in such a network is performing only by a factor O(n β), where β ∈ (0, 1), worse than broadcasting algorithms in unsecured topologies. Our numerical results and simulation experiments validates the correctness and efficiency of our analysis.

Designing Securely Connected Wireless Sensor Networks in the Presence of Unreliable Links

2011 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2011

We investigate the secure connectivity of wireless sensor networks under the pairwise key distribution scheme of Chan et al.. Unlike recent work which was carried out under the assumption of full visibility, here we assume a (simplified) communication model where unreliable wireless links are represented as on/off channels. We present conditions on how to scale the model parameters so that the network i) has no isolated secure node and ii) is securely connected, both with high probability when the number of sensor nodes becomes large. The results are given in the form of zero-one laws, and exhibit significant differences with corresponding results in the full visibility case.

Secure Deployment with Optimal Connectivity in Wireless Sensor Networks

International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications, 2016

In the hostile areas, deployment of the sensor nodes in wireless sensor networks is one of the basic issue to be addressed. The node deployment method has great impact on the performance metrics like connectivity, security and resilience. In this paper, a technique based on strong keying mechanism is proposed which will enhance the security of a non-homogeneous network using the random deployment of the nodes. For this, the q-composite key pre-distribution technique is presented with new flavor that will enhance the network size as well as the security level in comparison to the existing techniques. The technique ensures the k-connectivity among the nodes with a redundant method to provide backup for failed nodes. In the simulation section, the performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated using NS-2 based upon the real model MICAz. A discussion based on various obtained results is also given in the paper.

Secure Key Generation in Sensor Networks Based on Frequency-selective Channels

IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2013

Key management in wireless sensor networks faces several unique challenges. The scale, resource limitations, and new threats such as node capture suggest the use of in-network key generation. However, the cost of such schemes is often high because their security is based on computational complexity. Recently, several research contributions justified experimentally that the wireless channel itself can be used to generate information-theoretic secure keys. By exchanging sampling messages during device movement, a bit string is derived known only to the two involved entities. Yet, movement is not the only option to generate randomness: the channel response strongly depends on the signal frequency as well. In this work, we introduce a key generation protocol based on the frequency-selectivity of multipath fading channels. The practical advantage of this approach is that it does not require device movement during key establishment. Thus the frequent case of a sensor network with static nodes is supported. We show the protocol’s applicability by implementing it on MICAz motes, and evaluating its robustness and security through experiments and analysis. The error correction property of the protocol mitigates the effects of measurement errors and temporal effects, giving rise to an agreement rate of over 97%.

CEGON TECHNOLOGIES CEGON TECHNOLOGIES ( We Rise By Lifting Others) Modeling the Pairwise Key Predistribution Scheme in the Presence of Unreliable Links

cegon technologies, 2019

We investigate the secure connectivity of wireless sensor networks under the random pairwise key predistribution scheme of Chan, Perrig, and Song. Unlike recent work carried out under the assumption of full visibility, here we assume a (simplified) communication model where unreliable wireless links are represented as independent on/off channels.We present conditions on how to scale the model parameters so that the network 1) has no secure node that is isolated and 2) is securely connected, both with high probability, when the number of sensor nodes becomes large. The results are given in the form of zero-one laws, and exhibit significant differences with corresponding results in the full-visibility case. Through simulations, these zero-one laws are shown to also hold under a more realistic communication model, namely the disk model. EXISTING SYSTEM: Many security schemes developed for general network environments do not take into account the unique features of WSNs: Public key cryptography is not feasible computationally because of the severe limitations imposed on the physical memory and power consumption of the individual sensors. Traditional key exchange and distribution protocols are based on trusting third parties, and this makes them inadequate for large-scale WSNs whose topologies are unknown prior to deployment. Random key predistribution schemes were introduced to address some of these difficulties. The idea of randomly assigning secure keys to sensor nodes prior to network deployment was first introduced by Eschenauer and Gligor. The approach we use here considers

Developing Network Security Protocol using Key Pre-Distribution for Wireless Sensor Network

In this paper, we design a protocol for secure end-to-end communication for a randomly deployed wireless sensor network by using key pre-distribution. The main theme of the method is to allocate different keys to the sensors to improve the resilience of the sensors to links. We have mathematically analyzed the end-to-end secure communication protocol as well as the protocol optimization. In the proposed protocol, high resilience links are preferred to those with low resilience links during the process of routing data from the sending node to a receiving node.