[Multiple splenic abscesses] (original) (raw)
Related papers
Splenic cyst abscess: report of a cese
Anales de la Facultad de Medicina, 2013
Los autores reportan un raro caso de un absceso esplénico crónico, en un paciente varón de 52 años de edad; a quien dos años antes de su ingreso al hospital se le diagnosticó en forma casual –diagnóstico por imágenes- un quiste esplénico con paredes calcificadas, estando previamente asintomático. Al momento de su ingreso se presentó con una historia de 12 meses de dolor leve en cuadrante superior izquierdo del abdomen como única manifestación positiva. Luego de una intervención quirúrgica, el diagnóstico correspondió a un absceso esplénico crónico o seudoquiste esplénico por los hallazgos anatomopatológicos. Se describe las características del caso y se revisa la literatura.
INDICE 1.-INTRODUCCIÓN 2.-CUADRO CLINICO 3.-OBJETIVOS 4.-FUENTES, MATERIAL Y METODO 5.-RESULTADOS 6.-DISCUSIÓN / CONCLUSIONES 7.-BIBLIOGRAFÍA 4 1.-INTRODUCCIÓN "La esclerosis múltiple es lo que un buen clínico llamaría esclerosis múltiple" J. Kurtzke (1)
[Splenic abscess secondary to massive bee bite in immunocompetent host. A case report]
Cirugía y cirujanos
Spleen abscesses are considered as an infrequent infectious disease. An increase in its presentation has been seen due to certain pathologies or clinical conditions associated with immune suppression, endocarditis being one of the most frequent causes. Gram-positive aerobes are the main causal agents with non-specific clinical manifestations. CT scan and ultrasound are the elective choices for diagnosis and imaging support for punction and drainage. To describe the case of a patients with splenic abscess and its possible association with massive bee bite. A 51-year-old man, with no important medical history, suffered a massive bee bite and developed anaphylactic shock. He was managed at the emergency room where 116 bee stings were removed from the patient. He was discharged after 3 days. Eight days later he complained of abdominal pain localized in the left upper quadrant, persisting for 3 weeks. Abdominal pain increased and was accompanied by malaise, vomiting, fever, signs of peri...
[Splenic hydatidosis. Results of a series of consecutive cases undergoing surgery]
Revista chilena de infectologia : organo oficial de la Sociedad Chilena de Infectologia, 2021
BACKGROUND Splenic echinococcosis (SE) is usually an asymptomatic disease whose diagnosis is made incidentally. AIM To determine postoperative morbidity (POM) and recurrence in patients who underwent surgery for SE. METHODS Case series with follow-up, of patients with SE operated on, consecutively, between 2000 and 2018. The outcome variables were POM and recurrence. Other variables of interest were diameter and location of the cyst, type of surgery, surgical time, hospital stay, and mortality. The patients were followed up clinically and with images for a minimum of 18 months. Descriptive statistics were used, with measures of central tendency and dispersion. RESULTS Twenty-six patients (53.8% men), with a median age of 41.5 years, underwent surgery in this period. The medians of cysts diameter, surgical time and hospital stay were 14.5 cm, 65 min, and 4.5 days respectively. POM was 11.5% (3 cases). There was no mortality. With a median follow-up of 94 months, a recurrence of 3.8% ...
Nevos de Spitz múltiples agminados hemifaciales
Resumen.-Un varón de 50 años, agricultor, consultó por la aparición en el dedo pulgar de la mano derecha de una lesión inflamatoria no ulcerada que recordaba un ántrax, cuya biopsia inicial fue inespecífica, mientras que la segunda fue diagnóstica de carcinoma espinocelular invasivo e infiltrante. Queremos destacar la existencia de formas clínicamente atípicas del carcinoma espinocelular y la necesidad de un diagnóstico y tratamiento precoces. (Actas Dermosifiliogr 2001;92:39-40). Palabras clave: Carcinoma espinocelular invasivo. Presentación atípica. Cirugía radical. Correspondencia: MIGUEL ÁNGEL MUÑOZ PÉREZ. Departamento de Dermatología. Hospital Virgen Macarena. Avda. Doctor Fedriani, s/n. 41009 Sevilla. Aceptado el 28 de noviembre de 2000. FIG.1.-Placa inflamatoria, sobreelevada, con escamocostra en dedo pulgar de mano derecha.
[Brodie's abscess, a pathology difficult to diagnose]
Revista chilena de pediatria, 2020
INTRODUCTION Acute osteoarticular infections in children are rare pathologies, therefore early diagnosis and prompt treatment are crucial to avoid acute and long-term complications. Brodie's abscess (BA) is an un common type of subacute osteomyelitis, difficult to diagnose, so clinical suspicion is essential. Ob jective: To describe a case of Brodie's abscess and its etiological and clinical features. CLINICAL CASE A 14-year-old patient was seen at our clinic, who reported a one-month pain in the right thigh, with no history of fever or trauma. Physical examination revealed no volume increase, painful right hip range of motion, and increased sensitivity on superficial palpation of the right iliotibial band. X-rays where normal. Because of the pain persistence, an ultrasound was requested which showed a cortical irregularity. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed and revealed a right femoral diaphysis, due to a possible bone tumor or an infectious process. Lab tests ...
[Post-surgery cerebral abscess due to Propionibacterium acnes]
Medicina, 2009
Brain abscesses by Propioni-bacterium acnes are rare. The rapid identification of this pathogen is important in order to choice the appropriate antibiotic therapy. We describe the case of a patient with excision of a multiform glioblastoma who 9 months later presented a tumor recurrence. A subtotal tumor excision was made and implants chemotherapy were placed in the residual tumor. After one month of surgery the patient presented a brain abscess. A craniotomy for drainage was performed. P. acnes was isolated from the biopsy and from purulent material. Identification was made by conventional biochemical tests and by the API system 20 A. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) to clindamycin, penicillin, amoxicillin and metronidazole was determined. The values of MIC (microg/ml) obtained were: 0.250, 0.040, 0.023 and 256, respectively. The patient received cefepime and metronidazole intravenously during 30 days and completed treatment with oral clindamycin for 60 days, considering ...
[Hepatic abscess: series of 107 cases and literature review]
Revista chilena de infectologia: organo oficial de la Sociedad Chilena de Infectologia
Liver abscess is a rare disease with high morbidity and mortality. Description of liver abscess cases attended in the Universidad de Chile Clinical Hospital between 2000 and 2007 and review of the literature on the topic. For 107 cases reviewed, mean age was 59 years. Most common symptoms were fever and abdominal pain with an average duration of 19 days. COMORBIDITY: twenty five percent of patients had Diabetes Mellitus type 2, seven percent were immunosuppressed patients and 24% had undergone invasive procedures. Not achieved identify the origin in most cases. The most requested image test was abdominal CT. In 49/75 (65.3%) the abscess culture allowed to establish the etiology. Bacteremia was present in 17/68 (25%) of cases. Most cases were treated with two or more antibiotics and percutaneous drainage. Clinical manifestations and resolution of liver abscess in this series are consistent with those described in the literature.